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Name : I Gusti Agus Wirashika

NIM : 2001541006
Class : A

Literature Review
The Portrayal of Hegemony as Seen in Snowpiercer

The Portrayal of Hegemony as Seen in Snowpiercer was released on June 2021. This
article was taken from Journal of Language and Literature Gunadarma University Volume 9.
This article tells about the study of hegemony in a movie Snowpiercer. This movie was
directed by Korean auteur, Bong Joon-ho, and adapted from the French graphic novel Le
Transperceneige. The hegemony itself means Hegemony is the political, economic, and
military predominance of one state over other states, which shown in this movie’s plot.

The article, in each part of the structure, mainly discuss about the relation between
scene and the plot of this movie with the theory of hegemony. The aims of the research is to
analyze the five stages of hegemony in this movie. In abstract, the writers state about the
movie and hegemony in general. The introduction mainly discuss more detail about the
hegemony and the plot of Snowpiercer. In Methods, the writer used the sociological approach
with the theory by Antonio Gramsci and Max Weber to reveal the five stages of hegemony.
The research use the scene of the movie that related to hegemony issues and use narrative and
non-narrative approach to deliver the result. In result, the writer states the five stages of
hegemony and its relation with the movie. The analysis is based on the visual, character,
dialog, and the plot itself. The first part, the writer discuss about Wilford’s operation is
related to the hegemony. The second part discuss about the impact of Wilford hegemony to
the subaltern class. The last part mainly discuss about the isolation, oppression, and the
exploitation. The writer state in conclusion that the hegemony in Snowpiercer mostly caused
negative impact on the subaltern class who lives in the tail-end section, many people get
isolated, oppressed, and exploited. In addition, the film’s plot is related to the five stages of
hegemony. The writer mostly took the hegemony references on the book and another sites.

Based on the analysis, we can conclude that this article has a complete structure. The
writer state the generalization of the topic in introduction clearly. The result is well-written
based on the methods that the writer stated before this part. The connection between
hegemony and the movie is shown in conclusion.

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