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GIS: Mapping and Analysis Dr. Silvia E.


Project 4: “Valli_Mocenighe_digitizing”
Digitazing new features

Learning Objectives:

 To be able to create a new data structure and digitizing new features. In particular, the goal for the project
is to digitize the wetlands and the geohistorical landmarks in a small area of the Southern Venetian Plain
from a part of the historical map of Orazio Morelli dated back 1882. This map shows different types of
wetlands: paludi e canneti (swamps), prati irrigui o naturali e pascoli (irrigated meadow) and risaie
(rice field).
 To be able to use field calculator to calculate the areas of the wetlands and finally run basic statistics and
statistics by categories (see also the previous project).

1. Creation of a new geopackage containing two layers

1. To be able to create a new geopackage, edit features and populate the attribute table. The
geopackage should contain two vector layers:
 wetlands: containing the different types of wetlands (in red) shown in the 1882 map.

 landmarks: containing the main geohistorical landmarks (see them in the figure below):

1. Ponte della Grompa (bridge)

2. Macchina Idrovora e Sostegno Vampadore (pumping station)
3. Molini (mill)
4. Ponte della Colonna (bridge)
5. Ponte e Botte a Tre Canne (water underpass)
6. Botte di Vighizzolo (water underpass)
7. Adige palaeomeander in Piacenza
8. Passo di Balduina (ferry)
9. Passo di Barbuglio (ferry)

GIS: Mapping and Analysis Dr. Silvia E. Piovan



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1) Start a new project and save it as “valli_mocenighe”.
2) Set the CRS as 3003 Monte Mario Italy 1.
3) Add valli_mocenighe_modified (already georeferenced).
4) Add OpenStreetMap at the layers panel.
5) Check if the project CRS is 3003 Monte Mario Italy 1.

6) Create a new geopackage named “mocenighe”: Layer, Add Layer, New geopackage layer
with a layer named “wetlands” (polygon) and set the parameters as in the figure below (adding
also a field named “type”). Click on Add to Field list.
7) Add a new layer to the geopackage “mocenighe”: Layer, Add Layer, New geopackage layer
with a layer named “landmarks” (points) and set the parameters as in the figure below (adding
also a field named “name”). Click on Add to Field list.

GIS: Mapping and Analysis Dr. Silvia E. Piovan

2. Digitizing new features.

1. To be able to digitize new features (polygons and points) and edit them.
2. Populate the attribute table for the two layers (wetlands and landmarks).

1) Select the layer in the Layers list and start the editing process clicking on Toggle editing.

2) Start to digitize the wetland polygons clicking on Add Polygon Feature button (Edit toolbar) and
edit the vertex of the polygons.

GIS: Mapping and Analysis Dr. Silvia E. Piovan

3) To add vertices use the left click of the mouse and for the last vertex, use the right click.
4) After that, you can add the field content (eg. type, according to the legend of the historical map
for the wetlands).

5) To move a vertex, click on Vertex tool and then left click on the vertex you want to move and
move it and click again the left button of the mouse.
6) To delete a vertex, use the Vertex tool and use the Vertex editor table (and select the vertex that
you want to delete, enlighted in blue in Map canvas.

7) When you have finished digitizing the wetland polygons, click again on Toggle editing to stop
and save the edits.
8) Start the editing process selecting the landmarks layer and clicking on Toggle editing.
9) Start to digitize the landmark points clicking on Add Point Feature button (Edit toolbar) and edit
the points.
10) When finished, save the edits (turn Toggle editing off).
11) Add a new field to the wetland layer, opening the attribute table and clicking on the abacus
button (Open field calculator).

GIS: Mapping and Analysis Dr. Silvia E. Piovan

12) Set the parameters as in the figure below.

3. Create a layout.

1. Create a layout showing, in two different maps, the diachronical comparison between the
1882 wetlands that you have been digitized and the situation nowadays.

1) Set the symbology and create a first map showing the different types of the historic wetlands and
2) Create a second map showing the Open Street Map
3) Add the other cartographic elements.

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