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A series of interviews with master breathworkers

by Jim Morningstar, PhD

Returning to Source: Infant Water Breathwork Demo with Carol Lampman:
In this interview by Jim Morningstar, infant water breathwork is presented and
demonstrated by Carol Lampman, one of the world's foremost experts in this
revolutionary modality. Carol reveals how through her twenty years of experience she
helps newborns release the effects of perinatal trauma and the lifelong effects of this
work. This work has profound implications for adults who have replicated this release
and recovery in both dry and wet therapeutic breathwork sessions. As part of the
Returning to Source video series we are guided from birth trauma to enlightenment.

Returning to Source: Mother Wounding and Unconditional Love with Tilke

Returning to Source: Mother Wounding and Unconditional Love. Jim Morningstar
interviews Tilke Platteel-Deur, a veteran therapist and breathwork trainer on the topic of
mother wounding and unconditional love. Tilke shares from both her personal and
professional experience how the path of breath, the courage to heal and forgiveness
lead to the freedom of recovering our full aliveness and joy in living.

Father Wounding: Interview with Psychotherapist and Breathworker, Wilfried

Jim Morningstar interviews Wilfried Ehrmann, an internationally renowned
psychotherapist and breathworker, who helps us understand the role of father energy in
the psyche of every person, male and female, from both his personal and vast
professional perspective. He also shares an exercise to recover confidence and
competence from one's own ancestry.

Returning to Source: Sibling Relationships and Relationality with Jeremy Youst:
That we have brothers and sisters all over the planet is not just a metaphor. We are all a
part of a gene pool that is world wide as well as a spiritual family that is universal. It is
only through reconnecting with one another on an essential level that the illusion of
separation and lack that has led to so much strife and warfare can be eliminated and a
new order established. In this interview by Jim Morningstar, Jeremy Youst shares how
the abilities and intelligence to do this are latent within us.

Educational Wounding: An Interview with Ann Harrison:
As part of the Returning to Source series, Jim Morningstar interviews Ann Harrison, who
worked with accreditation of breathwork training in the Australian educational system.

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Ann shares her expertise in working with trauma and how breathwork is providing a
unique tool in changing the educational models around the world.

Ancestral Wounding and Therapeutic Breathwork: An Interview with Omar

Jim Morningstar interviews Omar Chtioui on the topic of Ancestral Wounding and
Therapeutic Breathwork. Omar is a breath coach who works extensively in the Middle
East/North Africa area and has done healing with generational trauma personally and
professionally from corporations to refugee camps. His perspective is insightful and
inspiring on how inner healing and the feminine perspective is changing the face of the
human crisis of cyclical warfare.

Partner Rejection, Divine Lover and Inner Child: An Interview with Judee Gee:
Jim Morningstar interviews Judee Gee, professional Breathwork, Tantra trainer and
director of Ecole Etre in France, on the topic of partner rejection and how to heal with
Breathwork and Tantra also employing the the tools of Divine Lover and Inner Child.
Partner rejection can lead to some of human’s deepest woundings. Judee addresses
how partner rejection affects the human psyche and the steps to take in retuning to
inner safety and resourcefulness.

The Crisis of Leisure and Savoring Life: An interview with Dan Brule:
What happens when we release struggle in our work and relationships? How do we
cope when we are not creating drama and conflict? What tools do we have to truly
savor our life as we live it? What does breathwork have to lend to these issues and help
us truly live with abundance? On these subjects Jim Morningstar interviews Dan Brule
who has traveled the word over and taught breathwork and the principles of easy
breathing and success in more countries than anyone of whom Jim knows. Let yourself
explore and envision with us as you watch Jim's interview with him.

Continuing Our Journey to Source: An Interview with Sondra and Markus Ray:
Jim Morningstar interviews Sondra and Markus Ray. Sondra is known the world over as
one of the most dynamic spiritual leaders of our day. Markus is a painter whose sacred
paintings are renown for their inspirational and healing qualities. Today’s topic, the final
in our Series, addresses what is completion in our returning to Source, as well as what
tools we have to to most effectively continue our progress on this never ending
evolutionary trip.

This and other life transforming topics are part of the online nine session video course:
Returning to Source

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