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Febmiyana Ermisam Putri (2011313012)

Nuzul Husna Ramadhan (2011313009)

Situation : at the Ward Room

In the Rayon Hospital there is a 45 year old patient named Mrs. Nisa. Mrs. Nisa has been treated
in the Mawar Room No.004 for 3 days. In the morning the nurse is on duty to give medicine to
Mrs. Nisa's patient. Before the nurse meets the patient, he first goes to the head of the ward.

Nurse: Good morning ma'am?

Ward head: good morning, please sit down. What's up, Nurse?

Nurse: Like this ma'am, that Mrs. Nisa's patient who was treated in the rose room number 004
this morning was scheduled to take medicine. I will help him take medicine. How about ma'am,
am I allowed?

Ward head: Did you see the medical records?

Nurse: yes, the identity of the patient with the first level of dependence on total care is the
ma’am nisa

Head of the ward: how was the report nurse?

Nurse: patients with post-laparotomy medical diagnosis require full nursing, patients also feel
weak and dizzy

Ward head: oh yes nurse, were there any nursing problems found in the patient of mrs.nisa?

Nurse: So far there is no ma'am

Ward head: OK, have you previously given the implementation to the patient?
Nurse: Yes, ma'am, the implementation that has been done is giving medicine by injection

Ward head : OK, nurse, with the explanation given by the nurse and also the doctor through the
patient's medical record, then now the next intervention is to do distraction relaxation, yes nurse.

Nurse: Oke ma'am, I will do it according to the dosage from the doctor

Ward head: Oke, then do it according to the existing procedure, yes.

Nurse: Oke ma'am, thank you. Then I'll excuse me.

Ward head: yes, please.

The nurse immediately went to the patient's room on behalf of the ma'am nisa to give medicine.

After a few minutes, the nurse had finished giving the medicine, and she returned to her room.
After arriving at her room ..

Ward head : Nurse are the patient data in this ward room, please study it because we will
check it in the patient room this afternoon, if anyone doesn't understand, please ask me ...

Nurse: oke ma'am, I will study it first

After 2 hours of studying patient data, a patient's family arrived and informed him that his
mother's infusion had run out.

Patient's family: Excuse me, sorry. I'm from the rose room 002 to tell you that my mother's
infusion has run out.

Nurse: Oohh, okay, I'll be there soon

The nurse immediately informed the head of the ward regarding this matter

Nurse: Sorry ma'am, I want to inform you that the patient in room 002 has the infusion gone, can
I replace it ma'am?

Ward head: Yes, please. But because it's noon and it's time to check on the patient, we'll just
check everything
Sister: Ooh yes ma'am, let's check the patient's condition immediately.

the nurse and the head of the ward immediately went to check on the patient

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