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First, we need to understand what education is?

Education is the process of facilitating learning or acquiring

knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits.

But education these days is getting confined to a mere degree, now that is bad. We, as a society, need to
reimagine our definition of education. The human mind is not programmed to store bundles of information.
Instead, its function is to observe, analyze, and think critically.

More than 61 million jobs have been lost since 2008, resulting in more than 200 million people unemployed
globally. The youth unemployment rate is three times more than the rest of the population. There is a huge
gap between current and expected skills. So, what should Educators and employers do? They must work
together to address the education skills and employment challenge so that individuals, businesses, and
economies stay competitive. 20th-century education must be redesigned to meet the real time needs. We
need to develop skills like critical thinking, problem-solving creativity , through lifelong learning, upskilling
and reskilling programs.

Now, this was all about skills, but there is one more side to education, the value education. Very often, we
see that educated people commit crimes in their everyday lives. Does the formal education system help our
students become good citizens? When most people think about a curriculum, they think about science,
math, social studies, and language courses. But hardly we hear or read about moral values being part of
educational curricula in the modern-day.

The goal of incorporating moral values is to ensure that, upon graduation, students have not only the skills
and knowledge needed to work and succeed, but also the emotional and compassionate behavior to be a
part of a peaceful, safe, and cooperative society. So what we need is a holistic approach to education and
address the critical issues on obsolete syllabus and conventional pedagogy.

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