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What if…(take 2)

“Good evening America. I would like to talk to you tonight about a dream I had. It

was a dream that is turning into déjà vu. In it I saw the story of the three little pigs.

Then I saw governor Ron Paul move from being the governor of Texas to being the

governor of Arizona. My friend Mike Huckabee switches his seat to Wisconsin.

Sarah Palin comes to the continental states and takes over Virginia while

presidential candidate Donald Trump is elected as governor of Florida.

We as Americans have watched Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee transfer. “

Glenn Beck was having a special episode in Fox news. Back in 2010 he mentioned that

he knew one day in 2011 he would be talking about a feeling he had; a dream. Today

seemed to be that day.

“Its been going around that Obama is like the wolf in the three little pigs. He goes

around and blows down the houses and eats the pigs. The states are represented as

the houses while you represent the pigs. Now you may want to know how he is

eating us as a nation. Look at our economy and how poorly we are suffering with

unemployment and gas prices going up. Look at how all of our troops are over seas.

We used to be a rich nation, a powerful nation. Over the years we have become poor

and weak, but not nearly as bad as we are now under Obama.”
Beck just described our nation as a nation that could have been looked at as a fat pig.

Now we are a starving pig and the wolf can just go around and devour us for a snack.

Normally in this house, Glenn Beck does not make an appearance on TV.

“A concern of mine is the house Ron has moved into. It’s made purely of

tumbleweeds. He has a sign in the front of his house saying ‘House of Weeds is

open’. I don’t know about you America but that concerns me a whole lot.

Another concern is how Mike is running for president and campaigning is expensive.

He has moved into a trailer park for his residential listings. Ron and Mike do not

topple my concern over Sarah and Donald. Trump has kept his mansion life style,

despite having the mansion carved out of a stone mountain. That’s not what bugs

me, what bugs me is the fact that he has asked Sarah Palin to move in with him.

America, does this set up the scenario for the houses being made of straw, stick and

brick? I’ll let you decide. There is a theme going on with these last four candidates.

The state of Arizona is in a battle with Obama over the illegal immigrants. The state

of Wisconsin is in a debate over union restrictions. Both Virginia and Florida are

suing Obama Care. Should I say that we as a nation need to smarten up and connect

the dots?”
By this time we as a family was ready to stop listening to Glenn Beck. He is fine for a

while but after that while he ends up being a doom and gloom kind of guy.

“What happens in my dream afterwards is that Obama destroys Paul’s house and

makes a deal with him. Paul runs to Huckabee’s house and a tornado hits through

there. Both of them end up going to Trump’s mansion. It follows the first retelling of

the three little pigs. The first pig escapes and goes to the second pig’s house. Then

together after that house is huffed and puffed away they leave and take refuge in the

third house.

Trump seems like he is a hospital man, but America, do you think he would just

welcome two political opponents into his house? He isn’t the one targeted by

Obama; he actually is the one targeting Obama. Trump is the smart pig that avoids

being tricked out of his home and eaten. He is going to be the one that ends up

having the wolf for dinner. I would like to bet my career on it but it’s a loosing bet.”

At that comment we left the TV on. Why would Beck so confidentially say that

Trump was going to win the election? Why would he bet on it if he knew he was

going to lose? Commercials interrupted the thought. Three minutes down the line

and he came back on to finish his statement, and the rest of the show.

“Before the break I had said Trump looked like he was going to eat the wolf like

Barak Obama. Remember this is all based on a dream. The dream turned sour and
stated that there was an inside man who caused Trump mansion to fall. Instead of

being victorious over whatever happens in the house, they lose and Obama gets

reelected because there is no one to run against him. America, this man is already

ruining our nation but I shudder to think that he could be a cold-blooded killer. I

really would like for this entire dream to not turn into déjà vu. Goodnight America,

and think on what this show was about. Please”

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