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BROADCAST ADVERTISING (Radio & Television) RADIO ADVERTISING * The dramatic inereases in media costs is one of the major concerns of advertisers, * Within the presence of competition within the industry, Radio advertisi ig rate increases have been the lowest among the media * Radio is significant for advertisers appealing to the mass market and housewives, ‘+ Many people have a close rapport with a radio personality (o whom. they listen faithfully * When you listen to a radio, you are hearing on a one-on-one hasis, * The lack of visual clement makes radio unacceptable for some advertisers and and less than ideal for others. Pe a La 1 (06 ce ci RADIO ADVERTISING + The electrical impulses by a radio refers to the signals. + All signals are transmitted by electromagnetic waves called radio + These differs from one another in frequeney or the number of waves that pass a given point in a given period of time. * All electromagnetic waves have height known as amplitude. * The speed is measured by the frequency of waves suceession per minute, or per second. + The principle of amplitude modulation (AM) has variations in sound wave, while frequency remains constant * The principle of frequency modulation, sound varies with a corresponding variations in its frequency. STEPS IN RADIO ADVERTISEMENT PRODUCTION The following are the practical steps in producing radio advertisements 1.The advertiser selects a producer or agency. 2.The producer or agency prepares bill of materials or cost estimates. 8.The producer or agency selects a recording studio. \.The producer or agency selects talents. or agency selects a musical director and background 5.The producer music. 6.4 rehearsal is scheduled. 7.The studio records music and sound separately. 8.The studio combines musical scoring and sound track with voices. 9. The producer or agency prepares several Copies taken from master tape for distribution to radio stations or programs. 10.The advertisement is now ready on the air RADIO ADVERTISEMENTS + Ir may be delivered live or pre-recorded. + A live advertisement is delivered in person by the station announcer, dise jockey, newscaster or the station personality Most radio stations accept these maximum word length live commercial scripts: 10 seconds = 25 words 80 seconds = 65 words 20 seconds =45 words 60 seconds = 125 words + A pre-recorded advertisement are those produced by an agency Which had gone through talent selection, musical scoring , sound track and voices recording with a master tape for reproduction and distribution to radio programs. RADIO AD RATE STRUCTURES The negotiated cost of time depends on three classifications 1. Drive time rate is an advertisement delivered at the diseretion of the announcer 2.Run-of-station (ROS) rate is when the broadeaster may attempt to run the ad during the advertiser's preferred time. 3. Special features rate is when the advertisement are delivered just in time with a traffic update, news report, or time report. RADIO AD RATE STRUCTURES ‘Get your Rates spotter uy stom Example: Rate card of 90.7 Love Radio ‘Number of spots per day volers 10 the preferred spots you want to run the advertisement such as morning, mid-day, afternoon, and nights. Number of days refers to preferred duration to run the advertisement in the radio, COMMON TECHNIQUES IN RADIO ADVERTISEMENT PRODUCTION 1.Straight-announcer technique. \n announcer or personality delivers the entire script 2.Two-announeer technique. Two announcers alternate delivering sentences or groups Of sentences of advertising copy: $.Announcer-actor technique. Includes acior or reactions to the line delivered by the announcer. 1.Slice-oflife technique. A dialogue which re-enacts a true-to-life or talent in a problem situation where ctress voice giving seene involving the listen possible solution is the advertised product or service. Jingle announcer technique. A part of the copy is musical sound or song combined with a line delivered by the announcer which sets the product different from other advertisements on radio. 6.Customer interview technique. The announcer may talk to an actual customer in the field or within his studio booth, relating his experiences about the product or service advertised, QUALITIES THAT MAKE RADIO ADVERTISEMENT MORE EFFECTIVE 1.Simplicity. Use short, simple, picture-building words. 2.,Coherence. Move from one topic to another, from one product feature to the next 8.Rapport. Make use of the word "you’, referring to the listeners and customers over the radio. 4.Believability. Adhere to truth in advertising; honesty in claims for eatures, benefits and advantages. sinterest. Develop listeners desire to experience the product advertised. 6.Distinetiveness. tagline or slogan, music, sound or voices, 7.Compulsion. Finally desire for action, attain listeners (0 act, ake the advertisement unique with its and buy the product or experience the service advertised. TELEVISION ADVERTISING * Producing commercial for television is the most expensive. * As the technology of electronic commercial production has soared, so have the coasts and the complexity, result ng in greater specialization in the production process, + In the past, most agencies maintain in-house production facilities while now, they would rather sub-contract some of the services to cut on eosts. * Television advertisement goes beyond the use of words, but also on believability, credibility and relevance. TV ADVERTISEMENT SCRIPT DEVELOPMENT * Storyboard - is the script for televi, This divided into two parts; jon and advertisement. Audio - includes spoken words, sound effects and music. 2.Video - includes camera action and scenes * Scenes on the typical storyboard are sketched in frames by the art director, and the audio printed on the underneath of each scene. * [twill help the adverti ng agency and the elient visualize the concept, estimate the expense, present to management for approval and final guide for shooting, THE PRINCIPLES IN TELEVISION ADVERTISING + ‘The opening should be a short, compelling attention getier- a visual surprise, compelling in action, drama, humor or human interest, + ‘The demonstrations should be interesting and believable — authentic and true to life; they should never appear to be a camera trick. + The commercial should be ethical, be in good taste, and not offend local mores. + ‘The entertainment should be a means to an end and not interfered with the message. + The general structure of the commercial and the copy should be simple and easy to follow. The video should carry most of the weight, but the audio must support it, © The characters should be the living symbol of your product — they should be appealing, believable, and most of all, relevant. CREATING EFFECTIVE TV COMMERCIALS 1, The opening should be pertinent, and relevant. It should permit a smooth transition to the balance of the commercial 2.The situation should lend itself naturally to the sales, story — without the use of extraneous, distracting gimmicks. 8.The situation should be high in human interest. 4.The viewer should be able to identify with the situation, 5.The number of elements should be held 10 a minimum: 6.The sequence of ideas should be kept simple. 7.The words should be short, realistic, and conversational. Sentences should he short. 8.Words should interpret the picture and prepare the Viewer for the neat scene. 9. Audio and video should be synchronized. 10, The audio copy should be concise — without wasted ‘words, Fewer words are needed for TV- than for radio. Fewer than two words per second is effective for demonstrations. Sixty-second commercials with 101 1 110 words are most effective, Those with more than 170 words are the least effective. 11, Five or six seconds should be allowed for the average scene, with none less than three seconds. 12 Enough movement should be provided to avoid static seones. 18, Seenes should offer variety without jumping. 14, The commercial should look fresh and new. 15, Any presenters should he properly handled — identified. compatible, authoritative, pleasing, and non- distracting, 16. The general video treatment should be interesting VISUAL TECHNIQUES FOR TELEVISION COMMERCIAL ‘+ Spokesperson. It should be somebody who is likable and believable but not so powerful as (o attract attention away from the product. The produet should stil be the hero. ra satisfied + Testimonial. This uses a well known celebrity who is believable Additionally, moderate to high physical attractiveness, score greater credibility due to pereeived trust, perceived expertise, and audience liking earch has shown that those pres rs who possess ‘+ Demonstration. This shows how the product works and how to use it This will enable the televiewer to projeet what the product performance would be, iP he + Close-ups. & voice over is used than a presentation by someone on the sereen, Whore a close-up or focus is done on the produet alone. + Story-line. This is similar to making a miniature movie, expect that the narration is done off-screen, VISUAL TECHNIQUES FOR TELEVISION COMMERCIAL + Slice-of life. This is a litle play that portrays a real-life situation. this is based on. the pattern of presenting a ‘predicament-solution-happiness: ‘+ Customer Interview. This involve non-professionals, an inte asking a housewife about her experience in using the product ad. + Vignettes and Situations. This consists series of fast-pared scenes people enjoying the product advertised as they enjoy life. ‘« Animation. This may use computergenerated graphies and simulations cartoonist technique with puppets or photo animation, ‘+ Stop motion. Objecis and animals, or the product itself is given life in technique, This makes the product walk, run, dance and do live tricks. The object, photographed in series of different positions or movement, ‘+ Rotoscope. Ani ‘optical are combined. ated and live act ‘equences ar produced separately and then ELEMENTS OF PRODUCTION 01. Pre-production Phase It includes all the work prior to the actual day of 02. Production Phase ‘The actual shooting of the advertisement which can be very Jong and tedious. ‘Shooting encompasses the work of filming or videotaping the scenes. ‘Starting very early in the morning, the crew may take several hours just to light tik set to the directors desire. Scenes are not necessarily shot in order. Al indoor scenes may be shoot first, then followed by all outdoor seenes. During shooting, scenes may be shot with several takes, lights may be readjusted. Between the shooting. of each scene, a long interval may be required to move the camera, reset the lights, reposition the actors, and pick up the action, sound, and look to match the other scenes. The Factors rising the cost of Production 1.Superstar talent 2.Location shooting 3.Large cast — people and animals 4.Animation . Opticals, special effeets, stop motion 03. Post production Phase Ciraaiaes s + Where th commer is cal put gether ‘+ Scenes are edited, must and sound effects added, voices are dubbed, and other last minute changes, 8.Photographic equipment + External sound is recorded, which includes the aetor’s voices, the 9.Legal requirements tnnooneer, th tle tuck fe sngers nd send fit + ing a part Of pot peducton secuntfor elec cen arranging tern in proper ordering wanaonal eft adding titles, combining sound with picture, duplicating films and topos oad clei the Bist comer judio shooting 7.Set decoration 10.Night, week-end filming In buying television time, the advertisers determine ava ‘evaluate programs ratings, negotiate for the price, determine reach and frequ sign the contracis and finally, review the affidavits of performanee to be sui commereials ran as agreed, lable programs and rates, the + Assistance for the buying services can he given hy advertising agencies or media- buying agencies, who ean negotiate for desirable time slots at reduced rates + Availability of programs can be de representative for the mined by medi buyers thru the sales ations they are consideving for placement of the advertisement ‘The media buyer provides the sales representative the data about the advertiser's media objectives and target audience and requests for the list of available time slots along with the priees and program ratings. ‘© This list is called the avails, whieh include all the data requested hased on the: latest ratings, In determining which programs to place the advertisement, the media buyer must select the most efficient ones in terms of tang program, cost per rating point (CPP) and the cost per thousand (CPT) must be computed as follows: uidience. To determine most efficient Where : Cost per Rating point = Cost / Rating Cost per Thousand = Cost / Thousands Supposing the Ty program has a rating of 5, reaches 400,00 people in the audiences, and costs. 80,000 pesos for a 80 sec, spot on Channel 2 Then: Cost per Rating Po 180,000 pesos / 5 000 pesos. 30,000 / 400,000 5 pesos Cost per Thouss © The contract for airing of an advertiseme binds both parties, the station \gement or program producer and the advertiser — represented by the media buyer or agency, identifying the date times, programs on which the commercials will run, the length of the spots, and the rate per spot, and the total amount ‘+ Reverse side of the contract defines the obligations and responsibilities of the advertiser, the agency, and the station, as well as the terms OF payment. + Alter running the spots, a notarized form is given back to the advertiser, indicating when spots were aired and ‘make—goods' are available to compensate for spots the station missed ran incorrectly + An affidavit of performance, is an evidence that the commercials were aired as paid for. Media planners define television station's audienee, and efficiency in various # The TV households (IVHH) is the number of households that own television sets # The percentage of homes in a given area that have one or more TY sets turned on at any particular time is called households using television qury) + The percentage of TV household in an area turned on to a spec is the program rating or the share of audience. program Such that, if there are 1,000 households with television and 500 are wurned on, HUTY is 50% (500/100). From the 500, 80 are turned on to Channel X, then Tot is the program rating (80/500). BUYING TELEVISION TIME 900K - NON-PRIMETIME. peas anh Sex) 299K - NON-PRIMETIME GANA) ES a ABS-CBN'S ad rates for a 30-second ad costs 900 thousand pesos for non- primetime and 1.4 million pesos for primetime. GMA network, on the other hand, charged their 80-second ad at 299 thousand pesos for non-primetime and 500 thousand for primetime. PRINT ADVERTISING (Newspaper & Magazine) GROUP ARNOLD ABANG JR. RAIVENELLE Vv. AVINO RAFAEL CALAMAN WS, LOREMAE A. ELLA, NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING 4 publication regularly printed and distributed daily + Newspaper or twice a day. + It contains news opi rerest and ions, items of general advertisements, * itis usually the common medium advertising for small firms and retailers as well as some corporations. + ILis taking steps to meet the challenge combined with a faster- paced lifestyle placed the industry in a more competitive environment. + Intensive circulation and readership are esse! dustry to increase its share of advertising, ‘+ Readers want more local news of their neighborhood and suburb, alto the newspaper and this is a feature making tabloids more attractive than standard newspapers. TYPES OF NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING 01. Display Advertising 02. Classified Advertising 03. Classified Display + "Box Ade about job vacancies + Allowed to use lager + Notallowed to use 04, Legal Advertising 05. Amusement Advertising Tae ce coh aq ‘faeay fezabeacedy eat roi ae ‘Ac Amt: 2200 + Advertisement of moves 1 be shown, concerts, sage plays, snd other ative’ schedules for rlaxaton pleasure 06. Other Newspaper Advertising "FR VICTOR, BADILLO, S.J. Discount Rate + The highest advertising rate given to an advertiser before any discount can be ‘earned; also called “one-time rate.” + Open rate provides some discount structure classified as frequency discount or bulk discount. + Froquency discount is based on unit or pattern of purchase in addition to total ‘amount of space. + Bulk discount refers to sliding seale wherein the advertiser is charged proportionately based on the advertisement purchased. + Hlatrate offers a uniform charge for space without regard to the amount of space ‘used for frequency of insertion. No discount is offered. 02. Run-of-paper (ROP) 03. Combination Rate + A special rate for newspaper, such as morning paper and evening + Newspaper advertising that is positioned to run anywhere in a Publication, with no exact choice of a specific position or page. Placement is at the diseretion of the newspaper. + More commonly referred to by its acronym, ROP, this is the most ‘common option for newspaper advertisers. — + includes rate quoted by a newspaper publiher which entitles the (= ‘advertisement to be positioned anywhere in the paper that the publisher = ‘chooses to places it. paper issue; set by the same publisher. Ad 116 Sizes Page 118 Page 12 Page 14 Page NEWSPAPER AD PRICING STRUCTURES Most business owners will decide on the size of their ad based on price. Ad size can be calculated based on price per column inch or modular pricing. These are two standard newspaper ad pricing methods: Price per column inch: A column inch is a unit of space one column wide by one inch high. For example, if a newspaper charges $12 per column inch, an ad measuring four columns wide by 10 inches deep would cost $180. This is, calculated by four columns x 10 inches = 40 column inches x $12 per column ineh = $480. Modular pricing: With this ype of pricing, newspapers charge based on set modules, such as full page, half page, quarter page, and eighth page. Although the modules ean be also deseribed in column inches, they are casier t0 understand as set shapes or sizes. BUYING NEWSPAPER SPACE: AGATE LINE BASIS Each column inch of depth in a newspaper contains 14 agate Depps Car Repair lines located in Watrous, SK is If an ad is 4 columns wide by 10 inches deep, the number of ‘currently seeking full-time lines in the ad would be: journeyman mechanics. ‘Wage based on previous . work experience. 4 10X14 = 560 agate line ; References are required. We offera great bennefi_ts | Ifthe ad ran 10 times, the total number of lines would be fe fun working envrionment. 560 x 10 = 5600 agate lines Send your resumes to Johnny at: ‘The numbers of agate lines will be multiplied by the line rate. or fax to: 306-555-5555. BUYING NEWSPAPER SPACE: PER INCH BASIS Let’s say the rate is 10 per inch. Re oo 3 columns x 10.5 inches. x10 = 315 iy iy 5X 10 = 157.5 2 columns x 7 inches = 14 x 10 = 140 2 columns x 5.25 inches = 10.5 x 10 = 105 Gi Formula of CPM for newspaper when cost of ad is known: Rs 3 columns x 5.25 inches = 1 CPM = Cost of ad x 1000 Circulation CPM = 315 x 1000 400,000 i CPM= 0.7875 =a BUYING NEWSPAPER SPACE: Pricing Examples Rate/Coicm Color Surcharges Title Circulation] PageSie | MSat | sun | vic | +20 | +30 [Pri Day nqurer | 270,375] cools x s3ems | 330.00 | 390.00 | 30% re _|_80% anita Bulletin 262,808] Sols x Stems | _31500_| 370.00 20%, [Phiippine Star 245,520] ools x S2ems | 330.00] 380.00, 20%, Title [Pht Daly Inqurer_[20% pages 3.5.7. back & font pages [Menila Bulletin [30% pages 2.3.4 5,6.7.9, Font & back centerepread [Phitippine Star [15% pages 3.5.7. back & Font pages Ratet | dcoier | Position Tite Page sizo_| issue | coicm | surcharge| surcharge| rpew | _FPFC nt Daty imguror | seatsxssems | usu | ssooo | ao | 20% | s57.610.00] 293,338.00] 314,820.00, sim_| #000 4 | 20% | 101,260.00] 325.268 00] s62.520.00 Manis autetin | acaex sieme | wiser | sis00 | ex | sox | 160.25500) 270.4500) 315595.50 sro00 | eo% [30% J 176.490.00| 317,682.00] 370,629.00 nooo | ox | 15% | s54440.00| 277,090.00] 201,158.00 Jpnugpine star | cate x s2ems MAGAZINE ADVERTISING ‘+ Magazine is a paper back publication that is issued at Magazine is a pap als, either monthly, or quarter! = Ieoni Jes and other featured items of various writers that may interest Magazine are the most permanent of all the mass media, sine they are kept for month and advertising message are seen a number of ‘+ loffers audience selectivity, in terms of reaching group segment of Interest o advert credible environment for their advertising. ‘+ IL gives the most oustanding contemporary color work for produets, rs, and offering adve and an excellent medium for eoupons. MAGAZINE ADVERTISING ‘= An advertiser who plans to advertise in a particular ‘magazine during coming months will sign a space contract In onder to get the best rate, «© This is an agreement between the publisher and the advertiser. # According to which advertiser is interested to advertise his ent rate; at a specitied si product or service at the page number; dates of insertion; position of the advertisement; and agency commission, ifany ‘© When the advertiser is ready to run an advertisement as agreed upon on the space contract, he sends an insertion onder to the publisher that makes clear the instructions from ‘an advertiser authorizing the publisher to print an as of specified size and given date and rate. MAGAZINE ELEMENTS “WORLD DOMINATION The size of most magazine is WASNT characterized as standard size about 8x 10 inches; 8 1/2 x 11 inches or 10.7 x 13 inches or about 4 3/8 x 6 1/2 inches that is generally sold in terms of full pages and fractions thereof - half pages, quarter pages, three column, two column, or one column; or total column per centimeters. MAGAZINE ELEMENTS + Headlines - It should be set in the bigger size regarding other text elements on the page, ‘Intro - It should summarize the story and attract reader's attention. + Body Copy - It should he as interesting as the design, as the headline and intro, text ‘+ Pull Quotes - It serve as a great tool to break up big blocks of body copy and to give a more interesting look to the article. ‘+ Subheads - Its used to break up the body copy and to ive some elever insight into what the reader can expect in the next few paragraphs. ‘+ Image captions - These are paris of the text that should work with the image they relate to. + Bylines and credits - Treain importance of the authors and photographers that worked on the article. + Running Head - These are navigation elements that guide the reader. + Folio - It can consist of several elements, The page number is mandi others are optional such as publication logo, date, month, section title, web page ‘= Panels and Box Copy - It is used as nows items or as extensions to a long article in whieh you ean place some other facts or data whieh are relevant 0 th unt of these elements is determined by the y but ¢ 3 : f : } fae VARIOUS WAYS OF USING THE MAGAZINE SPACE || patease se AE Se ame se | Swelines | Lees, bp looon. ao oO FULL - BLEED ADVERTISEMENT ‘+ When a magazine advertisement runs all the way to the four edges of the page, leaving no white space margin. i PARTIAL BLEED ADVERTISEMENT * Itleaves white space margin on all or any of the four sides of the full page. GATEFOLD ADVERTISEMENT CENTREFOLD ADVERTISEMENT * When an advertisement is positioned on the second * Itis also called as ‘multipte-unit ad cover page where an extra page spreads out when * itis positioned on the two middlemost pages of the ‘opening the page that gives a big spread. magazine issue. SPACE BUYING * First Cover Page - the front cover of , cin CESE Fe the magazine / page one of the issue. We * Second Cover Page - the inside of the front cover / page two of the issue. + Third Cover Page - the inside of the back cover / page forty nine if the magazine has fifty pages. + Fourth Cover Page - the back cover / page fifty of the magazine HOW A MAGAZINE SPACE IS SOLD? MAGAZINE DATES ch the magazine is issued wherein this is usually a week advance from the re an advertisement Ia planner and buyer want toe makes a particular issue ne, they must deliver the ad no HOW A MAGAZINE SPACE IS SOLD? MAGAZINE RATE STRUCTURE Details Magazine Color Rates (four color) ‘Space 1 time 3time 6time 12 time 1 page $59,000 $57,230 $56,050 $52,510 23 page $47,480 $46,056 $45,108 $42.25; 172 page $36,980 $35,871 $35,131 $32,912 13 page $25,720 $24,048 $23,662 $22,801 + Open rate - It refers to a one-time rate, meaning advertisers are only looking to run their ad ‘once and don’t qualify for other discounts. + Bulk discounts or Frequency discounts are offered by the publisher based on the total time number of space bought usually within a year. + Volume discounts are given hased on total amount of space bought. + Other special discounts include mail-order discount, remnant space discounts or unsold spaces discounts for direet response advertisers, whose advertisements are not part of a continuing campaign. HOW A MAGAZINE SPACE IS SOLD? MAGAZINE RATE STRUCTURE Gn A monthly magazine that will be sold through Mercury Drug stores in over 1,200 Jocations throughout the Philippines. ALLTHE Gireulation The Geographical eo un will ensure that your e plus monthly Inewwasing by over 500,000 people each month who need id services, e targoted advertising will be information on your products “ON Greater Manila ‘© = 0% Provincial Readership Profile ‘oie of readers archive the magazine for future reference and the pass on ratio is 810 1 our readers spend more than 1 hour reading the magazine +786 oF readers 5 and 45 years old + Gender readership is 61% female - 89% male +764 of readers say that print advertising influences their purchasing decisions aged betw HOW A MAGAZINE SPACE IS SOLD? MAGAZINE RATE STRUCTURE Full Page: P 60,000 000 114 page: P 16,500 Regused Pastors» 1% loading Premium Positions Ousige Back Cover: PB5,000 Inside Covers: P7S,000 Positions: P85,000 Guaranteed fed Posiions: 70,000 Gotefolds & Spreads on request Frequency raissues 5% Bissues 25% HOW A MAGAZINE SPACE IS SOLD? MAGAZINE RATE STRUCTURE Full page in Enrich Magazine (28 em x 3 column wide ) Total Column Centimeters: 28 x Bd sce r used to calculate the cost of display advertising. *A width of a column which may vary from one publication to another fers to a ‘Single Column Centimeter’ which is the base unit SCC Rate: 714.287 pesos Total Column Centimeter x SCC rate = 84 x 714.287 pesos Total Cost = 60,000 pesos Total Cost HOW A MAGAZINE SPACE IS SOLD? MAGAZINE RATE STRUCTURE Full page Color P 60,000 ‘Add: Outside Back Covers __ 85,000 ‘Subtotal P 145,000 12% VAT 17,400 Monthly Total P 162,400 x1 year contract (P 162,400 x 12) P 1,948,800 Less: 5% Frequency Discount 97,440 Annual Adv. Rate for Enrich 1,851,360 Magazine CREATIVE ART Ant in advertising refers to the whole visual presentation, how the words are arranged, the size, style of type. photographs, illustrations and how they should be organized. # Artdirectors are responsible for the visual presentation of the advertisement. + Graphic Designers are people engaged in arranging various graphic elements including type, illustrations, white space in the ‘most attractive and effective way possible. « Illustrators are the artists who paint or draw the pietures of the advertisement. * Production Artists are responsible for assembling the various elements of an ad and mechanically putting them together the way the art director or designer has indicated. THE COPYWRITER'S TERMINOLOGY Headline - the leading position of the advertisement, the words that Mustration - the visual part of the advertisement TO GO LONGER Copy -are the words of advertisement that explains the features, benefits, advantages of th advertised in simple phrases, series of sentences or graphs. In the construction of a copy, elements are; ‘+ Lead-in paragraphs - the link between the headline, subheads ‘and the sales idea presented in the copy. I may include the promise or the claim-support information, ‘+ Interior paragraphs - lines whore interest and desire of the reader ean build up. It makes the advertisement not just truthful but also believable including proofs of claims, lab tst, or usage testimonials + Trial Close - the initial asking for order. It can be direet or indirect statement for consumers to do something, THE ADVERTISING VISUALS Each of the ve particular purpose. rious steps in the layout process serves a + Thumbnail sketches are drawings that are approximately one-fourth of the size finished ad and they are used for trying out ideas + Rough layout is drawn to the size of actual advertisement If anyone of the elements fail, the effectiveness of the advertisement declines, The visual part of the advertisement carries a great deal of responsibility for the success of the advertisement, thus it should offer story appeal, THE PRINCIPLES FOR DESIGNING VISUALS 1.Principle of Balance 2.Principle of Movement 3.Principle of Proportion 4.Principle of Contrast 5.Principle of Continuity 6.Principle of Unity 7.Principle of White Space VISUAL FOCUS THE PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPACT OF COLOR 1.Package of the Product 2.Produet itsell 3.Produet in Use 4.Product features According to Walter, reaction 10 color is generally based on person's origin or culture. 5.Product Comparison For example, Warm colr are red, yellow and 6, Humor 7.Testimonial orange that tend to stimulate excitement and create active response 8. Before and After 9.Negative Appeal THE PRINT PRODUCTION The printing industry considers that 2-8 working days is the elosing date for black and white ads, For colored and full-color-ads, 20 working days is needed and may 5 working days to prepare proofs and secure approval of client ‘Types of Printing Process paper a thin Mat aluminum plate nd ‘+ Offset lithography - a photochemical process, using moving towards a cylinder, Offset is used to reproduce books, newspapers, other big volu print production + Rotagravure - the opposite of letterpress wherein the image is etched below and the background is raised from the plate surface, ‘+ Sereon printing or silkscreen - the process uses a textile, ink, paint or brush, the paper with design and metallie or synthetic sereen, EXAMPLES OF TYPEFONTS Modern Roman Old Style Roman San Serif ‘Square Serif

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