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Since birth Galemak grew up in a cult.

His mother, Amber, was a priestess of Orcus, one of the

demon lords. Ever since he could remember, he was told that he was special. The chosen one.

One day, he would bring about a new dark age and take his place as the dark emperor. For this
to occur he lived lavishly, no expense spared.

But when it finally was time for the ritual to fully awaken his powers, the cult was attacked by
adventurers. Galemak, in a moment of panic, used the confusion to run away. He did not want
to die. Not yet! For he has grand plans he won't be a puppet but a puppet master

Having broken his Oath to Orcus, and knowing, that he could never come back, he snuck out of
the cave and hid in the nearest town. Now, the cultists are looking for him, and he has
nightmares of his mother Amber being tortured in the abyss as punishment.

Should he ever die, he knows, that his soul would suffer the same fate.

Character Goals:

1.achieve immortality/ get his soul back, to avoid Orcus wrath

2. Become undead and raise a dark army.

3.Acheive Godhood and become an oblivion God his mother from hellavoid the cultists/destroy the cult

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