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Ropita Sari  , Adam  , Hariyanti 
1  2  3

S1 Nursing Study Program Stikes Panrita Husada Bulukumba, Indonesia    1

 Department of Nursing Management Stikes Panrita Husada Bulukumba, Indonesia  2

Department of Nursing Management Stikes Panrita Husada Bulukumba, Indonesia  3

Author correspondence :


Hospital occupational safety and health are all activities to ensure and protect the safety and
health of human resources in hospitals (patients, patients' families, and the hospital
environment) through efforts to prevent occupational accidents and occupational diseases in
hospitals. Based on the work accident report from the H. Andi Sulthan Hospital H. Andi Sulthan
Daeng Radja team, Bulukumba Regency, it shows that in 2017 there were 5 work accidents, 3
needle sticks, 1 eye irritation, and 1 work injury. In 2018 there was a decrease with the number
of cases of 2 needle sticks. Then in 2019 there was an increase in the incidence with the
number of 6 people, with the case of 4 people being stabbed with needles as a result of errors
in opening and closing the syringe, 1 person was injured due to being hit by a scalpel, and 1
person fell while working. And in 2020 the number of work accidents as many as 2 people
experienced eye irritation as a result.This research is a type of quantitative descriptive
research through a cross sectional  design approach . The number of samples was 47
respondents from the emergency room, jasmine, and flamboyant at RSUD H. Andi Sulthan
Daeng Radja Kab. Bulukumba using the sampling method is Simple Random Sampling.  Data
was collected by distributing questionnaire sheets to respondents. knowledge of nurses about
K3 in the good category as many as 31 people (66.0%) compared to the knowledge of nurses
about K3 in the sufficient category as many as 16 people (34.0%). a description of the
knowledge of nurses at H. Andi Sulthan Hospital Daeng Radja Bulukumba Regency about K3 in
the good category as many as 35 people (74.5%) compared to the knowledge of nurses about
K3 in the sufficient category as many as 12 people (25.5%).   
Keywords: Occupational safety and health, Nurse knowledge

Hospital occupational safety and health are all activities to ensure and protect the
safety and health of human resources in hospitals (patients, patient families, visitors, and
the hospital environment) through efforts to prevent occupational accidents and
occupational diseases in hospitals (House, 2019). WHO data: 35 million health workers: 3
million exposed to blood pathogens (2 million exposed to HBV virus, 0.9 million exposed to
HBC virus and 170,000 exposed to HIV/AIDS virus). More than 90% occur in developing
countries, 8-12% of hospital workers are sensitive to latex. ILO: deaths from work-related
communicable diseases, 108,256 men and 517,404 women. USA: every year 5000 health
workers are infected with Hepatitis B, 47 are HIV positive and 600,000 – 1,000,000 needle
stick injuries are reported (estimated more than 60% are not reported. 41% of hospital
nurses experience spinal cord injuries due to work (Ministry of Health of the Republic of
Indonesia, 2010 ). 
The results of the Indonesian Ministry of Health report that 83.3% of workers
experience low back pain, 65.4% of janitors in a hospital suffer from chronic irritant
contact dermatitis of the hands, 17.7% of nurses suffer from mental emotional disorders
related to with work stressors. Hospital workers are at 1.5 times greater risk than other
sectors of workers. The probability of HIV transmission after a needle stick wound
contaminated with HIV is 4:1000. The risk of transmission of HBV after a needle stick
wound contaminated with HBV is 27 – 100. The risk of transmission of HCV after a
needlestick wound containing HCV is 3 – 10: 100 (Ministry of Health, 2010). Another study
conducted by (Ghasemi et al., 2020) related to the incidence of work accidents, it was
found that 39.3% of nurses had work accidents during the 12 months before the study.
Based on the report from the South Sulawesi Manpower Office, the number of work
accidents in 2010 was 531 cases, in 2011 there were 501 cases, in 2012 there was an
increase to 912 cases and in 2013 there were 632 cases, not including unreported cases
(Ibrahim et al., 2017).
Based on the data the start that earned investigators that the nurse in the
room IGD as many as 41 people, consisting of 17 people men - men and
24 the women. In room Bed many as 21 people, consisting of four people man - men and 17
women. And in the Flamboyan treatment room there were 20 people, consisting of 5 men
and 15 women. Based on the data obtained from the K3 Hospital H. Andi Sultan Daeng
Radja there is data on work accidents and occupational diseases in the last 4
Based on a work accident report from the H. Andi Sulthan Hospital H. Andi Sulthan
Daeng Radja team, Bulukumba Regency, it shows that in 2017 there were 5 cases of work
accidents, 3 of them were stabbed with needles due to accidentally being pricked by a
needle when heacting, closing the syringe using two hands. , and officers who were near the
safety box which was not closed, 1 person experienced eye irritation due to being splashed
with blood, and 1 person was injured on the skin due to punctured by broken test tubes.
In 2018 there was a decrease with the number of cases of 2 people getting needle
sticks because the syringe was not disposed of in the safety box but was disposed of using a
plastic bag. Then in 2019 there was an increase in the incidence with the number of 6
people, with the case of 4 people being stabbed with needles as a result of errors in opening
and closing the syringe, closing the syringe using two hands, 1 person was injured due to
being hit by a scalpel, and 1 person fell while working because slippery floor. And in 2020
the number of accidents at work was 2 people experiencing eye irritation due to being
splashed with chemical liquids.
From the initial survey conducted by researchers to health workers at the hospital,
information was obtained that the three rooms, namely the Emergency Room, Flamboyan,
and Melati are rooms that have a high workload so that the risk for work accidents is also
greater. This is evidenced by a case report by the K3 party at H. Andi Sulthan Hospital
Daeng Radja Bulukumba for the last 4 years.
So based on the above phenomenon, the researchers are interested in conducting
research on "The Relationship of Nurse Behavior with the Application of Occupational
Safety and Health in H. Andi Hospital.
The research design used in this research is descriptive quantitative with a cross
sectional  approach .  The population in this study amounted to 82 nurses who work in the
Emergency Room (IGD), Melati, and Flamboyan RSUD H. Andi Sultan Daeng Radja,
Bulukumba Regency. The number of samples obtained in this study were 47 nurses with a
sampling technique obtained using the sample size formula for numerical correlative
analysis (Sopiyudin, 2016). The sampling technique in this study is the Probability
Sampling  method, which is a sampling method that provides equal
opportunities/opportunities for each individual in the population to be used as research
samples. By using a sampling technique, namely Simple Random Sampling  , a simple
random sampling  method with the assumption that certain characteristics possessed by
the population are not considered in a study (Dharma, 2017). In this study, the instrument
used is a questionnaire.   
1. Characteristics of nurses
Table 5. 1
Frequency Distribution of Respondents Characteristics Based on Age, Gender, Level
Education and Treatment Room
Characteristics of N %
        Teenagers (12 – 25 Years 4 8.5
        Adult (26 – 45 Years Old) 43 91.5
Gender Female          
37 78.7
       Man  10 21.3
Nursing Education 18 38.3
      S1 Nursing+NERS 29 61.7
Treatment Room    
      emergency room 23 48.9
      Jasmine 12 25.5
      Flamboyant 12 25.5
Amount       47                                   100
Source: Secondary Data for August 2021
Based on table 5.1 above, from the number of respondents 47 nurses
showed that the majority of respondents were in the adult age range of 26-45
years as many as 43 people (91.5%), compared to adolescent respondents aged
12-25 years as many as 4 people. (8.5%). Respondents with the most gender were
37 people (78.7%), compared to 10 male respondents (21.3%). 
The highest level of education in the nursing education category is S1
nursing + nurses as many as 29 people (61.7 %), compared to respondents with a
D3 nursing education level as many as 18 people (38.3%). And the most
respondents came from the room 23 people (48.9%), compared to respondents
from the Melati room as many as 12 people (25.5%) and Flamboyan as many as 12
2. Univariate Analysis

Table 5. 2
Distribution of the Knowledge Frequency of Nurses in the Emergency Room (IGD),
Melati, and Flamboyant at H. Andi Sulthan Hospital Daeng Radja Kab. Bulukumba
Nurse Knowledge N %
          Well 35 74.5
          Enough 12 25.5
          Amount 47 100
Source: Primary Data for August 2021
Based on table 5.2 above, from the number of respondents 47 nurses showed
that most of the knowledge of nurses were in the good category as many as 31
people (66.0%) compared to the knowledge of nurses in the sufficient category as
many as 16 people (34.0%). 
Based on the results of the study in table 5.1 of the number of respondents 47
nurses showed that the majority of respondents were in the adult age range of 26-45 years
as many as 43 people (91.5%) compared to adolescent respondents aged 12-25 years as
many as 4 people. (8.5%)
According to research (Araujo, 2018) it shows that the older a person gets, the more
his technical maturity increases, as well as psychology shows mental maturity. Increasing
age will also increase one's maturity wisdom in making decisions, thinking rationally,
controlling decisions, thinking rationally, controlling emotions and tolerance for the views
of others. This development allows for the best thinking and appropriate judgment for
nurses in implementing occupational safety and health (K3) guidelines. Based on the
results of the study in table 5.1 of the 47 nurses, it shows that the most respondents with a
bachelor's degree in nursing + nurses were 29 people (61.7%) compared to 18 people
with a D3 nursing education level (38.3%).
According to (Araujo, 2018) saying that as a profession, nursing is required to have
intellectual, interpersonal and technical and moral abilities, this can be achieved by
improving the quality of nurses through further education in the Nurses education
program. Quality and competent nursing services will be realized if nurses have an
undergraduate education background or more. One of the efforts to achieve professional
nursing in Indonesia is by converting graduates of the Nursing Academy (Diploma 3 and 4)
to continue their bachelor's degree. The level of education is one of the individual
characteristics that can increase the knowledge of nurses to be able to apply occupational
safety and health (K3) guidelines, so as to reduce the number of unexpected events (KTD).
Based on the results of the study in table 5.2, it shows that the knowledge of nurses
about K3 in the good category is 35 people (74.5%) compared to the knowledge of nurses
about K3 in the sufficient category as many as 12 people (25.5%). This result is in line with
research (Araujo, 2018) which shows that 20 respondents know that the overall level of
knowledge of the emergency room nurse at Mg.r Gabriel Manek Hospital, SVD Ataubua
with a good category is 12 respondents (60%), while for the sufficient category there are 7
respondents ( 35%) and for the less category as much as 1 person (5%).
Researchers assume that lack of knowledge makes nurses less apply occupational
safety and health (K3) in other words, poor knowledge can lead to unsafe behavior in
nurses such as negligence (lack of caution), working not in accordance with SOPs, not using
complete personal protective equipment. , and these are all actions that ignore the nurse's
personal safety so that nurses can experience unexpected events (KTD).

Based on the results of the research on the description of nurses' knowledge

about occupational safety and health (K3) at H. Andi Sulthan Daeng Radja Hospital,
Bulukumba Regency in 2021, it can be concluded that the knowledge of nurses in the ER,
Melati, and Flamboyan rooms at H. Andi Sulthan Daeng Radja Hospital, Kabupaten
Bulukumba Bulukumba showed that the knowledge of nurses about K3 in the good
category was 35 people (74.5%) compared to the knowledge of nurses about K3 in the
sufficient category as many as 12 people (25.5%). 

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