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Writing skill

A simple sentence has a subject and a verb, and often (but not always) an Writing simple sentences
·, know. (subject+ verb)
Leila studies biology. (subject+ verb+ object)
A simple sentence can have a compound subject, verb, or object.
Bianca and Hira study business. (compound subject)
Ji-won speaks and understands Chinese. (compound verb)
Diego speaks Spanish and English. (compound object)

Use a capital letter to start a sentence. Also, use capital letters for names,
languages, cities, and countries. Remember to end a sentence with a period (.).
Mira Anwar is from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She speaks Malay, Chinese, and

1 Add capital letters and a period to the sentences.

1 derek speaks greek and italian
2 karachi is a large city in pakistan
3 my friend roberto is from bogota, colombia
4 berlin, munich, and cologne are cities in germany
5 people speak french and english in canada
6 our teacher is from los angeles, california
2 Combine the two sentences.
1 Isobel is a first-year student. Paul is a first-year student.
Isobel and Paul are first-year students.
2 Justine speaks English. Justine speaks Spanish.

3 Achara reads Chinese. Achara writes Chinese.

4 Mark is a business student. Hassan is a business student.

3 Complete these sentences with your own ideas.

1 My friend studies
2 and are good friends.
3 I like to and
4 I and English.
5 My friends like to watch and
6 The teacher says and a lot.
Writing task
You are going to write about your partner.

1 Work with a partner. Ask questions to complete the information.
1 What's your name?
2 Where are you from?
3 How old are you?
4 What year are you7
5 Where do you study?
6 What languages do you speak 7
7 What clubs are you in?
8 What do you study7
9 What do you want to be 7
10 What are your hobbies?

Plan to write about your partner. Look back at the brainstorm and think about
what information to use.

Write 50 words about your partner. Use correct capital letters and end each
sentence with a period. Pay attention to your use of the verb be.

Exchange paragraphs with a partner. Make sure the information about you is
correct. Underline any sentences that you think can be combined.

Rewrite and edit

Think about your partner's comments and rewrite your paragraph.

Discussion point
1 Circle the correct
1 5% I 12% of the
students have A family member
breakfast before Noone
A friend
28% have breakfast
between 7:00 and A coworker
8:00/ 8:00 and 9:00.
3 Most students eat
lunch with a friend/

family member.
2 What time do you
Between 8:00 and 9:00
usually eat breakfast?
Who do you usually After 9:00
have lunch with? Before 6:00
I usually eat breakfast Between 6:00 and 7:00
... I usually have lunch
Between 7:00 and 8:00
with ...

Before you watch

1 Match the words with the definitions.
1 festival (n) a things you put in your house to make it
2 decorations (n) look nice
3 celebration (n) b things that explode with light and noise
4 fireworks (n) c a party for a birthday or special event­
5 important (adj)
e.g., passing an exam
d a special day or a time when people in
one city or country meet
e big, special, with a lot of meaning
D rl r adin
1 Whose dorm room has these things? Check(.!) the boxes.

Megan Kyle Rachel

l two beds
2 two closets
3 two chairs
4 a TV
5 two desks
6 two dressers
7 posters
8 a sofa

2 Choose T (True) or F (False) for each sentence.

l Megan likes her room. T/F
2 Megan has a picture of her closet. T/F
3 Kyle likes Megan's window. T/F
4 Kyle keeps his books on the dresser. T/F
5 Kyle's roommate likes cars. T/F
6 Rachel's room has a floor lamp. T/F
7 Rachel likes her room. T/F
8 Rachel has a roommate. T/F

E Over to you
Discuss these questions in a group.
l Whose room is good for studying7
I think .. .'s room is good for studying.
2 Whose room do you like7 Why7
I like .. .'s room. It has ...
3 What do you have on the shelves in your room? What's on the wa\\s7
I have books/ clothes on my shelves. I have pictures/ posters on my walls.
Studying a copy of a paper banknote.
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-�·-� h
.... -·

While you watch After you watch

2 Read the notes (a-d). Watch the video and 3 Answer the questions with a partner.
number them in the order you see them (1-4). 1 Do you usually use cash or a card in stores?
a A man talking to the camera_ I usually use . . .
b A woman putting a note in a machine_ 2 How much cash do you carry with you every
c Cars driving past a building_ day?
d Someone looking at a tablet computer_ I carry about . . .
Discussion point
Discuss these questions

with a partner.
1 How often do you 15
eat out?
I eat out . . . a day I week I
Where do you like to
eat out?
I like to go to . . .
3 What do you like to
have when you eat out7
I like to have . . .




Before you watch

1 Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

1 food cart (n) a someone who has something, e.g., a business

2 restaurant (n) b a place in town where you go to sit down and eat
3 the best (adj) something
4 owner (n) c food cooked as part of a meal
5 dish (n) d a kitchen that you can move around on the street
e number one, really good, perfect
D Close reading
1 Check(/') what each person does as part of his or her job.
1 Bert eats ice cream. shops for food.
2 Jennifer cooks food. makes dishes look nice.
3 Dan writes emails. writes cookbooks.
4 Tina cooks desserts. writes about desserts.
5 Paul serves food. cooks in a restaurant.
2 Choose T (True) or F (False) for each sentence.
1 Bert works for a food company. T/F
2 Bert loves to eat new things. T/F
3 Jennifer works for a magazine. T/F
4 Jennifer cooks meat in oil to make it look good. T/F
5 Dan helps the chef in the kitchen. T/F
6 Dan travels as part of his job. T/F
7 Tina sometimes eats two or three desserts. T/F
8 Tina describes how to make desserts. T/F
9 Paul drives his truck to different places. T/F
10 Paul serves Korean food on Wednesday. T/F

E Over to you
Discuss these questions in a group.
1 Who do you think has the best job? Why?
I think ... has the best job because he/ she ... as part of his/ her job.
2 Which things do you sometimes do?
I read food magazines. I eat a lot of desserts.
I take pictures of food. I read about restaurants.
I eat at food trucks. I try new types of food.
I sometimes take pictures of food. Sometimes I also ...
Discussion point
Discuss these questions
with a partner.

1 Do you do any of these
I drink a lot of water.
I don't walk a lot.
2 What else is a good or
bad thing to do for a
healthy body?
... is a good I bad idea.
3 Do you feel that you are
healthy? Why/ why not7
I I feel/ don't feel that I'm

.I healthy because ...

Before you watch

1 Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.
1 robot (n) a matching clothes, usually a jacket with trousers or
2 exhibition (n) a skirt
3 stage (n) b costing a lot of money
4 suit (n) c the part of a theater where actors perform
5 expensive (adj) d a show where people can see art or other
interesting things
e a machine that can do things that people do
D Close reading
1 Read How healthy are you? and answer the questions. Then add up your
score and check your results. Do you agree with them?
I agree I don't agree with the results because . . .
2 Complete the notes using words and numbers from the text.

Healthy Not healthy

exercising 2-3 times a 1 not exercising very 5
drinking 2 or more drinking 0-2 glasses of water a day
glasses of water a day exercising less than 15 minutes a day
exercising more than 3 not playing sports
minutes a day running less than 6
playing 4 or more sports minutes without stopping
running 15 or more minutes without eating fast food every
stopping 7

not eating fast food very often sleeping less than 8

sleeping 6-8 or more hours a night hours a night

E Over to you
Discuss these questions in a group.
1 Which things from the text do you want to try? Which don't you want to try?
I want to try drinking more water. I don't want to try ...
2 What else is important for good health? Why?
. . . is also important for good health because . . .
3 Think back to one year ago. Are you more or less healthy now7 Why?
I am more/ less healthy now because now I . . . more/ less.
rtose reading
1 Choose the correct answer.
1 What is true about Seoul's green park?
a Thousands of people visit it every day.
b There is a highway over the river.
c It's easy to drive in the park.
2 What is NOT in the park?
a sculptures
b tea houses
c fountains
3 What is up by more than 4%?
a the number of people who don't drive
b the number of people using buses
c the number of people using subways
4 What is helping businesses near the park?
a a new subway
b more people in the area
c warmer temperatures
2 Complete these sentences with numbers from the text. Finding information
in a text
1 More than ______ million people live in Seoul.
2 Seoul's green park is kilometers long.
3 Seoul's green park is meters wide.
4 There are bridges in the park.
5 There are ______ cars in the park.
6 The number of people using buses is up ______
7 ______ cities are now looking at Seoul's green park.

E Over to you
Discuss these questions in a group.
1 Why do you think the park is so popular ?
I think it's popular because ...
2 What is a popular park or green space in your town or city7
... is a popular park/ green space.
3 What is a good place for a new green park in your town or city7 Why?
... is a good place for a green park because ...
To: Ms. Claire Green
Subject: Re: Will you speak at TechQuest?
Dear Ms. Green, November 30
We are happy for you to talk about how your games help learners.
Please send us a title. We do not pay speakers, but we will pay travel
Is the afternoon of May 6 OK for you to speak? (And please call me

l Dr. Khalid Al-Amin

Re: Will you speak at TechQuest?
Dear Khalid, December 3
Yes, the afternoon of May 6 is fine. Please see attached
document-it has the title and how I describe the talk.

To: Ms. Claire Green

Subject: Re: Will you speak at TechQuest?
Hello, December4
This is great, thank you. You will speak on May 6 from4:00 to4:45.
We will book your flight and hotel. I will meet you at the airport.
Thank you again.
All the best,

attached (adj) joined or connected

look forward to (phrase) feel pleased about something that will happen
title (n) the name of something, e.g. a paper or book

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