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The Hunt For The Legendary Beast

At some point in history, the earth was filled with weird animals.
There were Mice Birds, Lizard Camels, and a lot more.
King Haden the Second was king. He was the most powerful man in
the world.
Chapter 1, lord Von Haken

Lord Von Haken was a general. He had the task of fighting some
rebellious tribes. But the rebellious tribes were invincible. Now Von
Haken needed to do something. Then, he found the solution. He
heard that a hunter was hunting when he spotted the legendary Beast.
The legendary beast was a hybrid beast of like 20 animals. It was said
to bring invincible power. Lord Von Haken didn’t know about the
Legendary Beast until he heard about it from some of his soldiers.
Just as Von Haken was celebrating, a messenger went into his tent
“Here is a message from his majesty the king!”
“Ok.” said Von Haken. It said:

Dear Lord Von Haken,

reminds me of the Legend of Zelda
I think you know about the recent sighting of the legendary
beast. It can give you invincible powers if you feed it Nomakand Nuts,
a hybrid of 20 fruits and nuts. You need to find the beast and as many
nuts as you can. You will find more information in the book which is
also delivered.
PS, you better hurry. The other tribes would want to get the legendary
animal too.
From King Haden The Second.
“How will I be able to find the beast?!” said Von Haken, “It could be
“Nothing is impossible!” said the messenger.
Just as they were talking about how to get the beats, some sort of spy
was listening to them outside the tent. The spy belonged to a former
general called Lord Von Xobin. He was defeated by Von Haken
because Von Haken captured the enemy general and a huge chunk of
his army was taken as hostage. Von Xobin was lowered to the rank of
colonel. He wanted revenge. If he captured the beast he could defeat
Von Haken. Lord Von Haken did not know about the Spy and Von
Xobin’s bad relationship with him. Lord Von Haken decided to call his
loyal lieutenants and colonels.
“Everybody! We are leaving tomorrow to try and find the legendary
beast! Does anyone want to go with me?” said Von Haken. Everybody
raised their hand. “Good, pack up and meet me tomorrow at the
battleships at 10:30 am!”

Chapter 2 Attack Of The Northern Seyrlaun dragon

The whole army was at the dock. Lord Lathar was Lord Von Haken's
right-hand man. He was counting how many ships there were.
Suddenly, a stream of fire fell from the sky, the fire set RHN Isis on fire
and sank RHN Arcadian. “It’s a Northern Seyrlaun Dragon!” yelled one
of the soldiers.
“They are very rare!” Shouted Captain Ranulf, the Captain of RHN

Lord Von Haken did not notice a thing. He was eating breakfast in
the enclosed cabin of his ship RHN Lord Von Haken. Suddenly, the
door bursts open. It was Lord Lathar. “Sir, RHN Arcadian got sunk by
a Northern Seyrlaun Dragon!”
“What? I thought they were extinct!” Shouted Lord Von Haken. He
went on the deck of the ship, and sure enough, a huge grey dragon
was flying around and breathing fire!
Lord von Haken went pale, he didn’t know what to do, he decided to
get everybody evacuated and shoot cannonballs at the dragon, but
before even one cannonball was shot, the dragon vanished.

Chapter 3, The Return Of Lord Von Xobin

Lord Von Haken was in his cabin on the ship, thinking when Lord
Lathar burst in. “Sir, we are supposed to set sail now.”he said.
“No, we need to get another ship the same size as RHN Arcadian,
RHN Arcadian is carrying a lot of our supplies, so not only do we need
a new ship, we need more supplies!” said Lord Von Haken, his voice
sounded concerned. Meanwhile, Lord Von Xobinwas in the Xobin
Manor, his place of residence. The majority of his ancestors lived
there too. There was a Northern Seyrlaun Dragon, the same one that
8attacked Lord Von Haken’s fleet. In the dining hall of this particular
manor, Lord Von Xobinwas dining with another person. He was the
Dragon Controler. He was Lord Von Xobin’s friend, ever since Von
Xobin was lowered to a colonel, he disappeared. After a few months,
he reappeared and he started working for Lord Von Xobin again.
This time, The Dragon Controller and Lord Von Hapen’s allies were
celebrating with Lord Von Xobin. “Comrades, today, we have had the
first attack on Lord Von Haken’s army for a year, tomorrow, we shall
set sail with a massive fleet and get the Legendary Beast!” said Lord
Von Xobin.
Everyone in the room cheered, and in the harbor, a massive fleet of
100 ships was getting built.
Chapter 4, The Banquet
Everybody was getting ready to leave the ports when Lord Von Haken
received a messenger dove it said

Dear lord Von Haken,

Please go to my palace immediately, there is a banquet there for you

to attend.

King Hadden the second

unlikely Lord Von Haken and Lord Lathar went onto his private barge, and it
that they
sailed to the palace. Lord Von Haken walked into the Royal Banquet
eat in the Hall. King Haden was sitting on his royal throne. “Take a seat.” he
room said. “Welcome to the Royal banquet.” he said. “Servants, please
instead bring in the food.”
of the
dining The food was brought in. A skinny servant was carrying a steaming
hall bowl of thick boiled duck and lobster bisque, a salad of spinach and
ham. A hearty beef and venison stew. A huge plate of noodles. Meat
and vegetables baked in a shell of salt. Hot bowls of barley pottage
with chicken. Some freshly baked bread straight from the oven. A
platter of cold cuts and salad. There was a huge cart containing a
huge bowl that Lord Von Haken didn’t know what was inside. The
servants placed the bowl in a special area and opened the lid. It was
like an aquarium, but the contents inside were cooked. It was a huge
seafood soup and stew containing a variety of fishes and crustaceans.
Inside the bowl there was the biggest crab Lord Von Haken had ever
seen. “The King must have spent a fortune on the banquet!” said Lord
Von Haken to Lord Lathar. “Yeah.” he said. After the main courses,
the desserts came. At first, some cream tarts were served, then the
Excellent display of food! However, it would be even better if you added more tastes,
textures, and smells! Go beyond visual descriptions, and sink your teeth into it!

flavoured ice. At last, 4 servants wheeled in a cart with the biggest

jelly everybody had ever seen. The meal was delicious, everything
had been eaten. At last, King Haden made a speech.
“It is almost the end of the year, and let's think of everything we have
done this year: we have conquered the Eternal Arrow Clan, the
Frozen Lake Tribe and much of the Anax Continent . Now, this year is
also the year of discoveries, we have landed on the Jecura continent,
and most importantly, we have had sightings of the Legendary Beast
on the faraway Blizoth continent. I hope we can continue to win and
become a more powerful kingdom!” Everybody cheered. Outside,
there was a huge parade in the streets of Yhila, the capital city.

Chapter 5, The 2 Fleets Of Ships

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