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0. Introduction
Asymptotic cones were first used by Gromov in [6], where he constructed limit
spaces of nilpotent groups in order to prove that groups with polynomial growth are
virtually nilpotent. Gromov does not use the term asymptotic cone, which was
introduced later by Van den Dries and Wilkie in [12], when they gave a nonstandard
interpretation of Gromov’s results. Ultrafilters appear in [12] for the first time in this
context. Later, Gromov gave an extensive treatment of asymptotic cones in [7]. Since
then several authors have used asymptotic cones to obtain interesting results, for
instance, in identifying quasi-isometry classes of 3-manifolds [8] or relating asymptotic
cones with Dehn functions of finitely presented groups (see [2] and [11], the results of
which are stated in Section 2).
The purpose of this paper is to develop some of the results stated in [7], in
particular those describing the asymptotic cone of the Baumslag–Solitar groups and
of Sol. According to [2], these spaces are not simply connected, since their Dehn
functions are exponential, so our primary goal is to study their fundamental groups.
It will be proved that these fundamental groups are uncountable and nonfree (Section
9), by constructing subgroups isomorphic to the fundamental group of the Hawaiian
earring. These subgroups are constructed by finding subspaces in the asymptotic
cones which are homotopically equivalent to the Hawaiian earring, and which induce
injections in the fundamental group level (Section 8). Crucial to the proof of these
facts is the computation of the covering dimension of these asymptotic cones (Section
7), which is done using a more general theorem on dimensions of spaces which admit
certain maps into well-known spaces (Section 6).

1. Asymptotic cones
The definition of asymptotic cone relies greatly on the concept of ultrafilter. In
[12], Van den Dries and Wilkie extended Gromov’s definition to general finitely
generated groups, and it is here where ultrafilters were introduced to insure the
existence of the limits involved. The reader should regard the ultrafilter as a technical
tool to construct the spaces, and let his own intuition prevail over the technicalities
of the definition.

D 1. An ultrafilter in the set of natural numbers N is a family  9 2N

satisfying the following properties :

Received 11 October 1996 ; revised 30 May 1997.

1991 Mathematics Subject Classification 20F32.
J. London Math. Soc. (2) 59 (1999) 557–572
558 ! 
(1) 6 @ ;
(2) if A ?  and A 9 B then B ?  ;
(3) if A, B ?  then AEB ?  ;
(4) if ADB l N, with AEB l 6, then either A ?  or B ? .

The only examples of ultrafilters that can be described are the principal ultrafilters,
that is, the set of subsets of N containing a fixed element n . To prove that
nonprincipal ultrafilters exist one must use Zorn’s lemma (see [12]). Nonprincipal
ultrafilters contain all cofinite subsets of N. The definition of ultrafilter leads to the
definition of ultralimit, which, for nonprincipal ultrafilters, generalizes the usual
notion of limit of a sequence.

D 2. We say that the limit of the sequence (xn) with respect to the
ultrafilter  is x ? R, or that x is the -limit of (xn), denoted
lim xn l x

when for all ε  0, the set
on ? N Q xn ? (xkε, xjε)q
is an element of .

Ultralimits are the tool used in the definition of asymptotic cone to ensure the
existence of limits which otherwise could be undefined. With a short compactness
argument we can prove that the ultralimit of a bounded sequence always exists.
Let (X, d ) be a metric space. We want to construct a space that can be thought of
as the space that would be seen by an observer who is infinitely far away. To obtain
this effect we will take sequences of points in X and define the distance between two
sequences (xn) and ( yn) by the limit of (1\n) d(xn, yn). To avoid the nonexistence
problem for this limit we will use (nonprincipal) ultrafilters. Let  be a nonprincipal
ultrafilter. Fix a basepoint x ? X, and consider the space LBS (linearly bounded
sequences) of sequences x l (xn) of points in X, for which there exists a constant
K ? [0, _) such that
d(x , xn)  Kn.
Define now a pseudo-distance d in LBS as follows : given two sequences x l (xn) and
y l ( yn), satisfying
d(x , xn)  Kx n and d(x , yn)  Ky n
! !
d(xn, yn)
d(x, y) l lim .
Note that the sequence of real numbers (1\n) d(xn, yn) is bounded by KxjKy, so the
ultralimit always exists. Now to make LBS a metric space, we identify two sequences
at distance zero : define the equivalence relation
x  y  d(x, y) l 0.
The distance between equivalence classes will still be denoted by d.

D 3. The asymptotic cone Con X of X with respect to the ultrafilter

 is defined as the metric space (LBS\ , d).
       559
E 1. If X is a bounded metric space, that is, it has finite diameter (for
instance when X is compact) then the asymptotic cone is a single point.

E 2. When X l Zn with the word metric associated to the usual

generators, then Con Zn is Rn with the L" metric.

E 3. If X is the Cayley graph of a finitely presented nilpotent group, then

Con X is Rn but with a non-Riemannian Carnot metric.

E 4. If X is a δ-hyperbolic geodesic metric space, then the asymptotic

cone is an R-tree ; see [2, 7].

For more details and properties of asymptotic cones see [7, 12].

2. Fundamental groups
It was first asked in [12] whether it is possible to find a metric space whose
asymptotic cone is not simply connected. Several results have advanced in this
direction, at least for the Cayley graphs of finitely presented groups.

T 4 (Gromov [7], Drutu [2]). If the asymptotic cone of a finitely presented
group is simply connected for eŠery nonprincipal ultrafilter, then the group has a
polynomial Dehn function.

A partial converse of this result has been given by Papasoglu.

T 5 (Papasoglu [11]). If a finitely presented group has a quadratic Dehn

function, then the asymptotic cone is simply connected for eŠery nonprincipal ultrafilter.

In view of the result by Gromov and Drutu, any finitely presented group whose
Dehn function is higher than polynomial will have a nonsimply connected
fundamental group. The purpose of this paper is to study some of these asymptotic
cones, in particular, those of the Baumslag–Solitar groups and of the 3-manifold Sol.
We will prove that these asymptotic cones have uncountable, nonfree fundamental
groups. In order to prove these results, we will first prove that these asymptotic cones
have covering dimension 1 (Section 7), and use this fact to prove that they contain as
a subgroup an uncountable nonfree group, namely, the fundamental group of the
Hawaiian earring (Section 8).

3. Maps with metrically parallel fibers

Not every continuous map between metric spaces induces a map in their
asymptotic cones. The fact that in the definition of asymptotic cone only linearly
bounded sequences are used induces the following restriction : only maps for which
there exist constants A and B such that
d( f(x), f(xh))  Ad(x, xh)jB
are guaranteed to induce well-defined maps in the asymptotic cones. In particular,
Lipschitz maps and distance-decreasing maps (that is, Lipschitz with constant 1)
induce maps in the corresponding asymptotic cones. Quasi-isometries induce bi-
Lipschitz homeomorphisms between asymptotic cones.
560 ! 
Even when the maps between metric spaces induce maps in the asymptotic cones,
there is no relation between the fibers of the map and the fibers of the induced map
in the asymptotic cones. An example can be seen with the map log between the metric
spaces [1, _) and [0, _), which is bijective and distance decreasing, but since

log n
lim l0
n _ n
the induced map in the asymptotic cones collapses the whole space in one point. To
avoid this situation we introduce the concept of metrically parallel fibers, which will
make sure that for the induced map in the asymptotic cones, its fibers are the
asymptotic cones of the fibers of the original map.

D 6. Let
f : X ,- Y
be a map between metric spaces. We say that f has metrically parallel fibers when,
given x ? X and y ? f(X ) 9 Y, there exists xh ? f −"( y) satisfying
d(x, xh) l d( f(x), f(xh)) l d( f(x), y).
E 5. Isometries are maps with metrically parallel fibers.

E 6. The map

H# ,- R
that sends a point z ? H# (with the upper half-plane model) to Im z ? R has metrically
parallel fibers, since two horospheres are at constant distance.

P 7. Let
f : Con X ,- Con Y
be a map induced by a map f with metrically parallel fibers. Let y l ( yn) ? Con Y and
let x l (xn) ? Con X with f(x) l y. Then there exists a sequence (xn), also representing
x, with f(xn) l yn.

Proof. We just need to choose xn ? f −"( yn) according to the definition of

metrically parallel fibers, that is, satisfying
d(xn, xn) l d( f(xn), yn).
Since f(x) l y, we have

d( f(xn), yn) d(xn, xn)

lim l lim l0
 n  n
so (xn) represents x. We need to check that (xn) is linearly bounded :
d (x , xn)  d (x , xn)jd (xn, xn)
! !
l d (x , xn)jd (f (xn), yn)
d (x , xn)jd (f (xn), f (x ))jd (f (x ), yn)
! ! !
so the constant for (xn) can be taken as the sum of the constants for (xn), ( f(xn))
and ( yn).
       561
C 8. If f has metrically parallel fibers and induces a map f in the
asymptotic cones, then
(i) if y ? Y is the basepoint, and y l ( y ) ? Con Y, then
! ! !
f−"(y ) l Con f −"( y ) ;
! !
(ii) the fibers of f are also metrically parallel.

Proof. Assertion (i) is clear since every point x with f(x) l y admits a
representative (xn) with f(xn) l y . For (ii), take x l (xn) ? Con X and y l
( yn) ? Con Y. Then there exist xn, for all n, with
f(xn) l yn and d(xn, xn) l d( f(xn), yn).
It is easy to see that (xn) is linearly bounded, and then it defines a point xh. Finally,

d(xn, xn) d( f(xn), yn)

d(x, xh) l lim l lim l d(f(x), y).
 n  n

4. Ultrametric spaces
We will use ultrametric spaces as the fibers for our maps in Section 6.

D 9. A metric space X is said to be ultrametric if it satisfies the

ultrametric inequality : for every three points x, y, z ? X, we have
d(x, z)  maxod(x, y), d( y, z)q.
The ultrametric inequality is a stronger version of the triangle inequality, which
has enormous consequences on the topology of the space. The proof of the following
proposition is completely elementary.

P 10. Let X be an ultrametric space. Then the following hold.

(i) EŠery triangle is isosceles, that is, for eŠery three points x, y, z ? X, two of the
three distances d(x, y), d( y, z) and d(x, z) are equal.
(ii) If y ? B(x, r), then B( y, rh) 9 B(x, r) for all rh  r.
(iii) If y @ B(x, r), then B(y, rh)EB(x, r) l 6 for all rh  r.
(iv) EŠery open ball is closed, and eŠery closed ball is open.
(v) EŠery point has a neighborhood basis that consists of sets which are open and

The next result will provide us with many examples of ultrametric spaces, in
particular the ones we will be interested in.

P 11. Let (X, d ) be a metric space. Construct the new metric
d h l log(1jd ). Then the asymptotic cone of (X, d h) is an ultrametric space, for any
nonprincipal ultrafilter.

Proof. Let x l (xn), y l ( yn) and z l (zn) be three points in Con(X, d h). We
need to prove that
dh(x, z)  maxodh(x, y), dh(y, z)q.
562 ! 
Since there is nothing to prove if all three distances are equal, assume that
dh(x, y) dh(y, z). We want to see then that dh(x, z) l dh(y, z).
We can also assume that dh(y, z) is not zero, because if it is, then the inequality is
trivial. So for all n in some set in , d( yn, zn) is not zero. It is enough to prove now
d(xn, zn)
lim l 1.
 d( yn, zn)

From the triangle inequality we have

Qd( yn, zn)kd(xn, yn)Q  d(xn, zn)  d(xn, yn)jd( yn, zn)
d(x , y ) d(xn, zn) d(x , y )
1k n n   1j n n .
d( yn, zn) d( yn, zn) d( yn, zn)

So we only need to prove that

d(xn, yn)
lim l 0.
 d( yn, zn)

Call a l dh(x, y) and b l dh(y, z). We assumed that a b, so

log(1jd(xn, yn)) log(1jd( yn, zn))

lim lim .
 n  n

Fix some δ  0 such that δ a, δ b and δ (bka)\2. There exists a set U ?  such
that for all n ? U, we have

log(1jd(xn, yn))
akδ ajδ
log(1jd( yn, zn))
bkδ bjδ

and rewriting the inequalities

e(a−δ)nk1 d(xn, yn) e(a+δ)nk1
e(b−δ)nk1 d( yn, zn) e(b+δ)nk1.
So now we have
d(xn, yn) e(a+δ)nk1
lim  lim l0
 d( yn, zn)  e

because since δ (bka)\2, we have ajδ bkδ.

Metrics of the form log(1jd ) are called log-metrics.

The main example to which this result applies is the horosphere of a hyperbolic
space : the metric induced on a horosphere by the hyperbolic metric is a log-metric.
Given two points in Hn, we always have a totally geodesic hyperbolic plane
that contains them, so we only need to study H#. Also, two horospheres are
       563
always isometric, so we can assume that the two points are in the horosphere
oz ? C Q Im z l 1q in the upper half-plane model for H#. Let xji and xhji be these
points. Then the distance in H# between them is

log 1j
(QxkxhQjNQxkxhQ#j4) 1
and, since

0 x
log 1j (xjNx#j4)
x _
2 log(1jx)
we see that the asymptotic cone of the horosphere with the metric induced by the
hyperbolic metric is isometric to the asymptotic cone of the same horosphere but with
the metric
d h(xji, xhji) l 2 log(1jQxkxhQ)
which is a log-metric.
So inside Con H# we have ultrametric subspaces. We will see that these subspaces
are the fibers of a map into R, and these fibers will be metrically parallel, so we will
be able to apply the main result in Section 6.

5. Dimension
The dimension theory that will be used in this paper will be the covering
dimension, which, due to a theorem of Morita, for normal topological spaces (hence
for metric spaces) coincides with the large inductive dimension. Recall the definition
of covering dimension, as follows.

D 12. Let X be a set and let be a family of subsets of X. We say that
has order n if nj1 is the largest number of sets in that have nonempty
intersection. If no such number exists, we say that the order of is _. The order of
is denoted by ord .

D 13. To every normal topological space X one assigns its coŠering
dimension, denoted dim X, subject to the following conditions :
(1) dim X  n if every open cover  of X has a refinement  with ord   n ;
(2) dim X l n if dim X  n and dim X  nk1 ;
(3) dim X l _ if dim X  n for all n lk1, 0, 1, 2, … .

For more details on the properties of covering dimension, see [3, 10]. In particular,
we will use the following characterization of covering dimension based on sequences
of open coverings. Recall that if  is a covering of a metric space X, its mesh is defined
mesh  l sup odiam U Q U ?  q.

T 14. A metric space X has coŠering dimension at most n if and only if
there exists a sequence of open coŠerings k, k l 1, 2, … , such that
(i) k+ is a refinement of k, for all k ;
(ii) ord k  n for all k ;
(iii) limk _ mesh k l 0.
564 ! 
A proof of this result can be found in [10].
The dimension of an ultrametric space (see Section 4) is well known, and is not
too difficult to deduce from the previous characterization.

P 15. If X is an ultrametric space, then dim X l 0.

Our goal is to find the dimension of some asymptotic cones by finding suitable
maps into known spaces with particular fibers. It is not true that for a general map
the dimension of the source space is equal to the dimension of the target space plus
the dimension of the fibers. A classical result states that this is true if the map is
closed, but this is not the situation on our case. We will strengthen the hypotheses to
accommodate it to our purposes : we will require that the map has metrically parallel
(see Section 3) ultrametric fibers. The theorem is stated and proved in the next

6. The dimension theorem

The purpose of this section is to prove the main dimension theorem of this paper.
This theorem will allow us to compute the dimension of some asymptotic cones.

T 16. Let

f : X ,- Y

be a continuous map between metric spaces whose fibers are ultrametric and metrically
parallel. Then dim X  dim Y.

Proof. If dim Y l _ there is nothing to prove, so assume that dim Y l n. By the

characterization of covering dimension by sequences of coverings (see Section 5) we
have a sequence k, for k ? N of coverings of Y satisfying
(1) k+ is a refinement of k ;
(2) ord k  n ;
(3) limk _ mesh k l 0.

We want to see that X has a sequence of coverings satisfying the same properties
(see Figure 1). Call rk l mesh k and assume (taking a subsequence of the sequence
of coverings if necessary) that rk+  (1\9) rk. Let Ukα be the open sets in k, with α in
some index set Ik. Choose y αk ? U αk, and let Fkα l f −"( yαk). We know that Fkα is an
ultrametric space, so choose a covering of Fkα whose elements are open balls of radius
5rk, pairwise disjoint. Let B αβ
be these balls, with β a new index in a set Jkα. We know
that B k is an open ball of radius 5rk in an ultrametric space, so every two points in
B αβ
are at distance less than 5rk, and every point in B αβ k
can be thought of as the center
of the ball. Observe that B αβk
is an open set in F α
Let Vkαβ be the 2rk-open neighborhood of B αβ k
in X, that is, the set of points of X
for which there exists a point in B αβ k
at distance less than 2rk. Clearly Vkαβ is an open
set of X. Now take Wk l Vk Ef (Uk). Define
αβ αβ − " α

k l oWkαβ, α ? Ik, β ?  Jkαq .

α? Ik

We claim that the k are the coverings of X satisfying all the properties.
       565

Vkαβ Vkαβ ′

W kαβ W kαβ ′
Bkαβ Bkαβ ′
F kα y kα U kα

F kα′ y kα′ U kα′

Bkα′β ′′ W kα′β ′′

V kα′β ′′
F 1. The coŠer k.

To see that k is an open covering of X, choose x ? X. Then f(x) ? Ukα for some
α ? Ik, and, since mesh k l rk, then d( f(x), yαk)  rk. The fibers of f are metrically
parallel, so there exists xh ? Fkα with d(x, xh) l d( f(x), yαk)  rk 2rk, and there exists
β ? Jkα with xh ? B αβ
. It is clear now that x ? Wkαβ, for these choices of α and β.
We will see now that mesh k  9rk. Take a Wkαβ ? k, and take x, y ? Wkαβ. By the
construction, there exist two points xh, yh ? B αβk
such that
d(x, xh)  2rk and d( y, yh)  2rk.
Since d(xh, yh)  5rk, we obtain d(x, y)  9rk, as desired.
To see that ord k  ord k, we need the following fact : if we have two different
sets Wkαβ and Wkαβh based on the same Ukα, then WkαβEWkαβh l 6. If x ? WkαβEWkαβh, then
there exist two points y ? B αβ
and yh ? B αβh
d(x, y)  2rk and d(x, yh)  2rk
so d( y, yh)  4rk 5rk, and then B k l B k and Wkαβ l Wkαβh. Now, if we have
αβ αβh

Wkα" β"E … EWkαm βm  6

Ukα" β"E … EUkαm βm  6
with αi  αj if i  j. Then, since ord k  n, we have m  nj1 and ord k  n.
It only remains to be seen that k+ is a refinement of k. So choose Wk+ αβ
? k+ .
" " "
αβ − "
Then Wk+ 9 f (Uk+ ). Since k+ is a refinement of k, there exists Ukαh with
" " "
Uk+ 9 Ukαh, and then Wk+ αβ
9 f −"(Ukαh). Imagine that there exist βh, βd ? Jkα with
" "
Wk+ αβ
EWkαhβh  6 and Wk+ αβ
EWkαhβd  6.
" "
xh ? Wk+ αβ
EWkαhβh and xd ? Wk+ αβ
" "
Then we have
d(xh, xd)  mesh k+  9rk+  rk
" "
and there exist yh ? B k and yd ? B αhβd
such that
d(xh, yh) 2rk and d(xd, yd) 2rk.
566 ! 
d( yh, yd)  d( yh, xh)jd(xh, xd)jd(xd, yd) 2rkjrkj2rk l 5rk
and B αhβh l B αhβd αβ
. So Wk+ can only be included in one of the sets of k, and k+ is
k k " "
then a refinement of k. This concludes the proof of dim X  dim Y.

7. Applications
7.1. Hyperbolic spaces
The map that collapses Hn into a geodesic along its horospheres has metrically
parallel fibers. Since all the fibers in the asymptotic cone are ultrametric, this map
satisfies all the conditions of the theorem, and the dimension of the asymptotic cone
of Hn is 1.

7.2. Baumslag–Solitar groups

More interesting is the case of the asymptotic cone of the Cayley graph of a
Baumslag–Solitar group BSp,q given by the presentation
fa, b Q abpa−" l bqg
with Q pQ  QqQ. For a description of the Cayley graph of the Baumslag–Solitar groups,
see [4]. This Cayley graph admits a map into a (directed) tree T of constant valence
pjq, and the map has metrically parallel fibers. Also, these fibers are horospheres in
a hyperbolic plane, because the preimage of a geodesic in the tree is a hyperbolic
plane. So again this map induces a map in the asymptotic cones which satisfies the
conditions of the thoerem, so dim Con BSp,q  dim Con T. To see that Con T has
dimension 1, we only need to see that T embeds isometrically into H#, so its
asymptotic cone embeds into Con H#, which has dimension 1.

7.3. Sol
The 3-manifold Sol can be thought of as the manifold obtained when we equip R$
with the Riemannian metric
ds# l e#zdx#je−#zdy#jdz#.
It is well known that Sol admits two perpendicular foliations by hyperbolic planes.
In the coordinates above, one foliation is given by the xz-planes and the other one by
the yz-planes. If we map Sol into a hyperbolic plane by projecting all the planes of
the xz foliation into one of them along the y direction, then the fibers are the
horospheres of the hyperbolic planes of the other foliation, and the map obtained
induces a map in the asymptotic cones that satisfies all the conditions of the theorem
in the previous section. Thus, dim Con Sol  dim Con H# l 1.

8. The Hawaiian earring as a subspace

The Hawaiian earring is an interesting object of study due to its surprising
properties. The Hawaiian earring is a union of countably many circles whose radii
tend to zero, and which are all tangent at a common point. The fact that the radii tend
to zero makes the topology of the Hawaiian earring different from the one in an
       567
infinite wedge of spheres, since an open set containing the common point must
contain all but finitely many of the circles. This fact also makes the fundamental
group of the Hawaiian earring much more complicated than just the free product of
infinitely many copies of Z, since one can construct many more loops which are
continuous in the Hawaiian earring, in particular, loops that induce nontrivial loops
in infinitely many circles. For details in the fundamental group of the Hawaiian
earring, see [1, 9]. The only result we will use is the following proposition.

P 17. The fundamental group of the Hawaiian earring is uncountable

and nonfree.

The proof of this result can be found in [1].

Our goal is to prove that the fundamental groups of the asymptotic cones of the
Baumslag–Solitar groups and of Sol are also uncountable and nonfree, by finding
suitable subspaces with the same topological properties as those of the Hawaiian
earring, and proving that these subspaces induce injections on the fundamental group
level. In order to prove these results, we will first prove that the Hawaiian earring is
a classifying space for spaces with covering dimension one, that is, that if the
Hawaiian earring is found as a subspace of a larger space, then the fundamental
group of this space will contain the fundamental group of the Hawaiian earring as a
The motivation for this theorem is the theorems that characterize dimension by
extensions of maps to spheres. An example is the following theorem, which is Theorem
3.2.10 in [3].

T 18. A normal topological space satisfies the inequality dim X  n  0 if

and only if for eŠery closed subspace A of X and eŠery continuous map
f : A ,- S n
there exists a continuous extension
F : X ,- S n
to the whole space X.

Our goal is to prove a similar theorem extending a map from a closed subspace
into the Hawaiian earring, to the space X, when X is one-dimensional. Let E be the
Hawaiian earring, with basepoint O, and let Cn be the circles in the Hawaiian earring,
all tangent to each other at O, with Cn having radius 1\n.

T 19. Let X be a normal topological space with dim X  1. Then for eŠery
closed subspace A and eŠery continuous map
f : A ,- E
there exists a continuous extension
F : X ,- E.
Proof. Let EV be the filled Hawaiian earring, that is, a one-point union of infinitely
many disks whose radii tend to zero. The topology of EV is the topology induced on
EV as a subspace of D# (see Figure 2).
Let CV n be the nth disk in EV , whose boundary is Cn, the nth circle of the Hawaiian
earring. We have then that EV is a deformation retract of the disk D# (see also Figure
568 ! 

F 2. The retraction of D# into E# .

f k

i j r

X D2
F 3.

2). Let j be the inclusion of EV in D#, and let r be the retraction. Let i be the inclusion
from A into X and k be the inclusion of the Hawaiian earring E into EV (see
Figure 3).
The map j @ k @ f is a map from A to D#, which by Tietze’s extension theorem can
be extended to a map } from X to D#. Compose } with r to obtain a map ψ from X
to EV . Since } @ i l j @ k @ f, we have ψ @ i l r @ } @ i l r @ j @ k @ f l k @ f. So we have a
map ψ from X to EV which extends the composition of f with k to X. We will modify
the map ψ to a map from X to E which will satisfy our requirements.
Let Yn l ψ−"(CV n), and let Bn l ψ−"(Cn). Then Yn is a metric space of dimension
at most one, being a subspace of X, and Bn is a closed set in Yn. The map ψ sends Bn
to Cn. Then we can use the theorem on characterizations of dimension by maps to
spheres to find a map Fn from Yn to Cn, such that restricted to Bn it gives ψ. Let F be
the map defined as the union of all the Fn, that is, if x ? X is in Yn, then F(x) l Fn(x).
The map F goes from X to the Hawaiian earring E, and it is well defined because
YnEYm l ψ−"(O). If we restrict F to the union of all the Bn, we obtain ψ, and clearly
A is included in the union of all the Bn. So the map F is an extension of our original
map f. The proof that F is continuous is straightforward and it is left to the reader.

C 20. Let

i : A ,- X
be the inclusion of a subspace A in a metric space X of coŠering dimension one. If A is
homotopically equiŠalent to the Hawaiian earring E, then the fundamental group of X
admits π (E ) as a subgroup. In particular, π (X ) is uncountable and nonfree.
" "
       569
Proof. Let
f : A ,- E

be the homotopy equivalence. By the previous theorem, the map f can be extended
F : X ,- E.

Since F @ i l f, then the induced maps in the fundamental groups also satisfy
F @ i l f . Since f is a homotopy equivalence, then f is an isomorphism, and then
the map i is injective.

9. Construction of subspaces
We will construct subspaces of certain asymptotic cones which are homotopically
equivalent to the Hawaiian earring. Since the asymptotic cones will be one-
dimensional, this will imply that the fundamental group of these asymptotic cones
will contain the fundamental group of the Hawaiian earring as a subgroup, and hence
they will be uncountable and nonfree.

9.1. Baumslag–Solitar groups

For simplicity we will construct the subspace in the asymptotic cone of BS , .
The cases for the other Baumslag–Solitar groups are analogous.
To construct this subspace consider two hyperbolic planes included in the 2-
complex associated to the presentation of BS , . Let Y be the union of these two
hyperbolic planes. The intersection of these hyperbolic planes is the complement of
a horoball. Let H be the common horosphere which bounds the two horoballs in both
hyperbolic planes (see Figure 4). Take the basepoint x in H. Take pairs of points
xn, yn ? H such that d(x , xn) l d(x , yn) l n. Join xn and yn by geodesics γn and γn,
! !
each one in a different sheet. The sequences of points (xn) and ( yn) define points x and
y in Con Y which are in Con H and such that d(x , x ) l d(x , y ) l 1. The geodesics
" ! " ! "

F 4. The subspace A inside ConY.

570 ! 
γn and γn define two geodesics joining x and y, each one contained in the asymptotic
cone of a different sheet. We obtain in this way a loop A in Con Y.
Construct a similar loop in Con Y but now choose the points xn and yn with
d(x , xn) l d(x , xn) l n\2, to obtain a loop A passing through two points x , y
! ! # # #
that satisfy d(x , x ) l d(x , y ) l 1\2. Repeating this process we can obtain loops
! # ! #
Ak, for all k, such that Ak passes through two points xk and yk with d(x , xk) l
d(x , yk) l 1\k. These loops accumulate to the basepoint x ; thus their union is
! !
close to the Hawaiian earring. To make it homotopically equivalent to the Hawaiian
earring, we only have to take a segment joining all the loops in one of the sheets, which
is induced by segments in the vertical geodesic in H# starting at the basepoint. Let A be
the space consisting of the union of all the loops Ak and of this segment (see Figures
4 and 5).

F 5. The subspace A.

It is clear that the space A is homotopically equivalent to the Hawaiian earring.

Thus, by Corollary 20, we can conclude the following result.

C 21. The fundamental group of the asymptotic cone of BSp,q is

uncountable and nonfree.

It is important to remark that the geodesics γn and γn in Y form a loop enclosing

an area that grows exponentially in n. These loops are the geometric version of the
loops constructed by Gersten in [5] to prove that the Baumslag–Solitar groups have
an exponential Dehn function. This fact confirms the idea already stated in Drutu’s
result (see Section 2) that loops that are homotopically trivial in the asymptotic cone
correspond to loops that can be filled polynomially in the original space, since here
loops that cannot be filled polynomially give loops in the asymptotic cone that are not
trivial in the fundamental group. It is somewhat expected that loops with length linear
in n that require fillings which are exponential in n will not be able to be filled in the
asymptotic cone, since the restriction to linearly bounded sequences makes the
exponential disks nonconvergent in the asymptotic cone.
       571

9.2. Sol
We want to construct a subspace of Con Sol which is homeomorphic to A. We
will need to construct the circles Ak in Con Sol, and each one will be a limit of circles
in Sol.
Let a ? R. Consider the four planes x l a, x lka, y l a and y lka in Sol. We
want to join the four points (a, a, 0), (a, ka, 0), (ka, a, 0) and (ka, ka, 0) with
geodesics contained in the four planes above (see Figure 6).

(–a, –a, 0) (–a, a, 0)

(a, –a, 0) (a, a, 0)

F 6. The loop αa.

For every a ? R we have a loop αa that is the concatenation of these four geodesics.
To obtain the loop Ak in Con Sol, we take the sequence of loops (αen/k)n?N. This
sequence of loops defines Ak in the asymptotic cone of Sol. We only need to join again
all Ak with a segment to obtain a subspace which is homeomorphic to A. We obtain
again the desired result, Corollary 22.

C 22. The fundamental group of the asymptotic cone of Sol is

uncountable and not free.

Note that the loops αen have length linear in n because the horospheres are
exponentially distorted, and the area required to fill them is exponential. Hence we
find another example of a space with exponential Dehn function and nonsimply
connected asymptotic cone, and the loops that require exponential filling induce
nontrivial loops in the asymptotic cone.

Acknowledgements. The author would like to express his most sincere gratitude
to Professor Stephen M. Gersten for his guidance and encouragement in the
development of this project.
572       

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Department of Mathematics
Tufts UniŠersity
MA 02155


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