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Test: PC with a terminal emulation program, e.g. HYPERTERM.

Settings of terminal emulation program: 9600kBaud, 7bit, parity even, 1 Stopbit.

Better to test is, when "local echo" is OFF.
To connect AC500 to PC use the cable TK501! COM1 of AC500 is the left interface.
Receives characters from COM1 of AC500.
Sends back the received characters + <CRLF> to COM1 when <CR> is received.
Receives characters from COM1 of AC500.
Sends back the received characters + <CRLF> to COM1 when there is a
pause greater than 1000 character times.
Receives characters from COM1 of AC500.
Sends back the received characters + <CRLF> to COM1 when <CR> is received
or when there is a pause greater than 3 seconds.

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