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Teaching Philosophy

Laura Mendez

My experience through GWTeach allowed me to explore a new world I never imagined I could
enter. I knew teachers put their all when it came to instructing their students. Being in GWTeach
made me realize even more how hard teachers work to help their students. Teachers are the ones
responsible for teaching the younger generation, creating ways for students to explore and grow.
Without teachers who would teach us? They inspire others to keep moving forward and will be
there no matter what.

My values and beliefs as a teacher are to embrace creativity, curiosity, promote motivation, and
provide accommodations. I believe in having a good student-teacher relationship where it is
based on trust and respect. If teachers encourage students to ask questions, students will become
more determined to learn and explore. Most schools discourage having creativity and curiosity
with students. They want students to learn the material and not question it. But school is a place
to learn and be curious, without curiosity there would be no discoveries in the world. In class, the
role of the teacher is to provide the best learning experience, by motivating students and
providing assistance.

As I learn more in GWTeach is to be aware that each student processes differently in class, as
teachers we must find ways to help each student feel comfortable and help them strived. In the
GWTeach program, I learned the five’ E teaching methods. I truly enjoy working with this
lesson plan during my freshman and sophomore years; it is a wonderful way to get students to
learn by doing hands-on activities and being able to figure out concepts instead of materials
being thrown at them. But I also learned during my time in Classroom Interactions and Project-
Based Learning that there are more teaching methods to apply in the classroom.

GWTeach taught me that as a student, making mistakes is not failing. In middle and high school,
the word mistake equaled failing the class. GWTeach made me realize that mistakes are our
growing point. If we do not make mistakes and strive for perfection then how would you learn?
Sometimes as a student you forget it is okay to make mistakes. In classroom settings I would like
students to understand that there is nothing wrong with making mistakes, you will continue to
learn and understand. As well as addressing misconceptions, in the classroom. In Knowing and
Learning, students may interpret concepts due from incorrect memorization prior to the
classroom, personal experiences, etc. As a teacher their role is to take down the misconceptions,
demonstrate to students the misconceptions, and help the students understand the concepts.

I want my students to be curious, but I would also love to create a place for students to be
comfortable in the classroom to speak out. I want my students to create a bond in the classroom
where they can trust each other and see the class as a family. I wish to create a classroom where
everyone feels safe. Learn methods to help with students who need accommodations and apply
accommodations that will not only benefit the students but also apply it to the class. Like having
the peers read out directions, chunk assignments, help/ encourage each other, frequent breaks.
When entering a classroom, I hope to see students being happy, feeling safe, comfortable, and
enjoying learning. I hope students will be motivated to learn. To reach out to teachers and be
open. I hope to make a bond with students, learning how to help everyone in diverse ways. By
providing accommodations and learning how your students feel. I will carry what I learn from
GW Teach after I graduate. I learned from my mistakes and want to grow more and become a
better person.

In my last note, I wanted to end my philosophy statement that I hope in the future to keep
learning more about teaching. How to find different ways to help the community whether
working in a classroom, volunteering, etc. I also want to thank my professors and teachers for
helping me along the way. I will forever be grateful and thankful for everything. You believe in
us when we feel down, and when we feel like there is no hope, teachers will also be there for you
no matter what. Thank you for all you do.

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