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Our country nowdays is full with unsettled and controversial issue.

Most of the

cases related and have connection to our teenagers. Today the sosial problem

among teenagers in our country is the biggest challenges facing the nation. The

shocking high baby dumping cases is one of the sosial problem. The only way to

prevent this baby dumpingn cases become more worst is via sex education. This

topic should be implemented from the roots which is in primay school. By introduce

sex education in primary school, we can adopt to raise awareness among

schoolchildren. Although Malaysian government already gave a green light about

sex education in primary school, but it still can not be introduce to the children

because not all parents want the children learn about sex education because they

are believe sex education has pros and cons which can effect their child.

The parents should realise that sex education can prevent the spread of

sexual trasmitted disease like AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia. All of these

diseases are very dangerous to human and just only sex education can give the

children awareness about these diseases because some of these disease can not be

detect easily. For example is AIDS. This disease only can be detect in human body

by blood test. AIDS which stand for acquired immune deficiency syndrome is cause

by the human immunodeficiency virus or famous as HIV. The virus infects and

destroys cells of the body’s immune system so that their numbers gradually

decrease. HIV can transmitte easily through sexual intercourse. According to

Wikipedia, HIV/AIDS is pandemic and more than 33.3 million people suffer with this

disease. When the children alerts and already well know about these vital diseases,

they will prevent themselves from having sex without marriage. That why sex

education is really important to the children so that they will have good lifestyle in

their future and will not involved in sexual promiscuity.

Most of the parents in the big city are busy with their work and not have

enough time to teach their child about the sex education while in small village in rural

area mother of the children has enough time to teach their child but they do not do it

because in rural area they are still strongly bonded to thier traditional life. For them

sex education is vey sensitive topic and this topic can not be teach in public or

directly. The consequence is children in both area not has enough expose to sex

education and they will try to learn about sex education by themselves without any

guidance either from their father nor mother. The problem will appear when the

children are learning about sex education from wrong sources likes pornography

website. To prevent the activity from happen, sex education should be teach in

primary school.

Some of the arguements against sex education are the children will expose to

birth control and safe sex. Parents are concerned that their children may be will

become sexually active because they already know about birth control and the uses

of condom for safe sex and can prevent from pregnant too. The learning about safe

sex can led to an increase in promiscuity among the young. Some people especially

parents take the view that young people should wait untill they are married before

having sex.

The sex education should be implemented in primarty school because the

children must has knowledge about sex education so that they are free from any

sosial problem and also free from any fatall disease which can effect themselve if

they get involved in sex before marriage. and the children today are our next

generation leader so they should get sex education because sex education can led

them to better and healthy life style.

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