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For every known brand, there are stories to tell behind it.

In this case, Unilever and Volkswagen

are two companies that are well known but still have a fair share of issues and controversies.
Upon reading the story behind the two companies, it is evident that every action and decision
made by an entrepreneur has a vital role in the success of their company. Likewise, it has been
previously discussed that companies are integrating corporate social responsibilities to boost
the reputation of their business. Also, this serves as their stepping stone in attracting more
stakeholders. However, there are still companies who utilize their CSR activities as a means to
appear legitimate, especially to the masses. This in mind, it is evident that both Unilever and
Volkswagen are using their CSR activities to appear legitimate. Thus, this can affect the
success of their company because this may have an adverse effect to their brand image. By
and large, a company and their CSR activities must be well aligned to one another. An
entrepreneur must remain truthful to their goals and be ethical in all circumstances. Besides, a
company would not be successful without the collaborative work between the entrepreneurs and
its stakeholders.

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