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Diego IEP

Betsi Cardenas Mendoza

Introduction to Special Education 203

IEP Paper

Tuesday. December 12, 2021

Reason for Development of IEP

Student identified as exceptional by IEP

Student not formally identified by requires special education program/services including

modified/alternative learning expectations and/or accommodations

Name I Diego. I Gender: I M I Date of Birth: 05/ 20/ 2012

School: I Golden Town Elementary School

Student ID#: I 12161769 I Principal: Mrs. Barrosa

Current Grade/Special Class: I 4 grade I School Year: I 2021

Most Recent IEP Date: I 12-05-2021 I Date Annual Review Waived by Parent: I


Exceptionality: I Slow Learning Disability

Regular Class With Indirect Support Special Education Class With Partial Integration

Regular Class With Resource Assistance Special Education Class Full Time

Regular Class With Withdrawal Assistance

Diego IEP


❖ Areas of Strengths

1. Diego has a good understanding of the time, people, and environment surrounding

him and has a good understanding of respect when comunicating with others.

2. Diego is good with speech and likes to socialize with people.

❖ Areas of Need

3. Diego needs support in interpreting information and identifying relevant ideas present

in the information presented to him verbally, or written.

4. Diego needs support to remain to stay in focus and a task for a predeterminate amount

of time.

❖ Instructional Accommodations:

Writing Skills

5. Diego will be under the teacher's supervision during writing assignments. The

professor will ask the student to break down into sections a three-sentence paragraph.

And underlined ( about who or what is being spoken of in the text, what that person,

object, or animal is doing. And reflect if the underlined information is relevant to the

topic being discussed in the lesson. The student should explain why the information is

relevant to be able to add that information to their writing.

To support Diego in identifying an argument based on research and an opinion, the

teacher will ask the student if the author of the statement did some research, study, or

poll survey to get that information if not then the information is an author's opinion.

6. Diego will be given instructions and a worksheet with exercises a day before the

assignment task to practice and familiarize at home with the writing lesson.

❖ Arithmetic

7. The teacher will break down instructions into numbered steps the students will follow

to solve a mathematical problem. Also, each step will be illustrated with clear

examples an explanation to help Diego comprehend written instructions.

8. After Diego has completed his task, the teacher will review the worksheet with him to

assist him in determining the source of the error. The student will be seated in front of

the teacher’s desk so she can monitor student work often.

❖ Word Problems

9. Visual materials such as printed photographs and drawings will be used to illustrate

written problems. Words that describe the action to be taken in the problem will be

highlighted in bolded characters.

❖ Reading Comprehension

10. The student will be assigned a specific color to highlight context, subject, and actions

in a sentence. The student will use the highlighted information to construct the main

ideas from the readings. The student will be allowed to use the same color during a


11. The student will be engaged in team discussions led by the teacher, where students

will be analyzing diverse readings to identify mean ideas and keywords in the text.

❖ Cognitive Learning Skills

12. The students required the teacher to remain him to be concentrate on work.

13. The learner needs teacher assistance in evaluating the content and producing cohesive

and logical responses.

❖ Environmental Accommodations

14. The student will be sitting in small groups and in peers close to the teacher's desk.

15. The student will actively be participating in-class activities and group projects.

❖ Assessments Accommodations

16. .Readings and Instructions in the student test will be detailed explained, and examples

of exercises will be given and illustrated.

17. The student will be allowed extra testing time.

❖ Social Skills

18. Diego will receive tutoring after school two times per week to reinforce his active

leastening skills.

19. Diego will participate in team discussions and projects. And whole-group activities

with the porpuse the student build key connection and effective comunicattion with


20. Diego will interact with his peers during lunchtime and during elective subjects such

as art, PE, and others.


21. Manuscript Writing

By the end of the school year, 2020-2021, in a General education setting Diego, will be

tracing 10 letters using a stencil with an 85% of accuracy. Measured by Supervision,

Documentation, and teach-made assessments as implemented by the Special Education

Teacher, General Education Teacher, and Teaching Stuff.

22. Cursive Writing

By the end of the school year, 2020-2021, in a General education setting Diego, will be

legibly writing 12 words using the manuscript properly using the upper and lower case letter

on his paper with an 85% of accuracy. Measured by Supervision, Documentation, and

teach-made assessments as implemented by the Special Education Teacher, General

Education Teacher, and Teaching Stuff.

23. Arithmetic Benchmarks

By the end of the school year, 2020-2021, in a General education setting Diego, will develop

an understanding of dividing and multiplicating 3 digits numbers with a precision of 85%

Measured by Supervision, Documentation, and teach-made assessments as implemented by

the Special Education Teacher, General Education Teacher, and Teaching Stuff.

24.Work Problems Benchmarks

By the end of the school year, 2020-2021, in a General education setting Diego, will

understand decimal notation for fractions with a precision of 85% according to Measured by

Supervision, Documentation, and teach-made assessments as implemented by the Special

Education Teacher, General Education Teacher, and Teaching Stuff.

25.Reading Comprehension Benchmarks

By the end of the school year, 2020-2021, in a General education setting Diego, will

effectively identify the subject, context, and action in a 3 sentence paragraph with an

accuracy of 85% Measured by Supervision, Documentation, and teach-made assessments as

implemented by the Special Education Teacher, General Education Teacher, and Teaching


26. Cognitive Learning Skills Benchmarks:

By the end of the school year, 2020-2021, in a General education setting Diego, will be able

to stay focused on a single task for a period of 12 minutes and will be able to formulate

logical responses. The student will archive this goal with an accuracy of 85 % Measured by

Supervision, Documentation, and teach-made assessments as implemented by the Special

Education Teacher, General Education Teacher, and Teaching Staff.

27.Social Skills Benchmarks:

By the end of the school year, 2020-2021, in a General education setting Diego, will

collaborate in small group discussions and formulate logical arguments with a range of

accuracy of 85% Measured by Supervision, Documentation, and teach-made assessments as

implemented by the Special Education Teacher, General Education Teacher, and Teaching


28. Implementing and Monitoring

Diego will visit Ms. Stephan 2 times a week for 1 hour, where he is going to practice

focusing on a specific task beginning on 10 minutes and extending that time until 20 minutes

beginning, August 12, 2020, in a Resource Room where the specialist will observe the

student without the student know to mature student self-discipline on remain focus on task

even when the professor is not around.

Goal Sentences

29. Diego will be able to effectively summarise and explain to his parents what he did

during a school day.

30. Diego will be able to remain to stay focused on homework tasks at home until he

finishes them.

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