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Grammar in Focus


When information in a sentence is given in the form a list or series, all componets
must be grammatically parallel or equal. There may be only two components or there may
be many componets in a list; however, if the first is, for example, an infinitive, the rest must
also be invinitives. Consider the following correct and in correct sentences.

Not parallel: Lukman is rich, handsome, and many people like him.
adj adjective clause

Parallel: Lukman is rich, handsome, and popular.

adj adjective adjective

Not parallel: Mr. Dudung is a lawyer, a politician, and he teaches.

noun noun clause

Parallel: Mr. Dudung is a lawyer, a politician, and a teacher.

noun noun noun

(Remember that a clause standing alone would be a complete sentence, meaning it has a
subject and a verb.

Not parallel: The soldier approached the enemy camp slowly and silent.
adverb adjective

Parallel: The soldier approached the enemy camp slowly and silently.
adverb adverb
Not parallel: She likes to fish, swim, and surfing.
infinitive simple form (verb+ing)

Parallel: She likes to fish, to swim, and to surf.

infinitive infinitive infinitive

She likes fishing, swimming, and surfing.

(verb+ing) (verb+ing) (verb+ing)

Not parallel:
When teenagers finish high school, they have several choices: going to college,
verb + noun
getting a job, or the army.
verb + noun noun

When teenagers finish high school, they have several choices: going to college,
verb + noun
getting a job, or the army.
verb + noun verb + noun

Not parallel:
Erik entered the room, sat down, and is opening his book.
past past present continuous

Erik entered the room, sat down, and opened his book.
past past past

If the sentences indicates that the different clauses definitely happened or will
happen at different times, then this rule does not need to be followed.

For example:

She is a senior, studies every day, and will graduate a semester early.
present present future

Practise I
Change the following sentences so that they are parallel.
1. The puppy stood up slowly, wagged its tail, blinking its eyes, and barked.
2. Ecologists are trying to preserve our environment for future generations by
protecting the ozone layer, purifying the air, and have replanted the trees that have
been cut down.
3. The chief od police demanded from his assistants an orderly investigation, a well-
written report, and thet they work hard.
4. Mimin is a scholar, an athlete, and artistic.
5. Slowly and with care, the museum director removed the Ming vase from the shelf
and placed it on display pedestal.
6. The farmer plows the fields, plants the seed, and will harvest the crop.
7. Habibi was a good president and was self-educated, hard-working, and always told
the truth.
8. Children love playing in the mud, running through puddles, and they get dirty.
9. Collecting stamps, playing chess, and to mount beautiful butterflies are Andy’s
10. Despite America’s affluency, many people are without jobs, on welfare, and have a
lot of debts.

Practise II
Change the following sentences so that they are parallel. As well as, not only but also.
1. Andy is talent as well as handsome.
2. Beny plays the guitar as well as violin.
3. He writes correct as well as neathly.
4. Manda excels in Matematics as well as Science.
5. Pandy plays the piano as well as compose music.
6. Asep is not only clever but handsome.
7. She writes not correctly but also neathly.
8. Mirna excels not only in Biology but also Science.
9. Andika not only plays the piano but composes music.
10. Cucu plays not only the guitar but violin.



 the morning
 the afternoon
 the evening
In  February
 (the) spring
 (the) summer
 (the) fall/auntum
 (the) winter
 2016
 the 2016
 Sunday
 Monday morning
 Tuesday afternoon
 Wednesday evening
On  My birthday
 A holiday
 May 5
 A weekday
 The weekend (U.S.)
At midnight
the weekend (U.K.)

Ungkapan umum yang dimulai dengan kata “On”
- on fire : semangat
- on and off : nyala dan mati
- on time : tepat waktu
- on sale: dijual
- on foot : jalan kaki
- on purpose : bermaksud
- on duty : bertugas
- on the spot : di tempat
- on the whole : secara keseluruhan
- on the contrary : di sisi lain
- on the average : rata-rata
- on one’s own : seorang diri
- on the second thoughts : setelah mempertimbangkan kembali


out of time  kedaluarsa

on time  tepat waktu
in time  sesuai waktu
by that time  menjelang waktu
in no time  dalam waktu singkat
once upon time  dahulu kala
in the meantime  sementara itu
for the time being  untuk saat ini
take time  mengambil waktu
at the same time  pada saat yang sama
for a long time  untuk waktu yang lama
from time to time  sometimes  dari
waktu ke waktu = kadang-kadang

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