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I. Write an item of food to match the verbs.

0. boil pasta 4. bake

1. chop 5. grate

2. grill 6. slice

3. roast 7. spread

II. Complete the sentences with the adjectives that are used to describe food.

0. Someone has put too much sugar in my coffee. It’s too sweet .

1. I can’t eat dark chocolate because it’s very .

2. I don’t want anything sweet. Have you got any snacks like
crisps or peanuts?

3. Mmm! This food is really . You’re a fantastic cook.

4. Why did you put so much chili in this sauce? It’s too .

5. This soup doesn’t taste of anything. It’s very .

6. Don’t put any more salt in the pasta. It’s going to be too .

7. Boiled eggs on spaghetti? That looks ! I would never eat it.

III. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

0. All around the world, people eat pasta in a number of different ways.

1. You can eat food the streets of many countries around the world.

2. Although our city is surrounded mountains and water, you can find
delicious fish.

3. When I’m the go and don’t have time to stop, I just buy a sandwich.

4. I like eggs cooked lots of different ways.

5. The teacher was surrounded students wanting to ask questions.

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