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I had a hard time at school.

It was like I couldn't breathe.


I wanted to become an Utaite(singer) since I was in elementary school.

I got the name "Ado" from the Japanese language textbook.

"Shite" and "Ado" were names of actors in Kyogen performances.

I thought "Ado" sounded cool.

I simply decided to use it because of how it sounded.

[Elementary School]

I was pessimistic, and I still am now.

I had a negative mindset and was not confident in whatever I did.

At the time, I enjoyed drawing.

When I would draw something, I often got laughed at.

I concluded that I sucked at everything and was insecure about myself.

During my later years in elementary school, there were people who did covers of my
favorite Vocaloid's songs.

No one had any idea what they looked like.

But it made me realize there were many people who were able to bring excitement
just with their voices and songs.

And I wanted to give it a try.

After learning what it means to be an Utaite, I began to sing more and more.

I sang at home so often that my parents complained I was too noisy.

When it comes to singing, I have a weird sense of confidence.

[Middle School]

I always dreamed of becoming an Utaite so I posted videos of me singing covers like

I always wanted to.

Well, there wasn't any change in my character.

But I was excited.

I was really happy that people commented on my video.

I refreshed the page once every hour to see the new comments.

I got a starter kit for making cover songs using my parents' laptop.
It was a gift from Santa Claus.

I held the condenser microphone and recorded my songs.

I'm still using the same interface.

After posting a few cover songs,

I shifted to my closet.

I think it was during that time.

I thought it was a great space to do soundproofing.

[High School]

There was a time when my weird sense of confidence started to fade.

I guess I realized it.

That I wasn't as good as I thought.

I was depressed.

People started criticizing me too.

I was quite conscious about it.

Even if the remarks were just a little mean,

I'd immediately feel down.

But I also felt frustrated.

It was so overpowering that I felt my feelings were shoved aside.

That was how I felt.

I didn't know what was going on.

The number of views just shot up.

That fact...

It took a while for this unbelievable situation to sink in.


It has sunk in, and I accept it as a fact.

Even then, sometimes I still get confused, like I still can't believe it.

It's a fact that my song was viewed one hundred million times.

I was very happy about that.

But it doesn't mean I became more positive or I was able to love myself more.

[Most Momorable Lyrics]

"Gira Gira" that was written by Teniwoha.

There were many parts on inferiority complexes.

I could totally relate to them.

"My face looks like God drew it with his left hand."

Especially this verse.

"If God was left-handed, I can't imagine how happy I'd be"

This phrase left a deep impression.

For original songs, I'd record them in the studio.

But it's the same as what I did in the closet.

It's just that the environment and equipment is better.

I still sit alone and record.

I wanted to do it at my own pace.

If I sing in front of song editors and sound engineers,

I'd wonder what they think of my flimsy singing.

And that would cause me to feel down and I'd end up not singing well.

So I requested to sing alone.

My goal is to hold a solo concert in a big venue.

I could do what I do and sing because of music composers.

It's all thanks to them.

All thanks to Vocaloid producers.

I've sung quite a variety of songs.

Rap music seems interesting too.

I think it'd be fun if I could try out more new things.

I learned that "Shite" is the main actor and "Ado" is the supporting actor.

As a supporting character,

I'd be really happy if I could be a support to someone's life.

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