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Mark 1: 14-20

“The Calling”
I will never understand why God called me to followed him. I remember I used to
go to church and sitting in one of the pews I used to look around at the people
praying, some for hours, and they seemed so much holier than me I was, and I
used to think : “Why me, Lord?” Until one day he said, “I like your drama” and I’ve
never been sure if he was joking or not. I will never entirely understand why I
agreed to follow him either. One day he told me to leave everything and follow him,
and although I didn’t drop everything immediately as Simon and Andrew and James
and John in today’s story, the decision was still made pretty rapidly. Most people
thought I was being an idiot. Ahh, well. But although I don’t understand either the
call or the response to it, I’d like to attempt an explanation for the sake of those of
you who wonder how this works. And the reason, for doing this is because many ask
me how to discern God’s will for their lives, whether he is calling them to priesthood
or full – time ministry or whatever. The short answer is that you just know. It is like
fallin in love. You might meet a lot of people that you are attracted to, and even
imagine that you are in love with them, but when you meet the right person,
everything those romance novelists write about actually happens. The sparks fly and
you know that this is the real thing. It’s kinda like that with God. You just know. So
while you might need to discern where exactly your calling lies, if God calls you to
follow him, you hear him clearly. And there is this accompanying desire to follow him
that is simply overwhelming. It doesn’t fade or go way. It just gets stronger. And
then God makes it happen. It’s the one way you can be sure that God is doing this
because he makes it all possible. I ask for signs and he gave me plenty. Having said
all that, let us be aware that all of us are called to follow Jesus, the only difference
being that we don’t quit everything to do so. God bless you!!!

By : Yayong, Melody F. (BSMA-II) Date : January 24, 2021


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