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“Condemic: Conditioning Workout During the Pandemic”

Almost all of us forgot to do physical activities particularly during this pandemic. Aside from that, each
individual has different reasons why they are unable to do exercises. One of the main reasons is lack of time.
According to experts, for children and teenagers, one hour of exercise a day is recommended, and two hours and
thirty minutes a day for adults.

To maintain and improve the health of our students without consuming the recommended time of exercise
we introduce the Tabata; a form of high-intensity physical training in which very short periods of extremely
demanding activity are alternated with shorter periods of rest, typically over a period of four minutes.
(Reference: )


1. All sections with Physical Fitness and Conditioning course (PE 1) are required to participate.
2. The class will be grouped with 5-6 members in each team. (By the teacher or by the student)
3. Each group will design a workout focusing on conditioning the components of Physical Fitness (Muscular
Strength and Endurance, Cardiovascular Endurance, and Flexibility).
4. Students must be recognized. Wearing of mask and other that covers their faces is strictly prohibited.
5. Proper work out attire is observed. Avoid wearing of sandos and sport bras.
6. Each member of the group will perform the designed workout individually (video recorded). Compile the
videos and edit then submit to their respective instructors.
7. Instructors will choose one group that will represent the section.
8. All PE teachers including the Program Heads and Academic Head will be the Judges.
9. One winner for each program/course.

Please watch the following videos below for your reference:

Students Instruction:

1. Choose one Physical Fitness Component to focus on.

2. Choose at least 10 exercises under the chosen Component.
3. Create and design a mild to vigorous intensity of workout using the 10 exercises under your chosen
4. Each member will record themselves performing the designed workout. (Landscape camera orientation)
5. Compile and edit your videos in a tile formation.
6. Finalize and submit your video.

Rubrics: To be follow

Criteria Description Score

Demonstrate correct form and
Proper Execution 50
right process.
Gives energy, effort and interest
Enjoyment and Enthusiasm 30
in the activity.
Wears acceptable outfit for
Proper Attire 10
school performances.
Technical Impact Presentation and creativity 10
Total 100

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