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Fill the following table with the information related to all member of your group:

S. No. APIC Student ID First Name Last Name

1 201800812 Prishka
2 201800750 Subudh Juneja

2- Create Main Directory Named BIS3004 and set it permission to full access, fill the following table:

Task Command/s
Create Directory named : BIS3004 mkdir BIS3004
Set Full Access to BIS4004 directory Chmod 777 BIS3004

3- Create sub directories with in BIS3004 directory according to Table – 3:

Task Command/s
- Create directory {FirstName-1} ls BIS3004
- Set read and write access permission only mkdir -m777 Prishka
- Create directory {FirstName-2} mkdir -m777 Subudh
- Set read and write access permission only

4. Create users with names according to the group member student IDS for of your group as shown
in table 4

Task Command/s
- Create user {Student-ID1}
- Write ACL to enable:
1. full permission to {FirstName-1}
useradd 201800812
2. read and write permission to
setfacl –m “u:201800812:777” Prishka
{FirstName-2} and
setfacl –m “u:201800812:644” Subudh
3. read permission only to other

Task Command/s
- Create user {Student-ID2}
- Write ACL to enable:
1. full permission to {FirstName-1}
useradd 201800750
2. read and write permission to
setfacl –m “u: 201800750:777” Prishka
{FirstName-2} and
setfacl –m “u: 201800750:644” Subudh
3. read permission only to other
4. Create two groups and fill Table-5:
Task Command/s
- Create group {LastName-1}
Groupadd –g Prishka
- Add {Student-ID1} and {Student-ID2} users
Usermod –G Prishka,201800812 prishka
to {LastName-1} group
Usermid –G Prishka,201800750 juneja
- Write ACL that {LastName-1} group users
Setfacl –m “g:Prishka:777” Prishka
will get full access to {FirstName-1}
Setfacl –m “g:Prishka:644” Subudh
directory and read access to {FirstName-2}
- Create group {LastName2}
Groupadd –g Subudh
- Add ‘{Student-ID2} and {Student-ID3} to
Usermod –G Subudh,201800812 prishka
{LastName-2} group
Usermid –G Subudh,201800750 juneja
- Write ACL that {LastName-2} group users
Setfacl –m “g:Subudh:777” Prishka
will get full access to {FirstName-2}
Setfacl –m “g:Subudh:644” Subudh
directory and write and execute access to
{FirstName-1} directory.

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