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LIA ' MEMBERS COPY Testdrdtscontts 3 ap_ =F o The year ahéad With MECA e Drafting a Social PIP. and Smart gine Recogr ition A i Sad rOCeSS - Post Media Policy Principal Amendments « Dismissal on Consultants Profile Public Holidays Medical Grounds- 2020 Case Summary Pel Yer) Editorial ‘Shao Min Ng eer ad eee Cee foment Perea ed Serena Sponsorship / Advertising Vj AC UA ‘Wendt ei ets Foreword Dear Members, The decade has come toan end and we are welcoming 2020! Happy New Year. 2019 has been an interesting year with many changes occuring not Just on the IR landscape but also with MECA itself. We have had what has been the most successful Convention in recent years! Not only that we have expanded the team and have new consultants joining us. In 2020, we are proud to announce our new Retainer Scheme, the first increase in price in many years with what we hope is an Option to sult each member, With more benefits added to ensure our members are getting updated versions of our servi fingertips. at their As always, we welcome all our new members, and would alse like to thank our old members for their continued support and loyalty. Thank you. bey Victor Gan Chief Operating off TP cl re of ladon io people tee wih dors, eg mE limle games. An innocent arusement, litle more than a foncified blogging platform. Sut na, as we approach the tm af the decade, social media hae become a part of our day-to-day lives in waye that we could have never imagined. There are entire businesses and individuals that live ‘or die based on socal influence va Instagram. Traditional media has lost its relevancy when battles for truth and politcal clout are fought over «8 batlefield of abilion profiles. So many aspects of our daly ives are now performed on the information superhighway. With 2 legion of dating apps, we fallin love onthe internet. Under the cloak of anonymity, wehate and abuse on the internet too. 2018, video of @ man called Eddy Rejang harassing a young beer promotor went viral on the interwebs. As @ consequence, he lost hs Job ‘that he had held for more than 10 years. And this by no means an isolated incident. We have all read the articles about individuals losing their jobs due ta puble outery ver their social media postings. Howaver, ae Employer representative, our main concer would ba = What can | da if my employee makes an offensive post on social media?” Firstly, asa general rule, employees are prety much fee to pursue their own interests, associate wth whomever they want ro asaciate with ‘urside working hours t would not be controversial for me to put forward that it would a pretty bold and dystopian assumption on the Employer pat to assume control over every aepect of an employee's social and private life outside the confines ofthe work pace and working hours ‘As such, in order for an employes to take ation against an employee for something done outside of working hours, there isan understanding thot has been cultivated through numerous cases heard before the courts thatthe company would have to show tht its personal interests have been negatively impacted by the employees actions. In the case of Cisco, which dismissed one of ther employees for making disparaging remarks about our former ruler eater in the year, the negative impact to the company was clear The publichad discered thatthe person Wh x! made the posting was an employee of the company, and had taken tojpleketing curse the compary HO, demanding for his resignation. As sich sear for al to we that by his actos the empoygg a ast is employer ina negative ight and a sch diecillily econ fo i social media postings were fly jutiiable o — © a iy Button the question would aie as to what coud the Eni do handle Employes wo patito queajenable gion but whee te Employer Employee conection was not dscemible ashe was posting under a pseudonym AG where 3h asng wos not mode othe public at large, but ra specie audience? To handle such stuatons, wiih af Prevalent oy wendation that ‘companies consider implementing socal media poi. =

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