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More is not always better.

Apart from being behind the bars that set them apart from the outside world, prisoners must also deal
with the amount of people stuck in the same cell with them. According to the international standards,
detainees do not have the privacy and space requirements in their respective cells. Overcrowding in
prison has been the breeding ground for mental health problems, oppression, and human rights
violations. Poor conditions inside the cells exacerbate the pre-existing issues with prisons, especially that
the guards are outnumbered by the number of prisoners that gangs, ironically, are the ones keeping the

‘’Why not just build more prisons?’’ It is easier to suggest a band-aid solution than try to address the
root cause of the problem. It has been an unsuccessful attempt to build prisons as they tend to fill up
once they are built. Overcrowding is not due to the lack of prisons, but the overuse of it by the criminal
justice systems around the world.



Punishment is not always the solution.

Behavior is weakened through punishment. However, this behavior is not forgotten but suppressed.
Cruel policies and conditions inside the prisons imposed by incarceration result in the difficulty of ex-
convicts to adjust during their transition to join society once again. Punishment as the main function of
prisons nowadays just contributed to the growth in prison population. Unlike detaining someone and
letting them reflect on their own, rehabilitation programs is way of giving someone a chance to realize
one’s problems and actually help them to relearn their wrong behavior. Incarceration does not solve
anything but is stimulating fear without proper knowledge about the punished behavior and the ways
that one can take to not commit it again.

Rehabilitation was once the goal of prison policies. Detainees have the opportunity to develop practical
skills for occupation once they rejoin society and a chance to deal with psychological problems. Aside
from its humanity and economic benefits, rehabilitation waives that all people deserve to be given a
chance to learn and redeem themselves.



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