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Innovative Teaching Methods of Social Science

Motivation in Teaching Social Studies

by: Jefferson Lerona, LPT, MC, PhD ©

The social sciences subject encompass
diverse concerns of society and include a wide
a range of content, drawn from the disciplines
of history, geography, political science,
economics and sociology.
Therefore, Social Science teaching needs to be revitalized
towards helping the learner acquire knowledge and skills in an
interactive environment.
In order to make the process of learning participative there
is a need to shift from mere imparting of information to debate
and discussion. This approach to learning will keep both the
learner and teacher alive to social realities.
Concept of Teaching Social Studies

Teaching should be seen as an opportunity for

teachers and students to learn together, thus
developing a democratic culture within institutions.
Concept of Teaching Social Studies


There are many useful teaching methods to support
effective teaching in social science to keep children
motivated and fully occupied, but there is no single
method of teaching which fits all the learning situations.
Concept of Teaching Social Studies


•This method is based on doing some hands-on
experiments and activities. The students become active
learners rather than passive recipients of information.
The children are provided the opportunity to explore by
their own so that the learning becomes joyful and long-
Concept of Teaching Social Studies


•By visits to museums, students may explore the local
surroundings and observe the activities of artisan communities
engaged in different crafts using local skills and materials. The
visits provide them opportunities and common platform to
interact, experiment, create and perform according to their age,
aptitude and ability and offer a barrier-free environment with
immense possibilities of innovation.
Concept of Teaching Social Studies


•This method involves the use of small group of students where
each group will have a leader who initiates the discussion of the
issue or subject matter. Students are more active than the
teacher when this method is used. Every member of the group is
given equal opportunity or chance of making contributions to
any discussion.
Concept of Teaching Social Studies

•This is one of the most effective methods of stimulating the
students in what they learn. It is a natural way by which students
express freely their understanding of the life around them. The
method allows for a great deal of involvement and participation
by the students physically, emotionally and mentally. The
students who are less active in academic work can also be
engaged in this activity.
Concept of Teaching Social Studies


•In this method specially designed software applications are
used to learn a subject . This creates an environment, where
learning and assessment is fun and the opportunities to learn is
equitable among the rural and urban children. The main
objective of this programme is to attract the children, retain
them in the schools and to improve the quality of the education
through animated multimedia based educational content.
Concept of Teaching Social Studies


•Well equipped Social Science Lab not only helps in creating and
maintaining a much needed congenial atmosphere for effective
learning, it provides a work room for the students- teachers
because activities and the practical solution of problem
characterize every unit or topic. The permanent display of
important maps and globes, pictures and charts and constant
reference to them by teaching is sure to make the teaching of
social studies effective, lively and interesting.
Concept of Comparative Education

•Effective teaching of social science is crucially linked to the
efficient functioning of the school library and of teachers who
are trained to use the resources that the library provides. It is
the major resource centre for learning activity. The library is
therefore; set aside to meet the appetite for learning and to feed
the hunger for understanding. Students can be assigned to read
some items in the library to broaden their understanding of what
the teacher has taught in the classroom.

There are many teaching methods and resources

available to teach Social Science subject. There is the
need to select appropriate methods to achieve the
desired objectives.
The resources can be determined by what is
available and relevant to the students’ age, ability and

I have discussed a few out of other methods

available for use in the teaching of Social Sciences, the
methods discussed are not exhaustive. It is also obvious
that no single method of learning can adequately fit all
learning situations.
However, it should be noted that there is no best
method of teaching Social Sciences but combination of
the other methods would definitely help in achieving
the desired instructional objectives.
How to Motivate Students to Love Social Studies

Make Information Relevant

•Tie topics to students’ interest and connect what
they know with what is happening in the real
•This helps students see that social studies is not
just in a textbook, but it is happening all around
them. Incorporate newspaper articles and
magazines into lessons so students can see current
How to Motivate Students to Love Social Studies

Bring a Historical Topic to Life

Find a powerful photograph and have students
critique the picture.
Ask them questions about what the picture is trying
to convey, and discuss as a class what they think
happened before, during, and after the photograph was
Search for a historical event that was captured on
film and have students become critical viewers and
scrutinize the film.
How to Motivate Students to Love Social Studies

Give Students Control Over What They Learn

Students are more likely to be engaged when they
have an input over what they are learning. Their
motivation will rise and learning the content will mean
more to students.
Give them control over what they are learning by
giving them a choice between a few topics. Of course
you get to pick the topics that are within the
curriculum, but give them a choice of which topics they
would like to learn first.
Thank you and God bless! 

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