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What were the issues during that era? What programs were helpful and not?

-The issues during the pre-colonial, spanish and american era were about agrarian
reform. Due to the agrarian problem the farmer is more poor. He cannot afford to
pay more taxes and thus, the government cannot raise enough revenue to
support its operations. They flock to the cities to try their luck. A well-known
expert on agrarian reform, Doreen Warriner, once said: "Land reform in its early
and important stage is emphatically not the question of experts; it is not advisable
in existence. If there is no real desire for it. reform, experts can make expensive
demonstration projects, but they cannot achieve any general and real
improvement in the position of farmers ”(Warriner, 1957, p. 9). It can only come
from pressure groups such as members of advocacy NGOs and political
organizations and sympathetic reform officials. These two groups seem to need
immediate arguments and facts that will prove that agrarian reform, at least in
the long run, will alleviate rural poverty and benefit rural communities and,
therefore, the country as a whole.

What are your thoughts/reactions/conclusion/recommendations about your

- We already put our recommendations in our inforgraphics

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