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Maku Evander, Serfus. 2021. An Analysis of the Main Character’s Conflict in

the Movie Act of Vengeance. English Study Program, Faculty of Foreign
Languages, Mahasaraswati Denpasar University. Supervisor: Dr. I Gusti Agung
Sri Rwa Jayantini, S.S., M.Hum. and Co-Supervisor: I Wayan Juniartha, S.S.,

Movies can be real and unreal human’s experience. Meanwhile, human

there are two objectives of the study: the first one is to find out the types of
conflicts that the main character faced in the movie Act of Vengeance? Second one
is to analyze how the main character manages to settle the conflict in the movie
Act of Vengeance? The data sources of this study were taken from DVD cassette
and the script of the movie Act of Vengeance. The data already collected were
analyzed descriptively based on Kenney’s theory of literature (1966). The result
of this study reveals that, the conflicts faced by main character can be divided into
internal conflict and external conflict. External conflicts faced by Frank as the
main character were mostly with other characters. Conflicts between men against
man, includes that between Frank and Sue, Frank and Jeff, Frank and Robbers,
Frank and Gangster, Frank and Mr. Shiver, and Frank and Strode. Conflict
between man against society, includes that between Frank against Police rules.
Internal conflicts are mostly faced by Frank with himself. The sources of conflicts
faced by the main character are different opinions, incompatible roles,
incompatible goals, limited resources. The way used by the main characters to
resolve the conflict was following conflict management, namely: pacification,
compromise, and creative integration. Conflict adds excitement and suspense to a
story. As the plot unfolds, the readers start to wonder what will happen next, and
how the character will handle the situation. In conclusion, the writer finds that
Frank Valera's character in "Act of Vengeance" is developed from the beginning to
the end of the story. The protagonist Valera defends strongly against the
antagonists. The antagonist can also keep the protagonist from achieving his goal,
finding the main culprit in the murder of his wife and daughter. The supporting
characters in this film also make some important contributions to help the
protagonist find the real killer. in the film "Act of Vengeance", the director reveals
the characters using direct indirect means.

Keywords: Main Character, Movie, and Conflict.


1.1 Background of the Study

Literature is a reflection of human life, a criticism implicitly

commenting on the relationship between people, the environment, and the

creator. It describes how people are involved in the conflict and how they

discover the solution. It stimulates our consciousness about our existence

as a part of the world, of the environment, and the society (Wellek &

Warren 1994:22). Literary works as the social-cultural phenomenon have a

relation to the writer and human life. There are many forms of literary

work, and those are novels, poems, dramas, movies, and short stories.

Conflict is very influential on social life because the primary

concern in each story is the storyline that is the meaning of the conflict

itself, from the conflict the people can understand and get interested in the

story of the movie. After watching the movie, the audience can remember

how the main character in the movie solves the conflict or the problem,

and this can be applied in real life when we get the same problem in our

social life. Therefore, we can follow how to solves the conflict. Conflict is

essential to be discussed in literary work because it provides that primary

material for the construction of the plot, many literary works, including

movies, must have conflict within without it, the story would not have

meaning and it would be worthless. According to Wellek, warren, and

Nurgiantoro (1994:122) conflict is dramatic even that focuses on the battle

between two forces balanced and implies the action and relation. The

movie is one of the products in which there is conflict as an intrinsic


The movie is one of the audiovisual mass media. It is a series of

motion imagery, adventure, and experience with sound and color to see

life is more interesting. A movie can be defined as any movie picture,

cinema, and fictional movie. In a movie, many characters make the story

run smoothly. The movie also serves as communication media that

provides a valuable message to the audience. The message is displayed by

the electronic media, which is educating and entertaining easy, and the

movie has an essential part of expressing the feeling and imagination of

someone. The message is displayed above the study aims to analyze the

movie entitled “Act of Vengeance” by Isaac Florentine as the data source,

there will be several problems by conflict the main character that could be

analyzed in accordance to the theory. The “Act of Vengeance” movie is

very complicated to the predict storyline. In general, the plot and conflict

of this movie are unpredictable from the beginning until the end of the

story. Besides, this movie has an attractive story since the main character

in the “Act of Vengeance” movie confronts various conflicts. Generally,

conflict can be separated into two parts, internal conflict, and external

1.2 Problems of the Study

1. What are the types of conflicts faced by the main character in the

movie Act of Vengeance?

2. How does the main character manage to settle the conflict in the movie

Act of Vengeance?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are to find the answers to the problems

that have been mentioned before, and these objectives can be listed as


1. To find out the types of conflicts that the main character faced in the

movie Act of Vengeance.

2. To analyze how the main character manages to settle the conflict in the

movie Act of Vengeance.

1.4 Limitation of the Study

This research is limited only to the study of the main character’s

conflict in the movie Act of Vengeance, especially to the types of conflict

being faced by the main character, and how the main character manages to

settle the conflict that occurred in the movie Act of Vengeance.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The result of the research is expected to have some significance,

both theoretically and practically.

1.5.1 Theoretical Significance

Theoretically, the research is to give a contribution to the

development of the literary study. Besides, this study also can be used as

references for the next researchers who are interested in analyzing the

types of conflict and how the main character manages to settle the conflict.

This research is also hoped to enrich the knowledge of the readers about

the conflict and its elements.

1.5.2 Practical Significance

Practically, the study is done to fulfill the academic requirement for

completing the study at the college of foreign language, Maharaswati

Denpasar Moreover, this study is expected to give constructive feedback

to the student of English, particularly those who are much involved in the

conflict analysis.



2.1 Review of Related Literature

Literature is a kind of art, usually in the form of writing that expresses

many aspects of life. Literature can be formed in writing as well as

performing on stage like drama. It can also be applied to modern medium

like movies. This study talks about the conflict which is found in the

movie. Therefore, before analyzing the movie, there are some reviews of

related literature from previous studies which are related to the topic of

this research. They are described as follows:

The first study was conducted by Putra (2016), in his paper entitled

“The Analysis of Main Character and Conflict in the movie The Hangover

III”. He discussed the category of the character and the kinds of conflicts

faced by the main character. He used the theory proposed by Deetz and

Stevenson (1986). For the conflict, he explained it using the theory by

Kenney (1966:5) who mentions the types of conflicts such as external and

internal conflict. Based on his analysis, Putra categorized characters from

Hangover III as the main character are Alan is dynamic protagonist

character, Chow is static antagonist character. A Secondary character is

Phil who a static protagonist character, Marshall is a static antagonist

character. The conflict in the movie showed how the way Alan is the main

character. In this movie, is conflict found just external conflict only. Alan
was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (ADHD), and because

of his mental sickness, he already made many mistakes with the people

around him. There are similarities and differences between Putra’s thesis

with this study. There are similarities in terms of the theory that is applied

in analyzing the types of conflict, namely the theory proposes by Kenney

(1966). He also used the movie as his data source. The differences are that

Putra’s paper is focused on analyzing the category of the character in the

movie and the internal conflict only.

The second study conducted by Suerni (2014) in her paper entitled

“An Analysis of Internal Conflict Faced by The Main Character in the

Novel The Notebook by Nicholas Spark”. Her paper focused on the

analysis of internal conflict in the novel and sources of the conflict,

especially faced by the main character. Suerni discussed intrinsic aspects

of elements that built up the structure of a literary work, the various

elements of the intrinsic aspect such as; Theme, Setting, Character, and

Plot. This study focussed analysis Internal conflict faced by the main

character in the novel The Notebook by Nicholas Spark which the theory

of internal conflict proposed by Kenney (1966:5), the types of conflict

such as external and internal conflicts. And based on the theory proposed

by Deetz and Stevenson (1986), the sources of conflict such as; Different

opinions, Incompatible roles, Incompatible goals, and Limited resources.

There are similarities and differences between Suerni’s paper and this

study. The similarities are that both of these papers analyze types of
conflicts and apply the same theory proposed by Kenney (1966), while the

differences are in the terms of the data sources, where the data source is

from a novel, and the data source of this paper is a movie.

The third study is from Sudarsana (2009) in his paper entitled

“Analysis conflict in the novel In My Fair Lady”. He focussed on the

discussion of conflict used the main theory proposed by Kenney (1966), in

his book How to Analysis Fiction which stated analyzing a literary work is

to identify what make it up (this corresponds roughly to the notion of

tearing it to pieces). The novel entitled In My Fair Lady written by Alan

Jay Lerner is used as the data source. According to Sudarsana, in the novel

In my Fair Lady, there were contains external and internal conflicts found

in the story that occurred between the main character Elisa. For external

conflict occurred between man against man. There are similarities in terms

of the theory that is applied in analyzing the types of conflict, namely the

theory proposes by Kenney (1966). While the differences are in the terms

of the data sources, where the data source is from a novel, and the data

source of this paper is a movie.

2.2 Concepts

In this part of the study, there are three concepts related to literary

works such as main character, movie, and conflict. The descriptions of the

concepts are presented as follows.

2.2.1 Conflict

According to Kenney (1966:19), conflict is the struggle between

the protagonist and the antagonist as opposing forces. Several types of

conflict may be present in any one story. There are two types of conflict,

such as internal and external conflicts. Internal conflict is that coming

from inside of the character in literary work. External conflict is the

struggle between a literary or dramatic character, an outside force such as

nature, or another character, which drives the dramatic action of the plot.

2.2.2 Main Character

The Main character is a central character the whole story, has a

most important role in the development of the story and the character’s

psychological experience development (Morner & Rausch, 1991:43). The

main character is the character who has an important role that is mostly

related to the other characters, the character that is mostly involved in the

theme of the story.

2.2.3 Movie

A movie is a series of still images which is shown on a screen and

creates the illusions of moving images and that is why it can also be called

a movie or film. The movie has an advantage over other literary works

because it can bring strong emotional influence, directly illustrates visual

contrast, communicates with the audience, and can motivate the audience

to make changes (Paramitha in Javadalasta, 2015: 8).

2.3 Theories

In order to able to achieve the objectives of the study, were two

kinds of theory used in this research. The first is the theory of conflict

proposed by Kenney (1966) in his book “How to Analyze Fiction” to

analyze the types of conflict are faced by the main character in the Act of

Vengeance movie and to resolve the conflict. The second one is the theory

analyzing how the main character manages to settle the conflict in the

movie Acts of Vengeance by using the theory that proposes by Deetz and

Stevenson (1986).

2.3.1 Types of Conflict

According to Kenney (1966), there are words types of conflict, a

story may deal with a conflict within a single man, this is called internal

conflict. And the conflict between man and man, man and society,

between man and nature, these conflicts are external conflicts. For

example, Frank Valera was very angry and disappointed when he found

out his daughter and his wife had been cruelly killed in his life which

resulted in him taking revenge and killing criminals. External Conflict

External conflict is a conflict between characters and outside

forces. The conflict that is included as external conflict is social conflict.

Social conflict is conflict, which is related to the social conditions in

society, between characters or individuals against other people. It can be a

conflict between man against man, man against nature, and man against


1. Man against man

The Conflict between man and man occurs when the characters

struggle against another character. These struggles maybe born from

moral, religious or social differences and maybe emotional, verbal, or

psychical conflict, or the conflict of man against man in which the conflict

in the stories in which the characters are struggling against each other

(Kenney, 1966: 19).

2. Man against nature

The conflict of man against nature is an external struggle

positioning the hero against an animal or a force of nature, such as a storm

or tornado, or snow. The conflict, when it happened between man and

nature, allows most the playwrights to explore the relationship between

man and nature in one way, in which the playwright considers nature a

hostile or destructive force. Man is seen to cope with an oppressive

environment (Kenney, 1966:19).

3. Man against society.

The Conflict between man against society is the leading characters

struggle against the ideas, practices, or customs of the other people. In

many cases, potential conflicts become the structure of organization itself.

As organization or group gets bigger and more complex, it inevitably

develops functions and roles simply built through the possible conflict

(Kenney, 1966:19). Internal Conflict

Internal conflict in literature sometimes called “character’s or

Selfconflict” is the conflict that occurs inside a particular character’s mind.

Usually, internal conflict involves a character being faced with a difficult

choice. Internal conflict is a struggle that takes place inside the character;

it is a struggle within the character herself or himself. A character may

have to decide between right or wrong or between two solutions to a

problem. Sometimes the character must deal with his or her mixed feeling

or emotions. According to Koesnosoebroto (1988:42-43), internal conflict

is a conflict that comes from inside of the character in literary work.

The conflicts that use included as internal conflicts are

psychological and emotional. Psychological conflict is a conflict that is

related to the mind of the main character. The psychological states of

conflict exist when we are under pressure to respond simultaneously to

two or more incompatible forces, like a person in a conflict as the desire to

express sexuality or aggression. For example, a man is struggling against

himself, is guilt, or simply trying to decide what he is to do. This conflict

often happens to a person who has no mental stability. Emotional conflict

is a conflict that is present in the subconscious of different and opposing

emotions relating to a situation that has recently taken place or in the

process of being unfolded of the character. On the other hand, emotional

conflict is related to the character’s psychology with his life.

2.3.2 Source of Conflict

According to Deetz and Stevenson, (1986:207-208), there are four

different issues as to the source of conflict, such as those explained below:

1. Different opinions

Many common conflicts are based on differing opinions, differences

information, or different bodies of knowledge, and simple cases of

disagreement. The conflict which is caused by opinions is relatively easy

to manage as long as the conflict can be kept at this level.

2. Incompatible roles

The conflicts arising from incompatible roles are more difficult to manage.

This type of conflict arises whenever individual roles in interaction cannot

be appropriately assumed because each requires a complementary role that

the other is not playing.

3. Incompatible goal

Incompatible goal conflict arises in situations where, for example, two

people want to do something together, but each wants to do something

different. Where one person’s goal accomplishment is based on the other

person’s doing something first, where goal accomplishment is based on

mutual effort.
4. Limited resources

Conflict over limited resources is similar to those over incompatible goals

when one person’s acquisition of the resources precludes the others from

gaining the resources.

2.3.3 Conflict Management Strategies

Conflict management strategies are important in handling conflicts.

There are some potentially good strategies available for conflict

management that have their strengths in certain situations. According to

Deetz and Stevenson (1986:210-218), in their book Managing,

Interpersonal Communication Conflict management strategies are

categorized into five, namely: avoidance, pacification, competition,

compromise, and creative and integration.

1. Avoidance

Conflict avoidance can take place by avoiding the context in which

conflict might arise, by giving into the other in a conflict situation, or by

agreeing to put the conflict to another time and place. This strategy is

generally used when the issue is trivial or other issues are most pressing. It

is also used when confrontation has a high potential for damage or more

information is needed.

2. Pacification

The pacification strategy works to block the discussion of the conflict

issue by undermining rather than avoiding the conflict discussion.

Pacification massages appear to deal with the problem but actually,

subvert the conflict discussion. It debilitates individual and relationship

problem solving by incapacity decision making and it can expand the

complexity of the issues, leaving them more difficult to address in the

future. Nevertheless, pacification may be desirable to think and pre-plan

them to deal with conflict.

3. Competition

Competition refers to an instance where each individual in a conflict

decides they wish to win, to get what they want. The conflict which is

based on differences of opinion or differing information can be best

worked out by argumentation. In this conflict, a relationship is enhanced

by good discussion and useful answer, but they are damaged when people

lost sight of the issue and only want to win. As long as the goal of

maintaining a positive relationship is held higher than winning a

particulary tight, competition can be a good strategy for conflict based on

differing opinions and relatively simple cases of limited resources or

incompatible goals.

4. Compromise

A compromise is an approach with a desire to keep everyone a little bit

happy, perhaps not as happy as they would like. By making a compromise

or agreeing to meet in the middle, you can find a positive way to resolve

the conflict that can make other participants a little happy with the result.
5. Creative Integration

Creative integration is the most complex and energy-consuming strategy

but offers the greatest opportunity to satisfy each participant’s goals and to

enhance the long-term relationship. Conflict integration attempts to break

the conflict context by demonstrating that the way a conflict is being

perceived is not only possible as the way to see it. Creative integration has

three steps of a process, namely first identify the goals of each participant.

Second, combine the goals of the participant and think of them as if they

were all the desires of each. Third, identify activities and processes that

may accomplish many or ideally all goals. These may be quite defferent

from those that participants were initially suggesting. Those are the

descriptions of various aspects of the conflict. Through the basic theory

mentioned above, the readers are expected to be able to manage conflicts

and be able to describe the types of conflict faced by the main character in

the movie Act of Vengeance.



Methodology explains the way which is used in doing the research.

By knowing the research method, we will know how to write a scientific

papers in logical ways. It makes it easier to implement and get the success

of the research. The methodology applied in writing this paper consists of

four parts, namely the following:

3.1 Data Source

The data of this study were taken from the film entitled Act of

Vengeance movie directed by Isacc Florentine and the script written by

Matt Venne produced by Saban Capital Group. The movie was released on

27 October 2017 with duration of 87 minutes. The story is very interesting

to discuss tells about madness, togetherness, and adventure. This film tells

the story of Frank Valera a lawyer who wants to take revenge for the

deaths of his wife (Christina) and daughter (Olivia) who died shortly after

a talent show, in which Olivia sings a song for Frank and their bodies.

Dumped in the hole near the carriage yard. Before the murder, Sue sent

Frank a video of Olivia's performance. Due to his job as a lawyer, Frank is

unable to attend busy events with his daughter. Police suspect the murder

was caused by a group of the Russian mafia who controlled the area. After

experiencing anxiety and depression, Frank reads a book that could

eventually lead to further decisions about the murder of his wife and child.
This movie had participants of the best actor, Antonio Banderas,

Karl Urban, and Paz Vega. Acts of Vengeance carries the genre Action,

Crime, and Drama. This film features the best actor Antonio Banderas as

the main character, Karl Urban, and Cristina Serafini in the secondary role.

The film Act of Vengeance was chosen because this film discusses the

patience of losing a loved one and waking up from adversity. The choice

of actors also seems to make this film even better. Antonio Banderas has

starred in a myriad of films. Taking this film upside down will also scare

the audience. The film The Act of Vengeance is a story based on facts

about itself as a source of data because all the data the writer needs can be

found in the film.

3.2 Data Collection

The data in this research were taken collected through observation

method within several steps, they are:

1. Watching the movie of Act of Vengeance repeatedly to find every

moment that occurs to the main character from the beginning of the

movie until the end of the movie.

2. Reading the script of that movie to find out the dialogue between the

main character and the antagonist character will create a conflict in

each scene.

3. Note-taking per each moment of that movie to find the conflict, and

make a sequence of that moment structured.

3.3 Data Analysis

The data were taken analyzed qualitatively and presented

descriptively according to the theories adopted. The data will be analyzed

based on the theory literature. Two steps to conduct the data. First

classifying them according to their types whether internal conflict and

external conflict using the theory proposed by Kenney (1966:19). Second

how the main character manages to settle the conflict in the movie Act of

Vengeance by using the theory that proposes by Deetz and Stevenson


3.4 Finding Presentation

The method that is used in presenting the analysis is the informal

method. This study will describe the types of conflict; and how the main

character manages to settle the conflict a descriptive through the words.



This chapter presents the findings and discussion of the main

character’s conflicts based on the theory of the conflict. Before continuing to

the main analysis the general description of the movie is firstly presented.

Then, it is followed by the presentations of the findings and discussions of the

internal and external conflicts faced by the main character. The source of the

conflict and also how the main character resolvees or settle the conflict in the

movie Acts of Vengeance are also presented.

4.1 Finding

Based on the problems of the study, this study tries to reveal the meaning

or the content of the movie concerning the conflict faced by the main

character. The types of conflict and how the main character managed to settle

the conflicts in the movie Acts of Vengeance are analyzed. The study found

two types of conflicts, namely internal conflict and external conflict. Internal

conflict is a struggle that takes place inside the person of the character. A

character may have to decide between what is right and what is wrong, or

between two possible solutions to a problem. Sometimes the character must

deal with his or her mixed feeling or emotions. Based on the analysis, the

internal conflict that was faced by Frank as the main character in the movie

Act of Vengeance disappointed him, when he was late to watch the talent
show exhibition of his daughter became he got extra work to do and got stuck

on the road. Frank felt mistaken and called his wife by phone several times

but was not answered. Arriving at home, he found his family did not come

home and he because disappointed when the police was coming to his house

and took him to where his family was killed. Since that incident, Frank was

really sad and felt guilty for the death of his family.

As for the external conflict, it could be in the form of a fight, agreement or

disagreement, or simply opposition between two sides that are present. An

external conflict is shown through action. It can happen between one character

and something outside him. It can be a conflict between man against another

man, man against nature, and man against society (Kenney 1966). Based on

the analysis, the external conflicts are mostly faced by the main character in

the movie Act of Vengeance, particularly conflicts between man against man,

including those are:

1. Frank and Sue

The conflict happen when Frank promised to watch his daughter’s

performance, Frank getting late because he had got an extra job and stuck

on the road. Arrived at the showplace, Frank did not found his family. The

source of conflict can be identified as incompatible roles. Frank was a

Father who was promised to watch his daughter’s performance but he

loosed to watch the performance. Frank used the Pacification strategy to

resolve the conflict. Frank unsucceeded to solve this conflict. Frank tried

to call his wife several time to apologize but was not answered. In this

situation, the communication between them was not running well because

after that Frank and Sue did not meet each other. The night of Frank

loosed his family forever.

2. Frank and Jeff

The conflicts occurred because of different body knowledge between

Frank and Jeff. Jeff thought that Frank did not take care of his family as

well Meanwhile, Frank tried to explain to Jeff what did happen but Jeff

didn’t want anything hear from Frank. The source of conflict can be

identified as different opinions. In this situation, Frank used a

compromised strategy to resolve the conflict. Jeff in this position as

Frank’s uncle, who is angry and disappointed with Frank for the death of

his daughter and his grand-daughter. Frank unsucceeded to solve this

conflict. The communication between them was not running well. Frank

tried to compromise by explained to Jeff what did happen, but Jeff didn’t

want to hear.

3. Frank and a Police namely Strode

Frank tried to share and told his problem about his family to his new

police who was helped him in the free boxing arena. The conflict

happened when Strode said something annoying to Frank. Strode told that
the case of his family changed from active become cold. It was mean the

Police had not enough evidence and witnesses for the case. It made Frank

felt disappointed and unsatisfied with the Police duty. The source of

conflict can be identified as a compatible role. From the situation above,

Frank got angry because of Strode who as police give up in handling his

case. Frank used pacification strategy to resolve the conflict. Frank used a

Pacification strategy to resolve the conflict. The Pacification strategy may

be to think and preplan to deal with conflict. In this situation, Frank

decided to identify the case independently. He thought that police duty

was useless and there was something unclear in his family’s case.

4. Frank and Gangster

The conflict occurred when Frank tried to save young girls who want

to be taken by the gangster forcibly. Frank can’t let that girl went with the

gangster and they fought each other. The source of conflict can be

identified as different opinions. The struggle between Frank and the

gangster happens because of different of body knowledge. Which was

Frank felt disappointed with the gangster who employed a young girl as

prostitution. Although, the gangster didn’t want to Frank involve in their

business. The strategy used by Frank to resolve the conflicts is the

compromise strategy. As a father who has loosed a young daughter, Frank

was disappointed with that young girl’s behaviors; he tried to save that
girl from the gangster who took that girl forcibly. Frank un-succeeded to

solve the conflict because the gangster’s didn’t want to compromise and

shoot Frank with a gun.

5. Frank and Robbers

The conflict happen when Frank observed the place of his family’s

death. The robbers tried to steal Frank’s car. Suddenly, frank comes to

face them but they asked them to hand over his car key and wallet. The

struggle between Frank and Robbers occurred when Frank thought that,

the Robbers was killed his family. The robber was not killed Frank’s

family. They just stole the car around that area. The source of conflict can

be identified as incompatible roles. The struggle between Frank and

Robbers happens because the gangster tried to steal Frank’s car. Which

made Frank annoyed and he thought that they were killed his family but

not. Frank used creative interrogation strategy to solve the conflict. In this

situation, Frank succeeded defeat the robbers and he was brief to find out

the information from the gangster by showing the picture of his family and

identifying their behaviors. And they confessed that, they were no

recognized his family.

6. Frank and Shiver

Frank was observed at the location where his family was killed. He

found the homeless encampment; there lived someone named Shiver who
was the witnesses in the case. From the illustration above and conversation,

the source of conflict can be identified as an Incompatible goal. The

struggle between Frank and Shiver occurred when Frank observed and

found evidence in a homeless encampment there lived the man named

Shiver. Continuously, Frank came to the place of Shiver’s work to find out

as well Shiver’s participation in the Frank family’s case. Frank used

Creative Integration Strategy to resolve the conflict. Frank observed the

place of the murder. After that, he succeeded in finding out and identified

witnesses and the murderer of his family.

7. Frank and Strode

Frank invited Strode to meet and revenge at the Warehouse as a real

man. The situation was very tense because Strode revealed everything when

he killed Frank’s family. The source of that conflict can be identified as an

Incompatible goal. The struggle between Frank and Strode happened when

Strode killed Frank’s family tragically. Actually Strode killed Frank’s

family because Strode’s daughter was killed by a robber. In this case, Frank

was a lawyer for the robber, which Strode was losing the case and won by

Frank in court. Therefore, Strode wants to revenge for the death of his

daughter to Frank. Frank used Creative Integration Strategy to resolve the

conflict. Independently, Frank tried hard to find out the murderer. He spent

his time and transformed his body. Furthermore, he observed and identified
the witness to offer the results. Finally, Frank finds the result, namely

Strode who was the murderer of his family and they fought each others.

Fortunately, Frank succeeded in beating Strode and handing over Strode to

the Police.

From the whole story of the movie Act of Vengeance, the external

conflicts especially conflict between man and society happen in the ways

described below:

1. The conflict between Frank and Police Rules

The struggle between Frank and the police occurred when police asked

Frank to not keep coming to the police officer. Meanwhile, Frank felt

unsatisfied with Police’s job which was slow in handling the case. The source

of that conflict can be identified as Limited resources. The conflict happen

when the police were limited to found out the evidence and the witnesses of

the case. Furthermore, Frank is annoyed with Lustiger’s behavior. He

preferred playing his phone and did not respond to Frank intensively. The

strategy used by Frank to resolve the conflict is Pacification Strategy. Frank

was unsatisfied with the police’s duty which is have not clear to found the

murderer, he tried to found information directly from Lustiger to deal with

problem-solving however desirable to think and pre-plan to deal with conflict.


Conflict is viewed as natural due in life to life uncertainly. Conflict is

good and necessary because it can stimulate innovative thinking when it is

managed in the right way. Conflict is a very important aspect of a literary

work. One of the elements that enrich the plot of the film is conflict, the

struggle between opposing forces that emerge as the story’s actions develop.

In longer stories, there could be several conflicts. Conflict adds excitement

and suspense to a story. As the plot unfolds, the readers start to wonder what

would happen next, and how the character would handle the situation.

This part of the discussion describes the problems of the study based on

those conflicts identified in the movie Acts of Vengeance. It is focused on the

conflicts faced by the main character (Frank). There are two types of conflict

in this movie such as external and internal conflicts.

4.2.1 Internal Conflict

Internal conflictt is represented by some opposing forces that take place

inside the person of the character; it is the cause for the struggle within the

character herself or himself because of the dual desires or different wishes and

choices she or he possesses at the moment. A character may have to decide

between what is right and what is wrong or between two solutions to a

problem. Sometimes the character must deal with his or her mixed feeling or

emotions. From the whole of the story in the movie Act of Vengeance, the
internal conflicts can be identified that were faced by Frank as the main

character. In analyze the conflicts faced by the main character, two aspects of

the film (story) need to be presented, namely the verbal and the visual. The

concern is on the verbal which is support by the visual come to a better

understanding of the conflict. The internal conflict can be identified in the

ways described below: Frank was scared and worried about his Family

Setting : - Place : At talent show place

Time : At the midnight

The picture shows above that Frank come late to watch his daughter’s

performance in singing because he was busy with his job and had stuck on the

road when Frank went toward his kids talent-show. The conflict happened

when Frank arrived at the kid’s talent-show place where he found people
already gone back home, and there he did not find his family. After that, he

was scared about his family since that moment. This situation is presented in

the dialogue below:

Sue’s Phone : Hi, it's Sue. Please leave a message.

Frank : Sue. Listen, i’m sorry. Things just got away from me, at

work. Call me back, please. I’m sorry.

Sue’s Phone : Hi, it's Sue. Please leave a message.

Frank : Sue, listen uh...,I know you’re upset with me, but please

call me back. It’s getting late, and I’m worried about

you guys, okay?

The dialogue above tells about Frank who worried about his family.

He promised to his daughter to come and be there on time, but at the same

time, he had got to finish some extra job that was given by his partners and

Frank also, face some bad situation when he left for his daughter’s talent

show. He got stuck on the road and it was raining. Frank tried to phone his

wife several times and apologize for but there was no answer by his answer.

He said, Susan. Listen, I'm sorry. Things just got away from me at work. Frank

expressed his mistake and tried to explain to his wife by phone. Furthermore,

when Frank arrived back home at the night, he did not find his family at home

until midnight. From that moment he was confused and worried about his

family. Frank said, Sue. Listen, uh... Listen, I know you're upset with me, but
please call me back. It's getting late, and I'm worried about you guys, okay?

The situation Frank is scared because his wife and daughter didn’t ring him

back to know where they are.

From the ilustration of the story and dialogue above, the source of this

conflict was Incompatible roles. This type of conflict arises whenever

individual roles in interaction cannot be appropriately assumed because each

requires a complementary role that the other is not playing. In this situation,

Frank who was getting late and did not watch his daughter singing in kid the

talent show became a big conflict to his family. In this case, Frank used

Compromise Strategy to resolve the conflict. A Compromise is an approach

with a desire to keep everyone a little bit happy, perhaps not as happy as they

would like. By making a compromise or agreeing to meet in the middle, you

can find a positive way to resolve the conflict that can make other participants

a little happy. Frank felt guilty because he was getting late to watch his

daughter perform. In this conflict, Frank used Compromise Strategy to

resolve the conflict. He tried to apologize and explain the reason why he was

getting late by phone. The conflict became arise because the communication

between Frank and Sue not running well. Although, this strategy was not

succeeded Frank to resolve this conflict. Frank felt Sadness and Guilty for the Death of his Family

Setting : -Place: At the Frank’s house

Time: In the Afternoon

The picture above shows that Frank looks sad because he gets bad

news from the police who found his wife and his daughter dead. How quickly

the loved one disappeared made frank sad. This conflict happened at a crime

scene in the film when Frank was asked to recognize his family’s corpses.

Since that incident, he always remembers his family and feeling guilty for the

death of his family. The struggle between inside Frank’s mind is presented in

the dialogue below:

Lustiger : Mr. Frank Valera, I'm detective lustiger.

Frank : Where are they? Are they okay? Where are they?
Police : Mr. Frank... Mr. Frank Mr. Frank! Were still waiting

for the forensic team. Frank! Frank! I can’t let you

contaminate the crime scene.

Frank : My baby. Th-that's my baby. That's my baby!

Police : Hold him back!

Frank : Let me go. Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!

Police : Get him back! Get him back!

Frank : It became clear to me that justice would never be

served. I made my family a promise, but my words were

as empty as everyone else's. I was the guilty one.

The conversation above shows that Frank as the main character who

was in sadness and felt guilty for the death of his family. The conflict

happened since Frank was getting late to watch his daughter perform in the

talent show, and when he arrived back home, and did not find his family at

home until midnight. The conflict was identified when the police come to his

house and invited Frank to the crime scene, to the place where his wife and

his daughter died. Frank said “where are they? Are they okay? Where are

they”? A beloved family suddenly disappeared that made Frank sad. Frank

recognized his wife and his daughter’s corpses. Frank felt sad and was

unbelievable about what he was witnessing. He felt lonely with the memory

of his family in his mind. On the next day, Frank found his wife’s and his
daughter’s photos that made him feel guilty for his mistake. He said, “it

became clear to me that justice would never be served. I made my family a

promise, but my words were as empty as everyone else's. I was the guilty

one”. Since that moment, Frank punished himself and fell into a bad habit of

drinking and joining free-fighting boxing.

Frank was identified as having a conflict from the expression of his

face as well as from the words he said. From the illustration of the story and

dialogue above, the source of conflict can be identified as Incompatible

roles. This type of conflict arises whenever individual roles in interaction

cannot be appropriately assumed because each requires a complementary role

that the other is not playing. In this situation, Frank as the main character

cannot appropriately keep his promise to watch his daughter’s performance in

the talent show. In the fact, Frank gets late toward the places of his daughter’s

performance. In this situation, Frank used the Pacification strategy to resolve

the conflict. Pacification massages can be identified in the deal with the

problem, but actually this strategy subverts the conflict discussion. It

debilitates individual and relationship problem solving by the incapacity of

decision making and it can expand the complexity of the issues, leaving them

more difficult to address in the future. Nevertheless, pacification may be

desirable to think of and pre-plan to deal with conflict. In this situation, Frank

felt guilty because of his family’s death and realized that it would not happen

if he had been always with them at that moment. Since his family died
everything changed in Frank’s life which made him fall into a bad habit of

drinking alcohol and joining a free boxing activity. After that, Frank was

conscious and tried to solve the conflict by finding out the murderer. At this

point of Frank’s life, he becomes guilty for the death of his family. In this

situation, the conflict was rising to the main character.

4.2.2 External Conflict

External conflict is a conflict between characters and outside forces.

The external conflict could be in the form of a fight, argument or

disagreement, or simply opposition in which two sides are present. An

external conflict is shown through action. The conflicts that are included as

external conflicts are physical conflict and social conflict. Physical conflicts

are the conflict caused by the clash of actions between the character and

another character. Then, Social conflict is a conflict that is related to the social

conditions in the society, between characters with a social relationship such as

war, operations, quarrel, and others. It can be a conflict between man against

man, man against nature, and man against society (Kenney, 1966: 19). From

the whole story of the movie Act of Vengeance, in analyze the external

conflicts can be categorized that was faced by Frank as the main character two

aspects of the film (story) need to be presented, namely verbal and visual. The

form is on the verbal and this is support into the visual to come to a better

understanding of the conflict. Conflict between man against man

The Conflict between man and man occurs when the characters

struggle against other characters. The external conflict especially happen

between man against man in the movie Act of Vengeance can be identified in

the ways below: Conflict between Frank and Sue

Setting - Place: At Frank’s lawyer’s office.

Time: In the afternoonn.

The picture above shows that Frank called his wife, Sue, by phone.

Frank was busy with his job preparing some file acquittal at the office. The

trouble occurred when Frank already promised his family to watch their

daughter’s performance together, but he was late because he had extra works
at the office and he got stuck on the road. The conversation below presents

the condition.

Sue : Frank, you were supposed to be here half an hour ago.

The really starting to fill up.

Frank : I know, I know. I'm sorry. I'm heading down to the

garage right now.

Sue : Olivia wants to talk to you.

Olivia : Hi, daddy.

Frank : Hi, sweetheart.

Olivia : You're coming, right?

Frank : I'm on my way.

Olivia : Good... Cause I think you’re gonna love my

performance. Promise you’ll be there?

Frank : I promise. I love you. Shit. Wait. Wait.

The conversation above shows that the conflict happened between

Frank and Sue when Sue was asking Frank to watch their daughter‘s (Olivia)

performance in the talent show event. Sue said, “Frank, you were supposed to

be here half an hour ago. The place is really starting to fill up”. The conflict

occurred when Frank hesitated because he was still busy at his office. It made

Frank apologize for getting late and hurry up leaving the office “I know, I

know. I'm sorry. I'm heading down to the garage right now”. Suddenly, his
lovely daughter namely Olivia called Frank to make sure that “You're

coming, right? “Frank promised to watch his lovely daughter’s performance

at the talent show event. Frank said.” I'm on my way I promise. I love you.

From the dialogue above, the source of the conflict can be identified as

Incompatible roles. This type of conflict arises whenever individual roles in

interaction cannot be appropriately assumed because each requires a

complementary role that the other is not playing. In this situation, Frank as a

Father who was promised to watch his daughter’s performance but he loosed

to watch the performance. Frank used the Pacification strategy to resolve the

conflict. The pacification strategy works to block the discussion of the conflict

issued by undermining rather than avoiding the conflict discussion. It

debilitates individual and relationship problem solving by incapacity decision

making and it can expand the complexity of the issues, leaving them more

difficult to address in the future. Nevertheless, pacification may be desirable

to think and pre-plan them to deal with conflicts. Frank promised to come at

his daughter’s singing. However, he got late because he got stuck on the road

and it rained. Debilities between Frank and Sue were solving the problem by

incapacity decision making and it can expand the complexity of the issues

which was missed by Frank. At the point of the story, Frank became fell un-

succeeded to solved his conflicts, although he was tried to calling to find out

their existence. In this fact, their communication was not running well because

Frank and Sue did not meet each others. Conflict between Frank and Jeff

Setting -Place: At the Grave.

Time: In the Afternoon.

Picture above shows that Frank met his uncle (Jeff) at the grave. It can be seen

that Jeff got angry and disappointed with Frank. It can be seen through Jeff’s

face and his expressions. Jeff thought that Frank did not take care of his

family. The conflict between Frank and Jeff is shown in the dialogue below:

Jeff : Now that my daughter is dead, and my granddaughter , I’ll

tell you what I think of you.

Frank : You’re all talk, you make your living spinning words into

meanings that are vague and hazy and unclear, all just to

exonerate the scum of the earth.

: And from this moment on, i do not want to hear your mealy-

mouthed voice again. Am i understood?

Frank : Jeff...

Jeff : I said, I never want to hear your voice again. And nod will


The conversation above shows that the conflict between Frank and Jeff

occurred when Jeff expressed his disappointment to Frank. Moreover, Jeff

disliked Frank’s job as a lawyer. Jeff said in strong rude and words to

express his disappointment to Frank “Now that my daughter is dead, and my

granddaughter, I'll tell you what I think of you, Frank Valera: You're all talk.

You make your living spinning words into meanings that are vague and hazy

and unclear, all just to exonerate the scum of the earth”. In Jeff’s opinion and

his description about Frank worked as a lawyer he keeps saying manipulated

words without truth. Then, Jeff said in rude words “And from this moment on,

I do not ever want to hear your mealy-mouthed voice again. Am I

understood”. Frank just tried to explain what did happen. Frank said

“Jeff...”Continuously, Jeff interrupted Frank and said in rude words “I said, I

never want to hear your voice again. A nod will suffice”. Frank just nodded to

Jeff and he felt guilty for that incident. The loss of his beloved family made

Frank devastated.
From the visual illustration of the story and dialogue above, the source

of conflict can be identified as Different Opinions, because the conflict rises

up of the miss communication between them which are not running well in

which both of them had unclear communication. Jeff felt disappointed to

Frank because Jeff thought Frank did not take care of his family. Meanwhile,

Frank tried to honestly explain what happened, but Jeff did not want to hear it

at all. In this situation, Frank used Compromise Strategy to resolve the

conflict. A Compromise is an approach with a desire to keep everyone a little

bit happy, perhaps not as happy as they would like. By making a compromise

or agreeing to meet in the middle, you can find a positive way to resolve the

conflict that can make other participants a little happy. Compromise tends to

reduce energy and evoke passivity. Generally, this strategy is used to achieve

temporary solutions, to avoid a destructive power struggles, or when time

pressure occurs. One drawback is that partners can lose sight of important

values and long-term objectives. This approach can also distract the partners

from the merits of an issue and create and cynical climate. In this situation,

Jeff is upset and felt disappointed about Frank who can save his family. Frank

tried to explain to Jeff but did want to hear anything from Frank. He agreed

with Jeff and felt guilty for the death of his family. Conflict between Frank and a police (Strode)

Setting: -Place: At the Bar

Time: In the Morning

The picture shows above that Frank was at the bar that afternoon. Since

his family is dead, Frank always spent his time doing bad habits such as

joining the free-boxing activities and got drunk. One day, Frank met Strode,

someone who helped him at the free boxing arena. Frank tried to share and

told his problem about his family. He took his family picture in his hand and

he showed that picture to his new friend who was a Policeman. Frank looked

tired and confused when Strode said something annoying. The conversation

below presents the situation

Frank : What about you? You're not in a police uniform, which

means you’re not here to bust to fights up. You follow

me here?
Strode: This job, frank...It's a fucking war zone out there. The

way people feel about cops, sometimes I just gotta blow

off a little steam, you know? You know, I, uh, was sorry

to hear that, um, they're going to re-prioritize your


Frank: What the hell are you talking about?

Strode: Your case has been reprioritized from active to cold. I

thought you knew.

Frank: Wh-why?

Strode: Frank, it's been a long time. We've got no fresh leads. I

mean, it's hard.

Frank: The case is dead?

Strode: No, it's not dead, it's just...Cold.

Frank: Those are fucking semantics, and you know it: This is a

way of twisting words around. Believe me, i know

about it. I've made a lot of money doing that.

The dialogue above shows that the conflict between Frank and Strode

who was a cop told something that made Frank disappointed. Strode said,

“You know, I, uh, was sorry to hear that, um, they're going to re-prioritize

your case”. Strode said to Frank here about the unclear case of his family, the

police give up finding out the murderer of his family. Frank was angry and
responded to Strode “What the hell are you talking about?” Strode tried to

explain again to Frank “Your case has been re-prioritized from active to cold.

I thought you knew”. Frank felt surprised and disappointed because of

Strode’s news. Frank was able to know the reason why the case changed from

active to becoming cold. Disappointedly Frank said, “Wh-why?” Strode

explained the reason to Frank, Strode said, “Frank, it's been a long time.

We've got no fresh leads. I mean, it's hard”. As the Police, Strode explained

the reason for the murder of Frank family has not been found yet. Strode said

that the Police had not enough evidence and witnesses for the case. That’s

why the case seems to change from active to the cold case.

From the dialogue above, the source of the conflict can be identified as

Incompatible roles. This type of conflict arises whenever individual roles in

interaction cannot be appropriately assumed because each requires a

complementary role that the other is not playing. In this situation, Frank used

the Pacification strategy to resolve the conflict. The pacification strategy

works to block the discussion of the conflict issued by undermining rather

than avoiding the conflict discussion. It debilitates individual and relationship

problem solving by incapacity decision making and it can expand the

complexity of the issues, leaving them more difficult to address in the future.

Nevertheless, pacification may be desirable to think and pre-plan to deal with

conflict. Frank, a Young Girl, and Gangster

Setting : - Place: At the shops, at the midnight

Time: At Midnight

The situation shows that Frank was at the books store arena. It was at

the midnight. Frank was angry and confused with a young girl. Frank went to

the bar at the midnight and on the way to the bar, he met a young girl.

Suddenly, some guys came to take that young girl forcedly. Frank can’t let

that girl go with the gangster and they fought each other. The conflict between

Frank and the Gangster is shown in the dialogue below:

Young Girl: Hey, mister. You looking for...Company tonight? I can

make you feel good if you want. You could do anything.

Frank : Hold on, hold on, what are you doing out here you too

young to be here. How old are you? Answer me. How

old are you?

Young Girl: Thirteen...

Frank : Shit.

Gangster : Get your ass over here. I'm sorry, buddy. She thought

you were somebody else. Let's go.

Frank : Please, sir. This girl is someone's daughter.

The conversation above shows that the conflict between Frank and a

young girl occurred when the young girl offered him something for fun. The

young girl said, “Hey, mister. You looking for...Company tonight? I can make

you feel good if you want. You could do anything”. Frank was unbelievable

and curious to be honestly told who really she is, “Hold on, hold on, what are

you doing out here? You're too young to be here. How old are you? Answer

me. How old are you”? That girl was worried and told the truth to Frank

about her age, “Thirteen...” Frank was absolutely right, that the girl whom he

met was the same age as his daughter who died. Frank felt disappointed and

did not believe in that young girl’s behavior. Suddenly, some guy came with

guns in their hand to take that young girl. Frank tried to ask the gangster to

not take that young girl. Frank said, “Please, sir. This girl is someone's

daughter”. They fought each other and the gangster shoot Frank with a gun.
Frank fell into a book square and covered his wound with a book. Meanwhile,

Frank read a sentence in that book and he felt interested in the content of that

book which guided him to the right way. The sentence taught him that the

punishment was for only he who has committed a crime. From this time on

Frank realized that he punished himself for the death of his family.

From the dialogue above, the source of the conflict can be identified as

Different opinions. Many common conflicts are based on differing opinions,

different information, or different bodies of knowledge, and simple case of

disagreement. The conflict which is caused by opinions is relatively easy to

manage as long as the conflict can be kept at this level. In this situation, the

conflict happened caused by disagreement and different opinions between

Frank and Gangster. The strategy used by Frank to resolve the conflict is

Compromise Strategy. Compromise tends to reduce energy and evoke

passivity. This strategy is generally used to achieve temporary solutions, to

avoid a destructive power struggles, or when time pressure occurs. One

drawback is that partners can lose sight of important values and long-term

objectives. This approach can also distract the partners from the merits of an

issue and create a cynical climate. In this situation, Frank felt disappointed

about the young girl who worked as a prostitute. Frank tried to give useful

advice to her for a change of herself to the right way. Suddenly, some guy

took that young girl. Frank compromised with the gangster not to take that

young forcedly. Conflict between Frank and Robber

Setting: -Place: At quite a place (Scrapper)

Time: In the Day

This conflict that Frank was angry about because some robbers tried to

steal and plundered his car. The conflict between Frank and the Robbers

happened at a quiet place. Independently, Frank looked for the witnesses or

the murderer in the place where his family was killed. When Frank wanted to

go back home, he found some robbers who tried to open his car and they were

threatening Frank to give in his wallet and car’s key. Since the time Frank

found the book that guided him to the right way, he joined martial art and

exercised his body. Fortunately, Frank succeeded in beating the gangster. The

conflict between Frank and Robbers occurred as shown in the dialogue below:
Robber 1 : Hey! Hey..

Robber 2 : Nice ride, my man. But unfortunately, you're in our

territory, so how about you just give me your wallet

and car keys, and we'll call it even.

Frank : Could these be the men who killed them? A carjacking

has gone terribly wrong.

Robber 3: Come on! Fucking dumb piece of shit!

Frank : I wanted to search his face for the slightest hint of

recognition. He had no idea who they were.

Robber 2: Please...

Frank : I wanted to search his face for the slightest hint of

recognition. He had no idea who they were.

The conversation above shows the conflicts between Frank and some

Robbers who wanted to steal Frank’s car. The robbers tried to open his car

forcibly. Suddenly, Frank came to face them but they asked them to hand over

his car keys and wallet. The Robber said, “Nice ride, my man. But

unfortunately you're in our territory, so how about you just give me your

wallet and car keys, and we'll call it even”. The conflict occurred when Frank

thought that, they killed his family. Furthermore, the place was also near the

location where his family was killed. Frank thought, “Could these be the men

who killed them? A carjacking has gone terribly wrong”. Frank pretended to
hand over his wallet and car keys. Suddenly, he attacked them by a knife. In

that moment Frank succeeded in defeating them and he tried to find out the

possibility of their share in his family's murder. Frank showed the picture of

his family to them. The robbers seemed not to recognize his family. Frank

thought “I wanted to search his face for the slightest hint of recognition. He

had no idea who they were”.

From the explanation above, the source of conflict can be identified as

an Incompatible goal. Incompatible goal conflict arises in situations where

one person’s goal accomplishment depends on the other person’s doing

something first, where goal accomplishment is based on mutual effort. In this

situation, the conflict happened because Gangster tried to steal his car, which

made Frank annoyed and thought that the gangster killed his family but

actually not. Frank used Creative Integration Strategy to resolve the conflict.

Creative integration is the most complex and energy-consuming strategy but

offers the greatest opportunity to satisfy each participant’s goals and to

enhance the long-term relationship. Conflict integration attempts to break the

conflict context by demonstrating that the way a conflict is being perceived as

not only possible as the way to see it. Based on the explanation above, Frank

was brave to find out the information from the gangster concerning their share

in the incident. Frank used creative integration to resolve this conflict by

identifying the gangster’s behaviors. Conflict between Frank and Mr. Shivers

Setting:-Place: At the Restaurant

Time: On the Afternoon

The conflict shows that Frank was at the Restaurant, the place where

Shiver worked. The situation at the Restaurant was in trouble because Frank

came into the kitchen to face Shiver without compromise. Frank observed the

location where his family was killed. He found the homeless encampment

near the location where his family was killed and Frank found that near that

place, there lived the man named Shiver, who was the witnesses in the case.

The conflict between Frank and Shiver occurred as shown in the dialogue


Mr. Shivers: Can I help you?

How about you just turn your ass around and get the

fuck out of here?You just back up, there.

Frank : Do i look crazy to you? Unhinged? Maybe i am but

before you rush to judgment, let’s rewind bit.

Frank : Do I still look crazy to you? Unhinged? Like a maniac?

All of the above? Yeah. You're probably right. But at

least now, you understand why. He recognized them.

But...There was no death in this man's eyes. He wasn't

the killer.

Mr. Shivers: I saw what happened that night. It was a cop. I was

there. I saw the whole thing. He killed them in the

warehouse. What could i do? Huh? I’ve got enough

trouble already. I don’t need any more trouble with

cops. The purse... got left behind. I took the money from

it, and I got rid of it. I needed the money, I’m sorry,

man I’m sorry.

The conversation above shows that the conflict between Frank and

Shiver occurred when he came to the kitchen at which Shiver worked. Frank

closed the door and turned down the window in the kitchen. It made Shiver

felt scared and confused. Shiver wanted to know Frank’s purpose and his very

rude words “Can I help you? How about you just turn your ass around and
get the fuck out of here? You just back up there” Continually, Shiver attacked

Frank and they were fighting each other. Frank succeeded in beating Shivers

and showed his Family picture to Shiver to find out as well as possible from

Shiver about Frank’s family death. Frank got angry and threatened to blow

Shiver’s eyes. “Do I still look crazy to you? Unhinged? Like a maniac? All of

the above? Yeah. You're probably right. But at least now, you understand

why. He recognized them. But...There was no death in this man's eyes. He

wasn't the killer”. Shiver was scared and recognized Frank’s family. Shiver

said “I saw what happened that night. It was a cop. I was there. I saw the

whole thing. He killed them in the warehouse. What could I do? Huh? I've got

enough trouble already. I don't need any more trouble with cops. The

purse...Got left behind. I took the money from it, and I got rid of it. I needed

the money. I'm sorry, man I'm sorry”. Shiver told everything to Frank and he

described as clearly as he has seen the incident at the place of the murder.

After that, Frank found out a cop who murdered his family. Based on Shiver’s

information, Frank secretly came to the Police office. Frank suspects to find

out which officers were on duty at the night Shivers witnessed the incident.

From the conversation, the source of conflict can be identified as an

Incompatible goal. Incompatible goal conflict arises in situations where, two

people want to do something together, but each wants to do something

different. Where one person’s goal accomplishment is based on the other

person’s doing something first, where goal accomplishment is based on

mutual effort. The struggle between Frank and Shiver occurred when Frank

observed and found evidence in a homeless encampment there lived the man

named Shiver. Continuously, Frank came to the place of Shiver’s work to find

out as well Shiver’s participation in the Frank family’s case. Frank used

Creative Integration Strategy to resolve the conflict.

Creative integration is the most complex and energy-consuming

strategy but offers the greatest opportunity to satisfy each participant’s goals

and to enhance the long-term relationship. Conflict integration attempts to

break the conflict context by demonstrating that the way a conflict is being

perceived as not only possible as the way to see it. Creative integration has

three steps of the process, namely first identify the goals of each participant.

Second, combine the goals of the participant and think of them as if they were

all the desires of each. Third, identify activities and processes that may

accomplish many or ideally all goals. These may be quite different from what

the participants were initially suggesting. Based on the explanation above,

Frank observed the place of the murder. After that, he succeeded in finding

out the witnesses and the murderer of his family. Conflict between Frank and Strode

Setting:-Place: Inside the Warehouse

Time: In the Midnight.

This conflict Frank was in the Warehouse to met Strode, it was at

midnight. The situation was very tense because Strode revealed everything

when he killed Frank’s family. Frank was independently investigating the

murderer of his family. Beginning from the witness from Mr. Shiver, the Police

recorded the officer who was in charge on the day of the murder at the

particular place. And he observed the subject to know the real fact. Finally, it

was found that Strode was the murderer of Frank’s family. On the next day,

Frank invited Strode to meet and revenge at the Warehouse as a real man. The

conflict between Frank and Strode occurred as shown in the dialogue below:
Strode: Now you know why I did it, Frank,

Some creep you put back on the street... Killed my

little girl. Twelve years old, frank. Murdered by a guy

who should have been behind bars.

Frank: I wanted nothing more than to kill the human monster

before but that would make no better than him: because

the greatest stoic of them all has said, “The best

revenge is to be unlike your enemy”

The conversation above expresses that the conflict between Frank and

Strode occurred when Strode come to the Warehouse with the gun in his hand

to kill Frank. Fortunately, He avoided and hid somewhere. Strode was

deliberately told and described when he killed Frank’s family. Strode said

“Now you know why I did it, frank. Some creep you put back on the streets...

Killed my little girl. Twelve years old, frank. Murdered by a guy who should

have been behind bars. This is where they died. Your wife was a fighter,

frank. But your little girl...Well, she was screaming, crying for her daddy to

come and save her. But: you didn't. Where were you, frank? Strode told the

reason why he killed Frank’s family and it made Frank annoyed and angry.

Frank attacked Strode and they were fighting each other. Finally, Frank

succeeded in beating Strode without killing him and brought Strode to the

Police “I wanted nothing more than to kill the human monster before me but
that would make me no better than him”. Because the greatest stoic of them

all has said, "the best revenge is to be unlike your enemy”.

From the dialogue above the source of that conflict can be identified as

an Incompatible goal. Incompatible goal conflict arises in situations where.

One person’s goal accomplishment is based on the other person’s doing

something first, where goal accomplishment is based on mutual effort. The

struggle between Frank and Strode happened when Strode killed Frank’s

family tragically. Actually Strode killed Frank’s family because Strode’s

daughter was killed by a robber. In this case, Frank was a lawyer for the

robber, which Strode was lose the case and won by Frank in court. Therefore,

Strode wants to revenge for the death of his daughter to Frank. Frank used

Creative Integration Strategy to resolve the conflict. Creative integration is

the most complex and energy-consuming strategy but offers the greatest

opportunity to satisfy each participant’s goals and to enhance the long-term

relationship. Conflict integration attempts try to break the conflict context by

demonstrating that the way a conflict is being perceived as not only possible

as the way to see it. Independently, Frank tried hard to find out the murderer.

He spent his time and transformed his body. Furthermore, he observed and

identified the witness to offer the results. Finally, Frank finds the result,

namely Strode who was the murderer of his family and they fought each

other. Fortunately, Frank succeeded in beating Strode and handing over

Strode to the Police. Conflict between Man and Society

The conflict between man against society is the leading characters

struggle against the ideas, practices, or customs of the other people. From the

whole story of the movie Acts of Vengeance, the external conflicts especially

conflict between man and society happen in the ways described below: Conflict between Frank and Police Rules

Setting: -Place: At Police Office

Time: In the Day

Frank was at the Police office. He felt disappointed and unsatisfied

with the Police’s duty that was slow in handling his family’s cases. Frank

tried to meet Detective Lustiger and found out the information directly.

Frank’s family death has happened a long time; the Police did not have
witnesses, especially one against the murderer. The conflict between Frank

and Detective Lustiger is shown in the dialogue below.

Frank : You guys never found my wife's purse.

Lustiger : Pretty violent for a purse-snatching, don't you think,

frank? or carjacking? Why'd they leave the car?

Frank : I don't know. Maybe something went terribly wrong

and they had to flee, i don't know.

Lustiger : We are exhausting all leads. You don't need to keep

coming down here, frank. I'll call you if anything

comes up. I'll call you even if something doesn't, just to

keep you informed.

Frank : Detective lustiger, will you please stop texting, sir?

Can I see the file on the case?

Lustiger : No. It's confidential. It's a police business.

Frank : It is my wife and my daughter.

Lustiger : I am trying to find out who did this and to bring them

into justice.

Frank : Well, try harder. Goddamn it!

The dialogue above shows the conflict between Frank and Detective

Lustiger. Frank tried to find out the information about his family’s case and he
complained about the police duty. Generally, the police rules even explain as

Lustiger said. “We are exhausting all leads. You don't need to keep coming

down here, frank. I'll call you if anything comes up. I'll call you even if

something doesn't, just to keep you informed. In this situation, the conflict

between Frank and the police occurred when the police asked Frank to not

keep coming to the police officer. Meanwhile, Frank felt unsatisfied with

Police’s job which was slow in handling the case. Furthermore, a conflict

between man and society occurred when Detective Lustiger’s prefers playing

his phone and did not respond to Frank intensively. It was a big problem when

Frank needs his respect. Frank said, “Detective lustiger will you please stop

texting, sir? Can I see the file on the case?” Then, Frank asked Lustiger’s to

stop playing his phone and offering to checking the file case together but

Lustiger’s easily said “No. It's confidential. It's police business”. The file case

handled by police is confidential, that’s why Frank was difficult to know well

the leads. Frank felt unsatisfied with the police duty which the police still

have not a sign and in weak to find the murderer.

From the dialogue above the source of that conflict can be identified as

Limited resources. Conflict over limited resources is similar to those over

incompatible goals when one person’s acquisition of the resources precludes

the other’s gaining the resources. The conflict happen when the police were

limited to found out the evidence and the witnesses of the case. Furthermore,

Frank is annoyed with Lustiger’s behavior. He preferred playing with his

phone and did not respond to Frank intensively. The strategy used by Frank to

resolve the conflict is Pacification Strategy. The pacification strategy works

to block the discussion of the conflict issued by undermining rather than

avoiding the conflict discussion. Pacification massages appear to deal with the

problem but actually, subvert the conflict discussion. It debilitates individual

and relationship problem solving by incapacity decision making and it can

expand the complexity of the issues, leaving them more difficult to address in

the future. Nevertheless, pacification may be desirable to think and pre-plan

them to deal with conflict. Frank was unsatisfied with the police’s duty which

is have not clear to found the murderer, he tried to found information directly

from Lustiger’s to deal with problem-solving however desirable to think and

pre-plan to deal with conflict.




After analyzing the data of the conflicts found in the movie Acts of

Vengeance in the previous chapter, the conclusion can be presented as follow:

The main character in the movie has external and internal conflicts. External

conflicts faced by the main character mostly conflicts with other characters in

the movie. They are conflicts between men against a man such as: between

Frank (the main character) and Sue, Frank, and Jeff, Frank and Gangster,

Frank and Robbers, Frank and Shiver, and the last, conflict between Frank

and Strode. Conflicts between men against society include that between Frank

against the Police rules. In the internal conflicts faced Frank is the conflict

with himself. Frank felt scared and worried about his family because he did

not come on time to attend his daughter to perform in the talent show. He did

not find his family at home until midnight. Furthermore, Frank felt sad and

guilty for the death of his family. A beloved family suddenly disappeared that

made Frank sad. Frank got frustrated and punished himself into the bad habit

of drinking and joining free-fight boxing.

The sources of the conflicts faced by the main character include five

data for incompatible roles, four data for incompatible goals, and two data for

different opinions. Based on the analysis in the study, incompatible roles and
incompatible goals mostly occurred as the source of conflict. The way used by

the main character to resolve the conflict was the conflict management

strategy. Through managing the conflict, people can develop and maintain

cooperative relationships to solve the problems. Conflict management strategy

consists of five parts namely: avoidance, pacification, competition,

compromise, and creative and integration. The strategy of conflict resolution

that is used by the main character to resolve the conflict is four data for

pacification strategy, three data for compromise, and four data for creative


From the explanation above Frank as the protagonist character in the

movie had changed his attitude significantly. Since Frank lost his beloved

family, he becomes quiet and totally changed himself to find the murderer of

his family. However, when Frank succeeded in finding and beating the

murderer, he preferred to hand over the criminal case to the police without

killing his enemy. In this situation, Frank had shown a mature attitude to settle

the conflict.
5.2 Suggestion

Based on finding and discussion, the writer would like to offer some

suggestions as follow:

1. This thesis will be very helpful for the readers to increase their ability in

learning literature study of conflict so that there is no misunderstanding

and confusion to learn it.

2. As students of foreign languages, the study of literature is necessary to

help us to create our imagination in something that has aesthetic value.

3. The writer looks forward to academically watching English movies can to

improve our knowledge in understanding the vocabulary used in the movie

and the way foreigners doing their conversation.

4. The movie is interesting to analyze. The main character in the movie has

many conflicts, which is why the researcher chose to analyze this movie.

5. The movie Acts of Vengeance is an inspiring movie. It is about the

struggle of the main character who suffered after losing his wife and his

daughter. Independently, he tried hard to find out the murderer to solve his

conflicts. The writer hopes through this thesis, the readers understanding

to manage the conflict in the right way.


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