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Down syndrome

What is Down syndrome?

Down syndrome is a set of physical and mental traits caused by a gene problem that happens before
birth. Children who have Down syndrome tend to have certain features, such as a flat face and a short
neck. They also have some degree of intellectual disability. 
Down syndrome is a lifelong condition.

What causes Down syndrome?

Down syndrome is caused by a problem with a baby's chromosomes. Normally, a person has 46
chromosomes. But most people with Down syndrome have 47 chromosomes. Having extra or abnormal
chromosomes changes the way the brain and body develop.  
Predisposing factor:
- Old woman ( > 35) ---/over 35/.
- Family with down syndrome.
- Having a previous baby with this disease.

What are the symptoms?

Most children with Down syndrome have:
- Distinctive facial features, such as a flat face, small ears, slanting eyes, and a small mouth.
- A short neck and short arms and legs.
- Low muscle tone and loose joints. Muscle tone usually improves by late childhood.

How is Down syndrome diagnosed? Can be:

- Screening tests, such as an ultrasound or a blood test during your first or second trimester. These can
help show if the developing baby(fetus) is at risk for Down syndrome. Sometimes give positive or negative
- Diagnostic tests, such as chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis. These can show if a baby has Down

Treatment for Down syndrome focuses on making sure that your child has regular medical checkups,
helping your child develop, watching for early signs of health problems, and finding support. With
treatment and support, you can help your child live a happy, healthy life.
Get your child regular medical care. - Many parents have similar concerns as their children grow,
 Newborn concerns, such as where to get emotional support and learn about Down syndrome.
 Infant concerns, such as what therapies your child may need and how to prevent colds.
 Early childhood concerns, such as how to teach healthy behaviors, social skills, and diet and exercise.
 Middle and late childhood concerns, such as how to support independence and education, and what
team sports your child can play.
 Adolescent and young adult concerns, such as what to expect during puberty and adulthood.
Chili pepper hen – Ají de Gallina
1.- First boil the hen or chicken breast in water with a pinch of salt. Some add
a piece of celery, but that is not necessary.

2.- When the breast is cooked remove it, let cool for a while and then divide
the breast into strands. After that, storing in a bowl, as well as the broth.

3.- The whole chillies are cut in half, remove the seeds and veins, and cut
them into strips to be boiled. After, these are liquefied.

4.- The following is base cream: put the milk in the blender jar and soda
crackers in pieces and liquify for 1 or 2 minutes.

5.- Now start the dressing: In other cooking pot, fry the chopped onion and
chopped garlic for 1 minute. Then add a pinch of salt, pepper to taste. While
the dressing is still frying, pour over the broth of the breast, over liquefied
chili and base cream. Mix over medium heat stirring from time to time to
prevent the preparation from sticking.

6.- Finally incorporate the shredded breast, mix and let the preparation
continue cooking on medium heat. Till to the consistency that pleases us.

7.- Serve with sliced potatoes, rice, and garnish with lettuce, olive to taste
along with boiled egg.

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