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Mhyka Gabrielle Gonzalez
10 - E.L. Tiempo
Preventing the burn out

Yes, the academic burn out, classified by adults as a myth or
a joke. Is it? No, it is not, academic burn out isn’t a myth nor
a joke. It is an actual experience that not only college
students experience, high school students may share the
same experiences due to pressure and stress on the new
environment of learning. Due to the fact that we are still in a
pandemic and is full of self learning modules provided by
the schools. It is really common to experience burnouts and
it may not be recognize when it is beginning therefore it is
crucial to know what are its roots. In order for you to know
how you can avoid it.

Before we get to the ways on how to circumvent burnouts,

you will need to know what it is; its signs and its common
reasons. Academic burnout is defined as a negative
emotional, physical and mental reaction to prolonged study
that results in exhaustion, frustration, lack of motivation and
reduced ability in school.

The common signs of burnout:

Weariness, when you feel that extreme exhaustion even if

you get enough or too much sleep.


Absence of will, the lack of motivation/ energy to attend
your classes or begin your tasks.

Inability to focus, you lack concentration

Sudden changes in the wind, visible changes in your pattern

or routine.

Negative moods. The soaring feeling of anger , irritability and


Socially inept. Reluctance to connect with other people


Now that you’ve familiarize yourself on how burnout looks

like, here are some reasons high school students in these
trying times find themselves suffering from:

Academic pressure, the work loads that are tremendously

more challenging than what they experienced during face
to face. In addition, the feeling that you could possibly fail a
subject and disappoint not only yourself but those who are
expecting from you. If it prolongs, this certain stress can
lead to exhaustion/ fatigue, with that being said the
outcome to that is it limits a students capacity to focus on
his/her academic workload.

Overextending thyself. In online classes, the learning of the
topic can be difficult and time-consuming. Most students

doesn’t have the availability due to responsibilities in the
house or poor connection. Leading the student to not get
sufficient rest and leaves him/her not enough time to study.
These type of students sacrifice their self care. Again if this
keeps up, this lack of self maintenance could lead to

With these mentioned, some of these signs might go

beyond burnout and point to some other serious health
issues. If you feel that you cannot cope with your problems
on your own, seek help.

Straight away, here are tips on how to avoid or rather

prevent burnout as soon as you start acknowledging the
signs in yourself.

Self-Care. Ensure yourself that no matter what, you would

take care of yourself and to take time to be alone, so you
can relax and breathe.

Maintain School-House balance. Analyze your tasks and

create a schedule that works for you.


Be mindful of your Long-Term goals. Always remember the
big picture. You are learning for a reason, you are just on a
starter point of pursuing your dreams. Keep in mind that
high school is stressful and tiring, imagine college, keep also
in mind that this is just a helping step in order to achieve you
desires or dreams; this type of mindset help some fight
through their day.

You don’t need to do better than the last time. Yes, you read
that right. Bringing this to your system will cause you
burnout, a massive one. Just because you got a good grade
on that specific task doesn’t mean you should do better.
Analyze the tasks that effort is needed that will help you
balance your consumption of time.

Don’t Ignore; manage; make necessary changes and when it

gets heavy seek help to friends or professionals.


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