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11/1/21, 2:51 PM Summary test 2. Diseases of respiratory tract in children.

Summary test 2. Diseases of respiratory tract in

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A child of 4 months with right-sided lobar pneumonia of Staphylococcal 1/1

etiology presents worsening of his condition: increased flabbiness, febrile
temperature, refuses from food, skin is pale with sallow complexion, dyspnea
with participation of additional muscles, moaning respiration. At percussion –
dullness at the right lower scapular angle and in axillary region, moist rales at
the same place. At X-ray – in the lower lobe of right lung there is cavity (d=1,5
cm) with horizontal level of fluid. What complication developed in a child? *

Right-sided pneumothorax

Bulla in the lower lobe of right lung

Right-sided pyopneumothorax

Right-sided pleuritis

Abscess of the lower lobe of right lung… 1/14
11/1/21, 2:51 PM Summary test 2. Diseases of respiratory tract in children.

A 6 years old boy is brought to the emergency room with a 3-hours history of 1/1
fever to 39.50 C and sore throat. The child appears alert but anxious and toxic.
He has mild inspiratory stridor and is drooling. The most likely diagnosis is *

Acute viruses nasopharyngitis




Foreign body in the esophagus

More often the etiology of community acquired pneumonia in children from 6 1/1
months to 6 years is: *





E. coli… 2/14
11/1/21, 2:51 PM Summary test 2. Diseases of respiratory tract in children.

All of the following can be cause of bronchial obstruction, except: * 1/1

Contraction of bronchial muscles

Hypersecretion of mucus

Edema of mucous membrane

Contraction from without

Edema of larynx

To bronchopneumonia are not typical such laboratory changes: * 1/1




elevated ESR

anemia… 3/14
11/1/21, 2:51 PM Summary test 2. Diseases of respiratory tract in children.

A child of 2 months old with pyodermia in inguinal folders, increase of t° up to 1/1

39,4°С, moist cough, refuse from food, dyspnea, acrocyanosis, dullness on
percussion at the right side, at auscultation on the background of diminished
breathing above dullness - small bubbling rales. Blood test: HB – 92 g/L, RBC -
3,0*1012/L, WBC - 21*109/L, stab neutr. - 6%, segm. neutr. - 50%, eos - 5%,
lymph. - 37%, mon - 6%, ESR – 28 mm/h. Right-sided focal pneumonia was
diagnosed. What etiological factor is mostly probable? *






The child of 11years old, has an increase of body temperature to 38 °С, cough 1/1
with purulent sputum, weakness, dyspnea, pain in a thorax during breathing.
During percussion there is shortening of sound in the lower part of left lung,
during auscultation – moist rales. What method of investigation is the decisive
one to confirm diagnosis? *


X-ray examination

Bacteriological analysis of sputum


Bronchography… 4/14
11/1/21, 2:51 PM Summary test 2. Diseases of respiratory tract in children.

A 5-year-old child has been diagnosed with acute right focal pneumonia. 1/1
Sputum inoculation revealed that the causative agent is resistant to penicillin,
but it is senstive to macrolides. What drug should be prescribed? *






A child is in-patient. Diagnosis is pneumonia the right- sided pneumonia. 1/1

Unexpectedly he develped acute chest pain on the right, dyspnea, cyanosis.
The right side of chest lags behind in the respiratory act. Percussion reveals
dullness in the lower parts on the right, bandbox resonance in the upper parts.
Borders of the relative cardiac dullness are shifted to the left. What
complication has most likely developed? *

Pleural empyema

Right-sided pyopneumothorax

Spontaneous pneumothorax

Exudative pleuritis

Right- sided abscess… 5/14
11/1/21, 2:51 PM Summary test 2. Diseases of respiratory tract in children.

Atypical Chlamidial pneumonia was diagnosed in a child of 8 months. What is 1/1

optimal antibacterial therapy? *


Cefalosporines of II generation



Macrolides of II generation

Вариант 1

A 10 years old has had a “cold” for 14 days. In the 2 days prior to the visit, she 1/1
has developed a fever to 390 C, purulent nasal discharge, facial pain, and a
cough. Examination of the nose after topical decongestants shows pus in the
middle meatus. The most likely diagnosis is: *

Brain abscess

Maxillary sinusitis

Streptococcal throat infection

Sphenoid sinusitis

Middle-ear infection… 6/14
11/1/21, 2:51 PM Summary test 2. Diseases of respiratory tract in children.

A 4 month old girl is suffering for acute respiratory disease for 5 days. Her 1/1
state has become worse – she is flabby, refuses from meal, dyspnea and fever
are appeared, cough is intensifying. What examination should be prescribed
for differential diagnosis between vires and bacterial infections? *

Sputum culture

Urine test

Blood culture

Blood test

X-ray examination.

Student's Name and NUMBER of an academic

group *

maryam faraji… 7/14
11/1/21, 2:51 PM Summary test 2. Diseases of respiratory tract in children.

The 10 years old boy has complains on headache, weakness, fever 40,00C, 1/1
vomiting, expressed dyspnea, pale skin with flush on right cheek, lag of right
hemithorax respiratory movement, dullness on percussion over low lobe of
right lung, weakness of vesicular respiration in this zone. The abdomen is
painless and soft at palpation. Which disease lead to these symptoms and
signs? *




Mycoplasma pneumonia

Pneumonia croupousa

A 8 months old infant presents with a rhinitis, cough, irritability, breathlessness, 1/1
wheezing. T – 37,6º. Physical examination reveals a pallor, peripheral
cyanosis, expiratory dyspnea (52 resp/min) with participation of accessory
muscles, tympanic resonance, expiratory phase is prolonged, widespread dry
rales, wheezing. X-ray examination – emphysema. The most appropriate
diagnosis is: *

Bronchial asthma


Acute bronchiolitis

Acute obstructive bronchitis

Acute bronchitis… 8/14
11/1/21, 2:51 PM Summary test 2. Diseases of respiratory tract in children.

A 3 years old has had a dry cough, rhinitis, low-grade fever for 3 days. Physical 1/1
examination reveals that condition of child is satisfactory. T – 37,2º, Ps –
108/min, Resp. Rate - 26-28/min. Auscultation – roughening of breath sounds,
coarse moist rales under both lungs. What diagnosis is probable? *

acute bronchitis




acute bronchiolitis

A child of 2,5 years has dry distressful cough, dyspnea of mixed character, RR 1/1
60/min, HR 110/min, t° 38,9°С, cyanosis of nasolabial triangle, at auscultation -
isolated high-pitched dry and crepitation rales on both sides, at percussion –
tympanic sound. At X-ray of the chest - reticular pattern with sponginess
design. What is morphological form of pneumonia? *





Croupous… 9/14
11/1/21, 2:51 PM Summary test 2. Diseases of respiratory tract in children.

A 2 years old previously well male is brought to you with fever (39.5º). His 1/1
history is unremarkable. Which of the following drugs is optimal for antipyretic
therapy? *

Augmentin 25-50 mg/kg

Aspirin 20-30 mg/kg

Indomethacin 2-3 mg/kg

Paracetamol 10-15 mg/kg

Diazepam 0,2-0,5 mg/kg


A 4 mo old infant presents with a cough, irritability, breathlessness, wheezing. 1/1

T – 38,2º. Physical examination reveals a pallor, peripheral cyanosis,
expiratory dyspnea (68 resp/min) with participation of accessory muscles,
widespread fine crackles, expiratory phase is prolonged. What investigation
should be prescribed for differentiation with pneumonia? *



Blood test


C-reactive protein… 10/14
11/1/21, 2:51 PM Summary test 2. Diseases of respiratory tract in children.

Which of the following is the most common cause of pneumonia in children 10- 1/1
15 years old? *

S. pneumoniae

Mycoplasma, Chlamydia




A girl of 3 years old during 2 days has fever to 38°С, rhinitis, dry superficial 1/1
cough, flabbiness, decrease of appetite. At palpation – no changes. At
percussion - resonant sound, at auscultation – vesicular respiration, no rales.
CBC – leucopenia, lymphocytosis, mild increased ESR. What is your
diagnosis? *

Acute obstructive bronchitis

Acute respiratory infection, nasopharingitis

Recurrent bronchitis, phase of exacerbation

Acute simple bronchitis

Acute bilateral focal pneumonia… 11/14
11/1/21, 2:51 PM Summary test 2. Diseases of respiratory tract in children.

The child of 4 years old is ill during 3 days. He has cough, temperature is 37,7 1/1
°С RR – 25/min. At percussion – clear pulmonary sound above lungs.
Auscultative data vary: dry rales, afterwards – bubbling moist rales. At X-ray of
the chest – symmetric enrichment of pulmonary pattern. Blood test: RBC –
4.5x12/l, Hb – 124 g/l, WBC – 4.2x109/l, eosinophils – 2%, stab neutrophils –
3%, segmented neutrophils – 40%, lymphocytes – 50%, monocytes – 5%, ESR
– 8 mm/h. What is your diagnosis? *


Acute simple bronchitis

Acute obstructive bronchitis

Acute bronchiolitis

Bronchial asthma

A 4 years old previously well male is brought to you with fever (37.9º) and 0/1
symptoms of acute nasopharyngitis. His history is unremarkable. Which of the
following drugs is optimal for administration? *

Paracetamol 10-15 mg/kg

Gentamycin 2-5mg/kg

Indomethacin 2-3 mg/kg


Aspirin 20-30 mg/kg… 12/14
11/1/21, 2:51 PM Summary test 2. Diseases of respiratory tract in children.

A 5 months old infant presents with a cough, irritability, breathlessness, 1/1

wheezing. T – 37,6º. Physical examination reveals a pallor, peripheral
cyanosis, expiratory dyspnea (68 resp/min) with participation of accessory
muscles, widespread fine crackles, expiratory phase is prolonged. The most
appropriate diagnosis is *


acute bronchitis


cystic fibrosis

acute bronchiolitis

Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment option for school-year- 1/1
old child, suffered from uncomplicated community acquired bacterial
pneumonia? *

Penicillin PO

Cefixime PO

Erythromycin PO

Cephalexin PO

Amoxicillin PO… 13/14
11/1/21, 2:51 PM Summary test 2. Diseases of respiratory tract in children.

A 3 month old infant suffering from acute segmental pneumonia has dyspnea, 1/1
RR– 80/min, paradoxical breathing, tachycardia, total cyanosis. Respiration
and pulse - ratio is 1:2. The heart dullness under normal size. Such signs
characterise: *

Respiratory failure of III degree

Respiratory failure of I degree

Respiratory failure of II degree


Congenital heart malformation

Вариант 1

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