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The overall opinion that internal and external stakeholders have of an organization is based on its

previous acts and the likelihood of its future conduct. Despite the fact that company reputation is
extremely essential, many businesses overlook it. Even though a firm is great at taking care of its
current clients, if its reputation is carefully controlled, they may not realize the prospect of extra
business. Despite the fact that reputation is an intangible notion, research consistently reveals
that a positive reputation boosts business worth and gives a long-term competitive advantage. If
a company has a good reputation among its stakeholders, especially important stakeholders like
its major customers, opinion leaders in the business community, suppliers, and existing and
future workers, it will be easier to fulfill its goals. Customers would choose to work with a
company that does a good job managing how they are regarded over other companies if they do a
good job controlling how they are seen. Customers and vendors will be more trustworthy and
loyal to the company if it has a good reputation. A positive corporate reputation is also beneficial
for staff recruitment, growth, and retention.A US study showed that there are ten main
components of corporate reputation used in reputation measurement systems such as “the most
admired companies in America”:

1. Ethical: the company acts ethically, is admirable, deserving of respect,

and is dependable.

2. Employees/workplace: the company employs competent individuals

and provides a pleasant working environment.

3. Financial performance: the company is financially sound, has a

profitable track record, and has the potential to develop.

4. Leadership: Rather of being a follower, the organization is a leader.

5. Management: the company is well-run, with high-quality management

and a clear future strategy.

6. Social responsibility: the company understands its social duties and is

committed to supporting good causes.

7. Customer-centricity: the company is concerned about its consumers and

is devoted to them.

8. High-quality products and services are provided by the firm.

9. Reliability: the company backs up its products and services with

constant service.

10. Emotional appeal: (It is an organization that I am proud of, that is

kind, and that is entertaining.)

Many firms find it difficult to maintain their reputation since it is intangible, and it often falls by
the wayside. Furthermore, reputation is difficult to maintain since it is how a firm is considered
based on previous activities and treatment of other companies. There are several things a firm
may take to boost its corporate reputation. 1. Conduct research and get familiar with the
company's major areas, as well as how they are seen both internally and outside. If a business is
aware of its present reputation, it may take actions to improve it. 2. Once the vulnerabilities have
been identified, determine why these aspects of the business are poor and what the stakeholders
believe should be done to address them. Take what you've been given and attempt to go above
and beyond the expectations of internal and external stakeholders. 3. Everyone from the top to
the bottom must be on board with a shift in reputation. Ascertain that the CEO is informed and
engaged throughout the process. 4. Establish a framework for managing and evaluating the
company's reputation. Make sure there are regular inspections to evaluate how it is affecting the
company's reputation.

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