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Meaning of the 78 tarot cards

[0] The Fool

Lack of common sense. Potential willpower and dexterity. The spirit in search of experience. Audacity,
extravagance. Negligence, little reflection. Disorientation, immaturity, imbalance. Lightness. Indiscretion
and superficiality.
Passions and obsessions, indecision, irrationality, apathy, complications. Wrong decisions, fall,
abandonment, immobilization. Madness. Psychic and/or emotional overflow. Trip

[I] The Magician

Originality. Initiative, center of action, spontaneous intelligence. Self-possession, autonomy,
emancipation from all prejudice. Eloquence, skill, skill, finesse, diplomacy. Lawyer, speaker, diplomat or
Unscrupulous, careerist, intricate, trickster, thief, swindler, charlatan. Indecision, ineptitude, weak will,
delay, insecurity. Will applied to bad ends.

[II] The High Priestess

Patience, silence, discretion, reserve, meditation, modesty, resignation and piety. Thoughtful decision.
Dissimulation, hidden intentions, resentment, laziness, intolerance, fanaticism. It becomes heavy and
passive, it's like a burden. Delay, tension and clumsiness in relationships. Decision unmediated.

[III] The Empress

Understanding, intelligence, instruction. Charm, affability, elegance, distinction. Courtesy, abundance,
wealth. Marriage,fecundity, sweetness.
Affectation, pose, frivolity, coquettishness, vanity. Disdain, presumption. Unnecessary luxury. Sensitive to
flattery. Lack of refinement. Discussions at all levels. Sterility.

[IV] The Emperor

Power, will, energy, certainty, constancy, firmness, rigor, accuracy, fairness and positivity. Realization.
Powerful protector.
Stubbornness, lack of idealism. Stubborn adversary. Fall, loss of goods.

[V] The Pope

Wisdom, perseverance, teachings, equitable counsel, generosity and indulgence, meekness. Help from
superiors, organization. The burden that represents the consultant (you), in the form of the inner voice.
Judgmental boss, overly critical, narrow-minded moralist, authoritarian teacher, limited theorist,
counselor devoid of practicality, lack of spiritual support. Unconventional, illogical, superstitious, unable
to act coherently and rationally.

[VI] The Lovers

Choice or decision. Union, marriage, love,the union of opposites, attraction, balance, openness to
inspiration. Tests passed. Harmony of the inner life and the outer world.
Disorder, failure, divorce,unhappy love and setbacks of all kinds. Frustrated marriage, dangerous
temptation. Danger of being seduced. Misconduct, debauchery and weakness. Fights, infidelity.
Emotional instability.

[VII] The Chariot

Triumph, victory, overcoming obstacles, hope, conquest. Unexpected good news. Great self-control,
ability to determine one's own destiny. Great physical and mental strength. Speed. Travel.
Generalized disorder. Illness. Dangerous lack of control. Danger of a violent accident. Bad news. Fatigue.
Lack of tact. Misconduct . Feverish and uns resting activity.

[VIII] Justice
Justice, harmony, fairness,integrity, rule of conduct, firm purpose, action of judging, moderation in all
things. Independence of spirit. To maintain balance certain things must be sacrificed. It can be related to
legal matters, trials, marriages, divorces, etc.
Fanaticism, injustice, severity of judgment, abuse, false accusations. Insecurity. Legal tangles. Insecurity.
Lack of an appropriate balance.

[IX] The Hermit

Prudence, wisdom, patience, silence, spiritual advancement, divine inspiration, circumspection. Retreat
from the world, solitude. Pilgrimage. He can be a teacher. Taking stock and progressing.
Immaturity, vices, darkness, stubbornness, betrayal, deceit. Misanthropy, misogyny, celibacy. Excessively
shy and unsociable person. Hidden enemies. Prudence that is left over or missing.

[X] The Wheel of Fortune

Change, evolution, success,goodfortune, destiny. Happiness, abundance. New conditions. Abundance,
The transformation will be carried out difficult but it will be done anyway. Delayed progress, Backspace.

[XI] Strength
Sublimation or regulation of passions and low instincts. Power,energy, great love. The spirit that
dominates matter. Action, courage, success. Powerful will and great physical strength. The inner strength
that tames the beast. Power over animals.
Discord, ruin. Weakness, stubbornness, abuse of power. Impatience, recklessness, rudeness, insensitivity.
hardness, cruelty, fury.

[XII] Hanged Man

Strength, wisdom. Self-imposed limitations. Initiation, test. Redemption through sacrifice, loss. Prophetic
power. Decisions suspended. Choice that requires contemplation.
Arrogance, egotism, resistance to spiritual influences. Materialism. Wasted effort. False prophecy.
Failure. Lack of limits,lack of frankness, lack of sacrifice.

[XIII] Death
Complete transformation. Dead and rebirth. The end of something. Evolution from one state to a higher
one. Profitable change.
Stagnation, death,petrification. Incurable disease.  Broken marriage. Lack of opportunities, hope undone.

[XIV] Temperance
Careful consideration, patience, moderation, adaptation, composure, reflection. Patience uniting two
opposites, carefully combining them. Good marriage. Working in harmony with others, managerial skill.
Something is being prepared. Great talent and creativity. Fighting for transcendence through work.
Alchemy. The union of opposites refined by the fire of the will.
Disorder, conflict,bad combination, fights. Possibility of shipwreck. Messes.

[XV] The Devil

Destiny (good or bad). Power of seduction, blind impulse, temptation, obsession. Sexual deviance. A
confused state of mind. Uncontrolled carnal passions.
Harmful letter, fatality, misuse of force. Weakness, blindness, disorder. Malefic effects. The pathetic
human condition that prefers illusion to truth.

[XVI] The Tower

Sudden changes with no alternative. Collapse, escape from prison or release from ties, accident. Plans
will fail, intentions will not be made. The "finger of God". Bankruptcy. Sudden death.
Complete confusion. Winning freedom at great cost. False accusations, oppression. Punishment
resulting from the excesses committed, illness. Presumptuous error that does not know how to rectify
itself in time.

[XVII] The Star

Hope, unexpected help, insight and clarity of vision, inspiration, flexibility. A great love will be given and
received. Good health. Totally spiritual letter.
Arrogance, pessimism, stubbornness. illness, error of judgment. Psychic impotence, restructuring,
deprivation and abandonment.
[XVIII] The Moon
Intuition, threshold of an important change, difficult and dark path, development of psychic powers.
Navigation, experimentation, hard work.
Unseen dangers, hidden enemies, hallucination, self-deception, hysteria, disorientation. Instability,
deluding, cheating, false knowledge, neurotic character. Scandal, secret that is made public, blackmailer.

[XIX] The Sun

Glory. Material happiness. Marriage or happy relationship, collaboration. Success. Pleasure, energy,
Discomfort, dissimulation, arrogance, vanity. Commitment or lost work. Groping in the dark,
disorientation. Desire to appear.

[XX] Judgement
Radical change, resurrection to a new life. Work (or life) well done. Willingness to start something new.
Good judgment and discernment. Creative power and influence over family and career. Ability to
forgive. Arouse. Favorable judicial opinions.
Spiritual hesitation, weakness, judgment, or wrong decision. Illness, separation. Adverse court ruling.
Error about himself and about others. Decision postponed.

[XXI] The World

Event guaranteed. Rewards received. Travel, emigration (within the same continent), change of place of
residence. Purchase or sale of land.
Obstacles, stagnation, hindrances. Need to work very hard to achieve success.

King Wands
Bold, fast and generous man. Passionate and strong. Paternalistic and proud. He can be a country
gentleman, usually married. Unexpected inheritance, a good marriage.
Despotic, intolerant, prejudiced, ill-intentioned.

Queen Wands
Kind, energetic, but calm woman. Conservative, pragmatic and
Authoritarian. Fruitful in mind and body.
Dominant, jealous, dogmatic and irrational. Quick to be offended.

Knight Wands
A young and energetic man, fast and daring. He can be noble and generous, but also violent and hasty.
Jealous, weak and intolerant. Fight, discord, frustration.

Page Wands
Young and bright. Enthusiastic and daring. A messenger or news carrier.
Frivolous, theatrical and hollow young man. Cruel, oppressive.

10 Wands
Oppression. Imbalance and self-centeredness. Heavy load. Force detached from spiritual sources. A
problem will be solved soon.
Discomfort, betrayal, separation, emigration, some losses. Sterility.

9 Wands
Strength, ability to endure a long struggle or effort and finally achieve victory. Recovery of health. Force
in reserve. Good arrangement.
Weakness, delays, suspension, adversity. Poor health.

8 Wands
Velocity. Hasty decision. Air travel, messages, love letters. Hyperactivity. High hopes.
Opposition, jealousy. Delay in business or love affairs.

7 Wands
Value. Victory through courage. Effort, struggle, fierce competition. Some success. Negotiation, contract.
Complication, difficulty, insecurity and fear. Pregnancy. False appearance.

6 Wands
Victory after a conflict. Good news, progress. Helping friends.
Postponement. Insolence, excessive pride. Betrayal, apprehension.

5 Wands
Conflict, competition, judgment, obstacles, opposition. Violence,fight.
Dangerous indecision, betrayal, complication.

4 Wands
Complete realization. Settlement, peace, harmony. Romance, marriage, society.
Insecurity, discomfort, distrust, Contradictions. Happiness

3 Wands
Virtue. Established strength, realization of hope, nobility.
Cooperation, partnership.
Inconsistency, disappointment, deception. Theft, loss.

2 Wands
Domain. Maturity. Boldness with self-control. Influence.
Disturbances. Indifference or contempt for the consequences. Fear

Ace Wands
Creation, birth. The power or ability to initiate or to follow
forward with a plan or task with energy. Ability to carry out entrepreneurship and determination.
Starting a company,adventure, invention or something new.
Fall. Losing or postponing something(employment,entrepreneurship, etc.). False beginnings.

King Cups
A man who knows about law or commerce,but also interested in science, art, religion or philosophy.
A good friend, liberal, idealistic and creative. Friendly and willing to take some responsibility or provide
A superficial man, who gets excited easily but without depth or firmness of character. Untrustworthy,
lying, ruthless and vicious.

Queen Cups
Dreamy, calm, poetic, imaginative, kind, but not willing to take much trouble to help another.
Dishonest and vicious woman. Unworthy of confidence.

Knight Cups
A young man, perhaps an artist, funny and poetic. He is an indolent dreamer of sensual pleasures. It can
mean a messenger, a proposition, or an invitation.
Lazy and deceitful. Dissolute and ruthless.

Page Cups
Quiet and studious young man, but also sweet and dreamy. News or proposition.
A sensual libertine that is not harmful but does not help either. Unpleasant news. Sycophant, self-

10 Cups
Satiety. Perfect love and contentment. Peace, friendship.
Dissipation, loss of friendship, betrayal. Wasted stuff.

9 Cups
Happiness. Success and complete material well-being. You will get what you crave.
Imperfection, deception, intemperance. You will get what you don't want.

8 Cups
Indolence, instability. Abandoned material event, perhaps in pursuit of something higher. Interest that
vanishes. Wandering.
Joy, happiness. A new love or a new interest in materialthings.

7 Cups
Corruption. Foolish expectations. Illusory dreams, disappointment, intoxication, addiction to drugs.
New will. Smart decision. Short trips.

6 Cups
Pleasure. Happiness that comes from the past. Homesickness. Success.
Insecurity. Living too much in the past. Associates or friends who are worthless. Inheritance.

5 Cups
Disappointment. Unexpected misfortune. Partial loss. Friendship or love
lost. Inheritance.
New happiness. Return of an old love or a friend. Alliance.

4 Cups
Luxuries. Abandonment to desire. New ambition.
Luxuries that do not bring happiness. Unhappy with material success. Time to make a decisive change in

3 Cups
Abundance. Pleasure, hospitality, success. The good things in life.
Excesses in eating, drinking or sensuality. Unbridled passion. Sex without love.

2 Cups
Love, harmony, warm friendship. Close relationship with a soulmate. Good card for business and love.
Opposition, false love, nonsense, misunderstandings.

Harmony, fertility, happiness. Beginning of a great love.
Discord, false love, instability.

King Swords
This man can be a very powerful ally or a good counselor. He is intelligent, self-controlled and has some
authority. It is modern and analytical. This letter can also mean a judgment.
Deceptive and malicious man. It can be a dangerous, violent and powerful enemy.

Queen Swords
An elegant but stern woman. He is insightful and has very good judgment. It can be a dancer, a widow or
a woman without children. This card also means deprivation and mourning.
Maliciously playful. Dangerous enemy. Jealous and intolerant.

Knight Swords
Young man, bold, intelligent and aimos. He may be somewhat domineering and unstable, but he has the
best intentions.
Ruthless, fanatical, flamboyant, tyrannical and aggressive. Dangerous enemy.

Page Swords
Young, logical and penetrating person. With a lot of physical and mental dexterity. Espionage, messages.
Frivolous, vengeful and cunning. Indiscretion, impotence. Disturbance

10 Swords
Ruin. Total defeat. Death. The end of an illusion.
Transient success. Improvement.

9 Swords
Cruelty, suffering, misery, disease, martyrdom. A heavy burden. It can be the death of a loved one.
Patience, faith, hope, altruism.

8 Swords
Interference, restriction. Temporary illness or captivity. Indecision.
New beginnings. Freedom from the bonds of the past.

7 Swords
Futility. Partial or unpredictable result. Dreams, hesitation. Overland travel.
Fights, slanders. Disappointment in family or with a friendship.

6 Swords
Science. Water trip, revelation, study. Smart effort. Success after great anxiety.
Stagnation. Unfavorable result. Intellectual pride.

5 Swords
Defeat. Failure, loss. Lack of strength. Separation, lies, death.
Danger of loss or defeat. Funeral. Weakness.

4 Swords
Truce. Loneliness, stagnation. Recovery of health after an illness. Exile. Withdrawal.
Renewed activity. Surprise. Prudence and economicsarerecommended.

3 Swords
Sorrow. Separation, fights, tears. Delay, absence.
Confusion, loss, error.

2 Swords
Peace. Balanced forces. Fortress. Friendship.
Disloyalty. Changes, sometimes in the wrong direction. Fights.

Ace Swords
Conquest. Triumph achieved despite the problems. Intense activity. Gestation or childbirth.
Disaster or conquest followed by a disaster. Big loss. Violent death. Infertility.

King Pentacles
A married man, adinero and knowledgeable in monetary matters. Patient and hardworking. He is an
experienced boss and a trusted ally.
Vicious and greedy man. Be careful of players or speculators. Easy to bribe. He can be a dangerous man.

Queen Pentacles
Lovely and generous woman. Pragmatic and calm, but ambitious. Opulence, security.
Given to nonsense and temperamental. Quick to distrust and excessively afraid of failure. Negligent

Knight Pentacles
Mature man, trustworthy, hardworking and responsible. One
trained administrator. Important matters related to money.
Silly, stubborn, careless or clumsy man. Stagnation.

Page Pentacles
An educated, caring and thoughtful young person. Good administrative capacity, kindness and
benevolence. Bearer of good news or messages.
Wasteful, illogical. Young rebel. Bad news. Loss of money.

10 Pentacles
Wealth. Complete material fortune. Family matters, inheritance, family home.
Misfortune in the family. Loss of an inheritance. Beware of adventurous projects.

9 Pentacles
Gain. Practical wisdom limited to home and everyday affairs. Stability, loneliness, inheritance.
Material or friendship losses. Project cancelled. Beware of rascals.

8 Pentacles
Prudence. The first step in a profitable profession. Learning a business or profession. Skill in material
matters. A morocha.
Avarice. Childish self-centeredness. Vanity.

7 Pentacles
Failure, defeat, loss of money. Hard work but with little gain. Avarice.
Delayed success after hard work. Work done for the love of work, but without expecting material

6 Pentacles
Success. Material gain and power. Ability to share wealth with others.
Temporary gain. Prodigality, ostentation of wealth, bribery.

5 Pentacles
Concerns. Loss of money or employment. Poverty,defeat. Good luck in the love, lovers, love or friendship
that is in the middle of problems.
New job or opportunity. Productive work. Bad luck in love.

4 Pentacles
Power. Material gain and safety. A gift or an inheritance. A girl. Avarice.
Prejudice, limitation. Stagnation or material loss. Excessive expenditure of money.

3 Pentacles
Works. Task well done. Commercial transactions. Progress and growth in the chosen profession. Dignity.
A child.
Insufficient skill or knowledge to achieve what is intended. Useless work. Lack of seriousness.

2 Pentacles
Change. Alternation of profit and loss. Balance in the midst of change. Ability to adapt to new
circumstances. Some complications. Unstable temperament.
Insecurity. Difficulty adapting to new circumstances.

Ace Pentacles
The beginning of prosperity and wealth. Pleasure and beauty.
Success is delayed or does not bring the expected happiness. Avarice.
Methods of casting the cards
The Crown
This method is good for discovering other lives in the client's past. It can give an idea of the origin or
background of the client, and thus, of the personality and the way in which the personality affects the
decisions. The cards are placed according to the diagram below.
LETTER 1: Where are we now? This letter is used to determine the current attitude of the customer.
LETTER 2: This letter represents a situation of the recent past, which perhaps, has managed to form the
opinions of the client at this time.
LETTER 3: This letter represents the types of successes and falls that the client has had in the past, or in
similar situations. It is the letter to "stop and think seriously about the situation." The client should take
some time here to think about their actions and the consequences of such in their past.
LETTER 4: This letter has to do with obstacles or problems in the client's life. The things that, for the time
being, cannot be changed. The client must plan around such problems and situations, now is not the time
to change this situation or person, but, try to avoid problems with it.
CARD 5: These are obstacles that can be changed, that, at worst, are temporary and, perhaps, can be
easily solved. This is where the customer should put their efforts to change.
LETTER 6: Represents the best possible outcome, depending on the situation in this case. You can analyze
this letter along with the first three to get a better idea of the direction the client will most likely take,
and also the consequences of such an action.
LETTER 7: The other options that the client has. The result seen here, will only happen if the client
changes his general attitude. If the client really wants it, he can ignore his past and consciously make an
effort to get a more favorable result. If the result seen with this letter is negative, then the client must
stick with their original plans, and perhaps only make minor changes.
LETTER 9: A mixture of attitudes. The best possible outcome, if the client only changes a few trivial things

The Spider of Lights

LETTER 1: The current situation
LETTER 2: The Future of the Relationship
LETTER 3: The obstacle or problem that you may be preventing.
LETTER 4: Should this relationship remain as it is or change?
LETTER 5: The best that can be expected from this relationship.
LETTER 6: What can help in this situation.
LETTER 7: What needs to be changed to have a better or more successful opportunity in this relationship.

Wine Glass Method

Although it has many of the components of a more general method, it is for use in specific situations. This
diagram is most often used in situations where there are fears or something critical or very serious.
LETTER 1: The current situation. This letter can be used to identify the situation. It can also be used to
identify the cause or the main participant.
LETTER 2: This letter represents a problem in the past or a situation that is related to the current
LETTER 3: This letter warns of a problem that is expected as a result of this current situation.
LETTER 4: This letter along with letter 5 represent experiences in the past that have caused the current
LETTER 5: (read above)
LETTER 6: This is what should have been done, or what could have been avoided from the situation. This
is very important because it is not always too late to fix the matter, or at least, you can follow these tips
for the next time.
LETTER 7: Used to more accurately identify the situation named with letter 6.
LETTER 8: This letter along with letter 9, represent the final situation. Letter 8 is what happens without
intervening. (without changing plans, doing nothing extraordinary, and putting in extra efforts.)
LETTER 9: This will be the end if one receives help from other people, or makes changes of plans. Consult
all the letters to guide you in your decision.

The Fan
This method is good for when one wants to read the letters in more detail, but it is still good at using a
basic or general question, or looking for a general interpretation of life. This method uses 11 cards. The
diagram can be seen below.
CARD 1: This card is placed directly above the 'meaning' card*, if such a card is used for this
interpretation. Personally, I do not use such a card, but if you use it, place it under card number 1 in the
diagram, horizontally. This card shows you the current situation, the basic energy and the circumstances
that are in the customer's life at this moment.
LETTER 2: This letter represents the recent past, and can help interpret the current situation. It can give a
lot of insight towards the character of the client, it can also be an example of the method that the client
normally uses to solve problems or situations.
LETTER 3: This letter represents an attitude of the past. This letter, with the second, can very effectively
show the 'modus operendi' of the client. After you've reviewed the third letter, it's a good idea to pause
for a moment and analyze the actions the client has taken in their past. Have they helped or harmed you?
Is it necessary to implement some change or simply adapt attitudes for a new situation?
LETTER 4: This card represents hope and probability. What is presented in this letter is what is likely to
happen as the situation stands at the moment. It also offers us an opportunity to implement a change, if
what you see is not something very pleasant. (Use this card as "coming soon, it will most likely happen")
LETTER 5: This card is the pinnacle. It represents the best possible in this situation, if the client does not
implement any changes on his part. If the letter is positive, then the client is on the right track, if it is
negative, now is the time to decide if the effort to change is worth it in this situation.
LETTER 6: With a lot of change, this is what the client can achieve.
CARD 7: What has to change, or what has to be resolved. This letter can help the client to define their
own path. It would be a good idea to analyze this letter and get out of it the details of a "plan b".
LETTER 8: The person who can offer more help to the client. This letter represents a person in the client's
life, already known or in the immediate future.
the following 3 cards are the "resources" that the client has.
LETTER 9: This letter represents what the client already has. Is what the customer wants that they really
LETTER 10: This letter represents obstacles or obligations that the client has. This letter can be very
important in helping the client restructure their priorities.
LETTER 11: What, at the end of it all, can be expected. Based on everything the customer has to offer in
this situation, this will be the result.
*Note: "signified" is a letter that is chosen to represent the client. Usually, 'real' cards are used to
represent the client. (king for an adult or adult client, queen for a woman of legal age, prince, for a young
person, etc.)

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