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psstein • 3y !

Training After a Herniated disc

I've just learned I've a herniated disc, and

am being bombarded with "you can't lift
weights again!" For those of you who've
herniated a disc, how did you rehab and
then come back to training?

Also, what did you do for exercise while

dealing with the herniation? I don't want to
sit on my ass for the next month.

15 15

Weightlifting Sports

15 commenti ordinati per Migliori ˇ

Post archiviato

squawkdoc 3y !
No dude, fuck that. Seriously. Lifting
is what fixed my back.

Find a good PT, one that gets sports.

If you can find one that's PL/WL
friendly, even better. I worked with
one that competes in amateur

Core strength is fundamental. No

argument, get it strong. Planks, GHD,
and Reverse Hyper all day long.
Revisit breathing, and bracing. I got a
lot better at bracing, mainly in my
squats, but I'm a lot more conscious
about it.

Mobility work is probably necessary. I

don't know where you herniated one,
but L4-L5-S1 is my problem. Super
tight glutes, and hamstrings. RDLs
fixed most of this for me.

I had a bit of a rough start with my

back, but once I got comfortable in
certain positions, I got a lot better. I
remember my first session with a
coach, my lower back was so tight, I
had to lay down for 20 minutes after
the session. And we're talking like 40
kilos. So I still like doing tempo sn grip
dls and such, to kind of work through
positions now. Been in WL a year, Sn
90, cl 120, cj 110, sq 185, fs 150, and
dl 195.

32 Rispondi

psstein " 3y !
Thanks, I'm looking for a competent
PT. I don't know where I'm
herniated either. I'm going to
another doctor for a second
opinion, as a physician friend
looked at my MRI and didn't see the
alleged herniation.

Bracing is probably very necessary.

I think I herniated it on a low-bar
squat, back several months ago.

6 Rispondi

snowflaykkes 3y !
This is a copy&paste of my
comment elsewhere but

Dont worry so much. They have

studies where theyve taken MRIs
healthy people with no back pain
and over 50% of the population
over the age of 50 has a disc
herniation, yet are pain-free and

Plus, herniations can be fixed

without surgery.

Find a good PT is the best advice

I can give you online.

3 Rispondi

squawkdoc 3y !
No problem. Are you getting
radiating pains?

1 Rispondi

psstein " 3y !
A bit in the right calf, yeah. I'm
not sure if it's sciatica or not.

2 Rispondi

Vedi risposte

ObiWanPwnobi 3y !
I was powerlifting at the time.
Followed daddy McGill's advice. Did
20 minutes of speedy walking a day,
birdogs, planks, and back extensions.
As back felt better I switched planks
with ab wheel. About a month after
injury, I started lifting again. I did my
normal programming, but pretended
my squat and deadlift maxes were
halved from pre-injury numbers.
These numbers that caused zero pain,
just focused on crispy clean
movement. Took about 8 months to
be at old numbers, pain free

7 Rispondi

and_so_he_spoke 3y !
Have a look at Stuart McGill's books

4 Rispondi

[deleted] 3y !
Read Stuart McGill’s book. That thing
helped me so much with healing from
a bad herniated disc

6 Rispondi

psstein " 3y !
What is the book's title?

2 Rispondi

[deleted] 3y !
Back Mechanic. Gift of Injury is
pretty good but is less specific to
treating lower back pain but
more recovering from an injury.

3 Rispondi

needanightlight 3y !
Go find a good Physical Therapist. I've
got 3 herniated discs in my lumbar
and still lift. A good PT will help you

3 Rispondi

Marsupian 3y !
Be aware that a herniated disc is
generally not permanent. Usually
people who get the diagnosis will
years later still think and say they
have a herniated disc while thats likely
not the case (at least it won't be the
same herniation as got diagnosed).
Also the large majority of older people
have disc herniations that are
asymptomatic. When you put a bunch
of healthy people in an mri something
like 60% has a disc herniation.

The solution once the nerve irritation

has quieted down and mobility is
restored is improving stability,
strength and movement quality. Lifting
can play a key part in that but in the
beginning have a period where you
focus on technique and doing some
single leg and 3D work before you get
back to max effort squats and
deadlifts. A good physio can help
improve movement patterns but it can
be hard to find a good physio who has
that skill.

3 Rispondi

brandontompt 3y !
exercise selection depends on what
positions and movements are most
sensitive. ideally you're trying to train
around sensitive positions that
reproduce your back and lower
extremity radiating symptoms
(pain/numbness/tingling). depending
on the individual, the following
exercises might work to maintain feel
for the lifts and train legs:
pulling/powers from high blocks (if
lifting from floor is too much), belt
squats, bulgarian split squats, partial
depth squats with pause. generally for
trunk work, neutral-ish isometrics can
be a good place to start but again it
depends on what reproduces
symptoms. for dedicated overhead
work, it will again depend if you're
sensitive into lumbar extension, and if
your end range overhead forces you
to default into this position. seated
overhead variations with or without
incline might work better for you in
this case. bottom line, there's no one
size fits all so see a reasonable PT
who lifts to form a personalized game
Leggi di più
2 Rispondi

Shelders 3y !
Disclaimer: this is general advice and
should not be followed before
assessment by competent physical

Firstly discs heal so long term youll be

fine if you rehab it.

Secondly do not trust an MRI entirely.

They can be mis-leading and ive had
patients before with huge discs
bulges irritating nerves on the left but
all their symptoms are on the right.

Thirdly if you are in pain Id suggest

gentle ROM movements (cat/camel
like stuff) to reduce your sensitivity to
movement first. You can add in light
band work e.g hip abduction if you

Avoid spinal loading for the time


Again, seek out a good PT first.

1 Rispondi

Altri post da r/weightlifting

125K membri

rhc34 • 22h !

This made me laugh


680 20

OneKaleidoscope7892 • 4d !

70Kg CJ and 60Kg snatch at 13yo

and 49kg body weight
Form check

$ 00:00 00:00
510 70

vixfly • 6d !

POV: u were caught walking over a

loaded barbell in a soviet gym

$ 00:00 00:00
450 67

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Accomplished_Emu1674 • 1d !

Goosebumps every time.


$ 00:00 00:00
401 24

icabueno • 3d !

PSA don’t be like me and remove

plates from the platform.

$ 00:00 00:00
282 36

fatboi173 • 1d !

1 Month of hella mobility work and

I can finally say I have a decent
ATG squat

270 38

ActualContest2598 • 2d !

I know it's not good but posting a

120 back squat at 13 years old just
want to document my
performance (plz don't be to harsh
I've only been training for 6

$ 00:00 00:00
241 61

inametakeni • 2d !

Mr Boblaire, if you're reading this, I

told you about a month or so ago
that I want to go past 91kg... I
made it to 97.5kg for 4 reps!

$ 00:00 00:00
188 11

amberleighjack1 • 5d !

Any form help appreciated! This

was a max lift (apologies about the
high angle, hopefully you can still
see what’s going on …)
Form check

$ 00:00 00:00
163 24

rhc34 • 2d !

Custom poster from Hookgrip for

the garage gym!

155 27

LifeLongStudent2 • 6d !

124.7kg back squat. Is my

buttwink something I need to fix?
It looks hella excessive to me.
Form check

$ 00:00 00:00
146 33

RyanCotter96kg • 6d !

Those who said I could do more

than 103kg. You were right. Lots of
work yet to be done. Any tips on
my jerk are appreciated

$ 00:00 00:00
140 12

leslie_burns • 2d !

Finally Hit a push press double at


$ 00:00 00:00
124 10

TOROKHTIY_Aleksey • Olympian,
• 4d !


$ 00:00 00:00
125 7

DueYogurt4278 • 1d !

Power Jerk
Form check

$ 00:00 00:00
122 28

hesitater • 1d !

A nice recognition for Diaz.



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