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DNA Replication and Recombination 343

telomerase in somatic or germ cells) experience progressive tial for some types of DNA repair (as will be discussed in
shortening of their telomeres in successive generations. Chapter 17).
After several generations, these mice show some signs of Homologous recombination is a remarkable process: a
premature aging, such as graying, hair loss, and delayed nucleotide strand of one chromosome aligns precisely with a
wound healing. Through genetic engineering, it is also pos- nucleotide strand of the homologous chromosome, breaks
sible to create somatic cells that express telomerase. In these arise in corresponding regions of different DNA molecules,
cells, telomeres do not shorten, cell aging is inhibited, and parts of the molecules precisely change place, and then the
the cells will divide indefinitely. pieces are correctly joined. In this complicated series of events,
Telomerase also appears to play a role in cancer. Cancer no genetic information is lost or gained. Although the precise
tumor cells have the capacity to divide indefinitely, and
many tumor cells express the telomerase enzyme. As will be
discussed in Chapter 21, cancer is a complex, multistep A B A B
a b a b
process that usually requires mutations in at least several
genes. Telomerase activation alone does not lead to cancer- Chromosomes DNA synthesis
ous growth in most cells, but it does appear to be required cross over
along with other mutations for cancer to develop. A B
a b a b
Concepts a b

The ends of eukaryotic chromosomes are Exchange of Chromosomes

replicated by an RNA – protein enzyme called segments cross over
telomerase. This enzyme adds extra nucleotides to
the G-rich DNA strand of the telomere. A b A B
a B a b
a b More on telomerase, including DNA Exchange of

an animated cartoon that illustrates the process of synthesis segments
replication by telomerase
A b A B
Replication in Archaea A b A b
a B a B
The process of replication in archaebacteria has a number
a B a b
of features in common with replication in eukaryotic
cells — many of the proteins taking part are more similar to Meiosis Meiosis
those in eukaryotic cells than to those in to those in eubac-
teria. Although some archaea have a single origin of replica-
A b A B
tion, as do eubacteria, this origin does not contain the
typical sequences recognized by bacterial initiator proteins
a b
but instead has sequences that are similar to those found in A b
eukaryotic origins. These similarities in replication between Nonrecombinant
archaeal and eukaryotic cells reinforce the conclusion that
the archaea are more closely related to eukaryotic cells than a B
to the prokaryotic eubacteria. A b

a a
The Molecular Basis of Recombination B B

All recombinant Recombinant

Recombination is the exchange of genetic information chromosomes chromosomes
between DNA molecules; when the exchange is between
homologous DNA molecules, it is called homologous If crossing over took place If crossing over took place after
before DNA synthesis, DNA synthesis, meiosis would
recombination. This process takes place in crossing over, in all products of meiosis produce both nonrecombinant
which homologous regions of chromosomes are exchanged would be recombinants. and recombinant products.
(see Figure 2.17) and genes are shuffled into new combina-
Conclusion: Because crossing over results in recombinant
tions. Recombination is an extremely important genetic and nonrecombinant products, it must take place after
process because it increases genetic variation. Rates of DNA synthesis.
recombination provide important information about linkage
relations among genes, which is used to create genetic maps ◗12.22 Genetic evidence suggests that crossing
(see Figures 7.12 through 7.14). Recombination is also essen- over takes place after DNA synthesis.
344 Chapter 12

(a) (b) (c)

1 Two double-stranded 2 Single-strand breaks 3 The free end of each 4 Each invading strand joins to the broken
DNA molecules from occur in the same broken strand end of the other DNA molecule, creating
homologous position on both migrates to the a Holliday junction, and begins to displace
chromosomes align. DNA molecules. other DNA molecule. the original complementary strand.

Holliday junction

a b a b a b

◗ 12.23 In the Holliday model, homologous recombination is

accomplished through a single-strand break in each DNA duplex,
strand displacement, branch migration, and resolution of a
single Holliday junction.

molecular mechanism of homologous recombination is still of nucleotide strands and branch migration create two
poorly known, the exchange is probably accomplished duplex molecules connected by the cross bridge. This
through the pairing of complementary bases. A single- structure is termed the Holliday intermediate. Holliday
stranded DNA molecule of one chromosome pairs with a intermediates in E. coli and yeast have been observed with
single-stranded DNA molecule of another, forming het- electron microscopy.
eroduplex DNA. If the ends of the two interconnected duplexes illustrated
In meiosis, homologous recombination (crossing over) in Figure 12.23d are pulled away from one another, we obtain
could theoretically take place before, during, or after DNA the structure illustrated in ◗ FIGURE 12.23e. If you carefully
synthesis. Cytological, biochemical, and genetic evidence compare parts d and e, you will see that the structures in each
indicates that it takes place in prophase I of meiosis, whereas are the same; the only difference is that, in part e, the ends of
DNA replication takes place earlier, in interphase. Thus, the molecules have been pulled apart.
crossing over must entail the breaking and rejoining of chro- The next step in the Holliday model is easier to visu-
matids when homologous chromosomes are at the four- alize if we rotate the bottom half of the Holliday inter-
strand stage ( ◗ FIGURE 12.22). This section explores some mediate by 180 degrees, producing the structure shown in
theories about how the process of recombination takes place. ◗ FIGURE 12.23f. These interconnected DNA duplexes are
then separated by additional cleavage and reunion of the
The Holliday Model nucleotide strands. The duplexes can be cleaved in one
One model of homologous recombination, the Holliday of two ways, as shown by two different pathways in
junction, states that the process is initiated by single- Figure 12.23. Cleavage may be in the horizontal plane
strand breaks in the DNA molecule. This model begins ( ◗ FIGURE 12.23g), in which case the nucleotide strands are
with double-stranded DNA molecules from two homolo- rejoined as shown in ◗ FIGURE 12.23h, and two DNA mole-
gous chromosomes that carry identical (or nearly identi- cules are produced. Although both resulting DNA mole-
cal) nucleotide sequences. These two DNA molecules align cules contain a patch of heteroduplex DNA, the genes on
precisely, and so their homologous sequences sit side by either end of the molecules are identical with those origi-
side ( ◗ FIGURE 12.23a). Single-strand breaks in the same nally present (gene A with B, and gene a with b). These
position on both DNA molecules allow the free ends DNA molecules are called patched recombinants
of the strands to move to the other DNA molecule ( ◗ FIGURE 12.23i).
( ◗ FIGURE 12.23b and c). Each invading strand joins to the On the other hand, cleavage of the Holliday struc-
broken end of the other homologous DNA molecule and ture in the vertical plane and rejoining of the nucleotide
begins to displace the original complementary strand, tak- strands ( ◗ FIGURE 12.23j) produces spliced recombinants
ing its place by hydrogen bonding to the original strand. ( ◗ FIGURE 12.23k). In these recombinants, both resulting
The invasion and joining take place on both DNA mole- DNA molecules are heteroduplex, and recombination has
cules, creating two heteroduplex DNAs, each consisting of taken place between loci at the ends of the molecules; now
one original strand plus one new strand from the other gene A is paired with b, and gene a is paired with B.
DNA molecule. The point at which nucleotide strands pass Recombination is equally likely to produce patched and
from one DNA molecule to the other is the cross bridge. In spliced recombinants.
the Holliday model of recombination, there is a single cross
bridge. As the two nucleotide strands exchange positions, An animated cartoon that
the cross bridge moves along the molecules in a process will help you visualize the Holliday structure and its
called branch migration ( ◗ FIGURE 12.23d). The exchange resolution
DNA Replication and Recombination 345

(d) (e) (f) A

5 Branch migration takes place 6 We can view of this structure 7 Rotation of the bottom
as the two nucleotide strands with the ends of the two inter- half of the structure…
exchange positions, creating connected duplexes pulled
the two duplex molecules. away from one another. B

a b Branch point
Heteroduplex DNA b

Holliday intermediate (g) A 8 …produces
this structure.
The Double-Strand-Break Model
In the Holliday model, recombination starts with single- B
strand breaks at the same positions in two homologous
DNA molecules. The double-strand-break model, in con- Horizontal
trast, begins with double-strand breaks in one of the two plane
aligned DNA molecules ( ◗ FIGURE 12.24a). On both sides
of the break, an enzyme nibbles away nucleotides, produc- 9 Cleavage in the 12 Cleavage in the
ing a gap in the DNA, with some single-stranded DNA on horizontal plane…
vertical plane…
each side ( ◗ FIGURE 12.24b). A free 3 end then invades the plane
other unbroken DNA molecule and displaces the homolo- a
gous strand ( ◗ FIGURE 12.24c). The 3 end of the invading
strand is elongated by DNA synthesis, which further dis-
places the original strand of the unbroken molecule (j)
( ◗ FIGURE 12.24d). A
13 …and rejoining
of the nucleotide
The displaced strand forms a loop that fills the gap in (h)
10 …and rejoining
the broken DNA molecule ( ◗ FIGURE 12.24e) and serves as A
of the nucleotide
a template for the synthesis of a complementary DNA strands,… B
strand ( ◗ FIGURE 12.24f). The result is that two heterodu-
plex DNA molecules are joined by two cross bridges
( ◗ FIGURE 12.24g), in contrast with the single cross bridge
produced in the Holliday single-strand-break model.
The interconnected molecules produced in the dou- b
ble-strand-break model can be separated by further cleav-
age and reunion of the nucleotide strands, in the same way b
that the Holliday intermediate is separated in the Holliday
single-strand-break model (see Figure 12.23g – k). Patched a
or spliced recombinant products can be produced, de-
pending on whether cleavage is in the vertical or the hori- (i) Non-crossover (k) Crossover
recombinants recombinants
zontal plane.
A B A b
Evidence for the double-strand-break model origi-
nally came from results of genetic crosses in yeast that
could not be explained by the Holliday model. Subsequent a b a B
observations in yeast showed that double-strand breaks
appear in meiosis during prophase I when crossing over 11 …produces non-crossover 14 …produces crossover
recombinants consisting of recombinants consisting of
occurs and that mutant strains that are unable to form two heteroduplex molecules. two heteroduplex molecules.
double-strand breaks do not exhibit meiotic recombina-
tion. Although considerable evidence supports the double- Conclusion: The Holliday model predicts non-crossover
strand-break model in yeast, the extent to which it applies or crossover recombinant DNA, depending on whether
cleavage is in the horizontal or the vertical plane.
to other organisms is not known.
346 Chapter 12

1 Two double-stranded DNA Concepts

molecules from homologous
chromosomes align. Homologous recombination requires the formation
of heteroduplex DNA consisting of one nucleotide
strand from each of two different chromosomes.
In the Holliday model, homologous recombination
is accomplished through a single-strand break in
2 A double-strand break occurs
in one of the molecules. the DNA, strand displacement, and branch
migration. In the double-strand-break model,
recombination is accomplished through double-
strand breaks, strand displacement, and branch
5’ 3’
3’ 5’ migration.
3 Nucleotides are enzymatically
removed on one of the
strands, producing some
single-stranded DNA on Enzymes Required for Recombination
(c) each side. Recombination between DNA molecules requires the
3' unwinding of DNA helices, the cleavage of nucleotide
strands, strand invasion, and branch migration, followed by
3’ 5’ further strand cleavage and union to remove cross bridges.
4 A free 3’ end invades and Much of what we know about these processes arises from
displaces a strand of the studies of gene exchange in E. coli. Although bacteria do not
unbroken DNA molecule.
undergo meiosis, they do have a type of sexual reproduction
(conjugation), in which one bacterium donates its chromo-
some to another (discussed more fully in Chapter 8).
5’ Subsequent to conjugation, the recipient bacterium has two
3’ 5’
chromosomes, which may undergo homologous recombi-
5 The 3’ end then elongates,
further displacing the nation. Geneticists have isolated mutant strains of E. coli
original strand. that are deficient in recombination; the study of these
(e) strains has resulted in the identification of genes and pro-
3' teins that play a role in bacterial recombination, revealing
5’ several different pathways by which it can take place.
3’ 5’
Three genes that play a pivotal role in E. coli recombi-
6 The displaced strand forms nation are recB, recC, and recD, which encode three
a loop that base pairs with
the broken DNA molecule.
polypeptides that together form the RecBCD protein. This
protein unwinds double-stranded DNA and is capable of
(f) cleaving nucleotide strands. The recA gene encodes the
3' RecA protein that allows a single strand to invade a DNA
helix and the subsequent displacement of one of the origi-
3’ 5’ nal strands. Thus invasion and displacement are necessary
7 DNA synthesis is initiated at for both the single-strand- and the double-strand-break
the 3’ end of the bottom models of homologous recombination.
strand, the displaced loop
being used as a template. The ruvA and ruvB genes encode proteins that catalyze
(g) branch migration, and the ruvC gene produces a protein,
called resolvase, that cleaves Holliday structures. Single-
strand-binding proteins, DNA ligase, DNA polymerases,
and DNA gyrase also play roles in various types of recombi-
Cross bridges 8 Strand attachment produces nation, in addition to their functions in DNA replication.
two Holliday junctions, which
can each be separated by
cleavage and reunion.
◗ 12.24 In the double-strand-break model, A number of proteins have roles in recombination,
recombination is accomplished through a including RecA, RecBCD, RuvA, RuvB, resolvase,
double-strand break in one DNA duplex, strand single-strand-binding proteins, ligase, DNA
displacement, DNA synthesis, and resolution polymerases, and gyrase.
of two Holliday junctions.
DNA Replication and Recombination 347

Connecting Concepts Across Chapters As we have seen, replication takes place with a high
degree of accuracy; this accuracy is essential to maintain
This chapter has built on a central concept introduced in the integrity of genetic information as DNA molecules are
Chapter 2, that cell division is preceded by replication of copied again and again. The accuracy of replication is
the genetic material. In Chapter 2, we saw that DNA repli- maintained by several different mechanisms, including
cation takes place in the S phase of the cell cycle and that precision in nucleotide selection, the ability of DNA
several checkpoints ensure that division does not take polymerases to proofread and correct mistakes, and the
place in the absence of DNA replication. The current detection and repair of residual mismatches after replica-
chapter examined the process of DNA synthesis. tion (mismatch repair).
DNA is sometimes said to be a self-replicating mole- An understanding of DNA replication provides a foun-
cule, but nothing could be farther from the truth. dation for several topics that will be introduced in later
Replication requires much more than a DNA template; a chapters of this book. Chapter 18 (on recombinant DNA
large number of proteins and enzymes also are necessary. technology) examines the polymerase chain reaction and
Despite this complexity, a few rules summarize the other techniques (DNA sequence analysis and cloning) that
process: (1) all replication is semiconservative, (2) new require an understanding of DNA synthesis. In Chapter 17
DNA molecules always elongate at the 3 end (replication (on gene mutation and DNA repair), we learn that, in spite
is 5 : 3), (3) replication begins at sequences called of the accuracy of DNA synthesis, errors do arise and some-
origins and requires RNA primers for initiation, (4) DNA times lead to mutations. These errors are addressed by
synthesis takes place continuously on one strand and dis- mechanisms of DNA repair, many of which require DNA
continuously on the other, and (5) newly synthesized synthesis. The movement of transposable genetic elements
nucleotide strands are antiparallel and complementary to (Chapter 11) also requires DNA synthesis.
their template strands.


• Replication is semiconservative: DNA’s two nucleotide strands replication takes place continuously on one strand
separate and each serves as a template on which a new strand (the leading strand) and discontinuously on the other
is synthesized (the lagging strand).
• A replicon is a unit of replication that contains an origin of • Replication begins when an initiator protein binds to a
replication. replication origin and unwinds a short stretch of DNA, to
• In theta replication of DNA, the two nucleotide strands of a which DNA helicase attaches. DNA helicase unwinds the
circular DNA molecule unwind, creating a replication bubble; DNA at the replication fork, single-strand-binding proteins
within each replication bubble, DNA is normally synthesized bind to single nucleotide strands to prevent them from
on both strands and at both replication forks, producing two reannealing, and DNA gyrase (a topoisomerase) removes the
circular DNA molecules. strain ahead of the replication fork that is generated by
• Rolling-circle replication is initiated by a nick in one unwinding.
strand of circular DNA, which produces a 3-OH group to • During replication, primase synthesizes short primers of RNA
which new nucleotides are added while the 5 end of the nucleotides, providing a 3-OH group to which DNA
broken strand is displaced from the circle. Replication polymerase can add DNA nucleotides.
proceeds around the circle, producing a circular DNA
molecule and a single-stranded linear molecule. • DNA polymerase adds new nucleotides to the 3 end of a
growing polynucleotide strand. Bacteria have two DNA
• Linear eukaryotic DNA contains many origins of replication.
polymerases that have primary roles in replication: DNA
At each origin, the DNA unwinds, producing two nucleotide
strands that serve as templates. Unwinding and replication polymerase III, which synthesizes new DNA on the leading
take place on both templates at both ends of the replication and lagging strands; and DNA polymerase I, which removes
bubble until adjacent replicons meet, resulting in two linear and replaces primers.
DNA molecules. • DNA ligase seals nicks that remain in the sugar – phosphate
• DNA synthesis requires a single-stranded DNA template, backbones when the RNA primers are replaced by DNA
deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates; and a group of enzymes nucleotides.
and proteins that carry out replication. • Several mechanisms ensure the high rate of accuracy in
• All DNA synthesis is in the 5  : 3 direction. Because replication, including precise nucleotide selection,
the two nucleotide strands of DNA are antiparallel, proofreading, and mismatch repair.
348 Chapter 12

• Eukaryotic replication is similar to bacterial replication, • Replication in archaeal bacteria has a number of features in
although eukaryotes have multiple origins of replication and common with eukaryotic replication.
different DNA polymerases. • Homologous recombination takes place through the exchange
• Precise replication at multiple origins is ensured by a of genetic material between homologous DNA molecules. In
licensing factor that must attach to an origin before the Holliday model, homologous recombination begins with
replication can begin. The licensing factor is removed after single-strand breaks in both DNA molecules, followed by
replication is initiated and renewed after cell division. strand displacement, branch migration, and Holliday junction
resolution. In the double-strand break model, it begins with a
• Eukaryotic nucleosomes are quickly assembled on new double-strand-break, followed by strand displacement, DNA
molecules of DNA; newly assembled nucleosomes consist of a synthesis, and resolution of two Holliday junctions.
random mixture of old and new histone proteins.
• Homologous recombination in E. coli requires a number of
• The ends of linear eukaryotic DNA molecules are replicated enzymes, including RecA, RecBCD, resolvase, single-strand-
by the enzyme telomerase. binding proteins, ligase, DNA polymerases, and gyrase.


semiconservative replication continuous replication (p. 000) primer (p. 000) DNA polymerase (p. 000)
(p. 000) leading strand (p. 000) DNA polymerase III (p. 000) DNA polymerase  (p. 000)
equilibrium density gradient discontinuous replication DNA polymerase I (p. 000) DNA polymerase  (p. 000)
centrifugation (p. 000) (p. 000) DNA ligase (p. 000) telomerase (p. 000)
replicon (p. 000) lagging strand (p. 000) proofreading (p. 000) homologous recombination
replication origin (p. 000) Okazaki fragments (p. 000) mismatch repair (p. 000) (p. 000)
theta replication (p. 000) initiator protein (p. 000) autonomously replicating heteroduplex DNA (p. 000)
replication bubble (p. 000) DNA helicase (p. 000) sequence (p. 000) Holliday junction (p. 000)
replication fork (p. 000) single-strand-binding protein replication licensing factor branch migration (p. 000)
bidirectional replication (p. 000) (SSB) (p. 000) (p. 000) Holliday intermediate (p. 000)
rolling-circle replication (p. 000) DNA gyrase (p. 000) DNA polymerase  (p. 000) double-strand-break model
DNA polymerase (p. 000) primase (p. 000) DNA polymerase  (p. 000) (p. 000)

Worked Problems

1. The following diagram (below0 represents the template strands Origin

of a replication bubble in a DNA molecule. Draw in the newly
synthesized strands and label the leading and lagging strands.
5 3 5 3
Origin 3 5 3 5

Unwinding Unwinding
5 3 Origin
3 5

Unwinding Unwinding Next, determine the direction of replication for each new strand,
Origin which must be 5 : 3. You might draw arrows on the new
strands to indicate the direction of replication. After you have
established the direction of replication for each strand, look at
• Solution each fork and determine whether the direction of replication for a
To determine the leading and lagging strands, first note which strand is the same as the direction of unwinding. The strand on
end of each template strands is 5 and which end is 3. With a which replication is in the same direction as unwinding is the
pencil, draw in the strands being synthesized on these templates, leading strand. The strand on which replication is in the direction
and label their 5 and 3 ends, recalling that the newly opposite that of unwinding is the lagging strand. Make sure that
synthesized strands must be antiparallel to the templates. you have one leading strand and one lagging strand for each fork.
DNA Replication and Recombination 349

Origin two bands should be present. Subsequent rounds of replication

will increase the fraction of DNA consisting entirely of new 14N,
Leading Lagging thus the upper band will get darker. However, the original DNA
5 3 with 15N will remain, so two bands will be present.
3 5
3 5 3 5
Lagging Leading

Unwinding Origin Unwinding

Replication Replication Replication

2. Consider the experiment conducted by Meselson and Stahl in

which they used 14N and 15N in cultures of E. coli and equilibrium Before the After one After two After three
switch round of rounds of rounds of
density gradient centrifugation. Draw pictures to represent the to 14N replication replication replication
bands produced by bacterial DNA in the density-gradient tube
before the switch to medium containing 14N and after one, two,
(c) In dispersive replication, both nucleotide strands break down
and three rounds of replication after the switch to the medium
into fragments that serve as templates for the synthesis of new
containing 14N. Use a separate set of drawings to show the bands
DNA. The fragments then reassemble into DNA molecules. After
that would appear if replication were (a) semiconservative;
one round of replication, all DNA should contain approximately
(b) conservative; (c) dispersive.
half 15N and half 14N, producing a single band that is halfway be-
tween the positions expected of DNA labeled with 15N and of
• Solution DNA labeled with 14N. With further rounds of replication, the
DNA labeled with 15N will be denser than DNA labeled with proportion of 14N in each molecule increases; so a single hybrid
N; therefore 15N-labeled DNA will sink lower in the density- band remains, but its position in the density gradient will move
gradient tube. Before the switch to medium containing 14N, all upward. The band is also expected to get darker as the total
DNA in the bacteria will contain 15N and will produce a single amount of DNA increases.
band in the lower end of the tube.
(a) With semiconservative replication, the two strands separate,
and each serves as a template on which a new strand is synthesized.
After one round of replication, the original template strand of each
Replication Replication Replication
molecule will contain 15N and the new strand of each molecule
will contain 14N; so a single band will appear in the density gradi-
ent halfway between the positions expected of DNA with 15N and
Before the After one After two After three
of DNA with 14N. In the next round of replication, the two strands switch round of rounds of rounds of
again separate and serve as templates for new strands. Each of the to 14N replication replication replication
new strands contains only 14N, thus some DNA molecules will
contain one strand with the original 15N and one strand with new 3. The E. coli chromosome contains 4.7 million base pairs of
14 DNA. If synthesis at each replication fork occurs at a rate of 1000
N, whereas the other molecules will contain two strands with
14 nucleotides per second, how long will it take to completely repli-
N. This labeling will produce two bands, one at the intermediate
position and one at a higher position in the tube. Additional cate the E. coli chromosome with theta replication?
rounds of replication should produce increasing amounts of DNA
that contains only 14N; so the higher band will get darker. • Solution
Bacterial chromosomes contain a single origin of replication,
and theta replication usually employs two replication forks,
which proceed around the chromosome in opposite directions.
Thus, the overall rate of replication for the whole chromosome
Replication Replication Replication
is 2000 nucleotides per second. With a total of 4.7 million base
pairs of DNA, the entire chromosome will be replicated in:
Before the After one After two After three 1 second 1 minute
switch round of rounds of rounds of 4,700,000 bp   2350 seconds 
to 14N replication replication replication
2000 bp 60 seconds
 39.17 minutes
(b) With conservative replication, the entire molecule serves as a
template. After one round of replication, some molecules will At the beginning of this chapter it was stated that E. coli is
consist entirely of 15N, and others will consist entirely of 14N; so capable of dividing every 20 minutes. How is this possible if it
350 Chapter 12

takes almost twice as long to replicate its genome? The answer already partially replicated. This is in contrast to eukaryotic
is that a second round of replication begins before the first cells, which replicate their entire genome once, and only once,
round has finished. Thus, when an E. coli cell divides, the during each cell cycle.
chromosomes that are passed on to the daughter cells are


1. What is semiconservative replication? 8. List the different proteins and enzymes taking part in
* 2. How did Meselson and Stahl demonstrate that replication bacterial replication. Give the function of each in the
in E. coli takes place in a semiconservative manner? replication process.
* 3. Draw a molecule of DNA undergoing theta replication. On 9. What similarities and differences exist in the enzymatic
your drawing, identify (1) origin, (2) polarity (5 and 3 activities of DNA polymerases I, II, and III? What is the
ends) of all template strands and newly synthesized strands, function of each type of DNA polymerase in bacterial cells?
(3) leading and lagging strands, (4) Okazaki fragments, and *10. Why is primase required for replication?
(5) location of primers.
11. What three mechanisms ensure the accuracy of replication
4. Draw a molecule of DNA undergoing rolling-circle in bacteria?
replication. On your drawing, identify (1) origin,
12. How does replication licensing ensure that DNA is
(2) polarity (5 and 3 ends) of all template and newly
replicated only once at each origin per cell cycle?
synthesized strands, (3) leading and lagging strands,
(4) Okazaki fragments, and (5) location of primers. *13. In what ways is eukaryotic replication similar to bacterial
replication, and in what ways is it different?
5. Draw a molecule of DNA undergoing eukaryotic linear
replication. On your drawing, identify (1) origin; (2) 14. Outline in words and pictures how telomeres at the end of
polarity (5 and 3 ends) of all template and newly eukaryotic chromosomes are replicated.
synthesized strands, (3) leading and lagging strands, (4) 15. Briefly outline with diagrams the Holliday model of
Okazaki fragments, and (5) location of primers. homologous recombination.
6. What are three major requirements of replication? *16. What are some of the enzymes taking part in
* 7. What substrates are used in the DNA synthesis reaction? recombination in E. coli and what roles do they play?


*17. Suppose a future scientist explores a distant planet and medium that contains 14N. Draw a pair of homologous
discovers a novel form of double-stranded nucleic acid. chromosomes from these cells at the following stages,
When this nucleic acid is exposed to DNA polymerases from showing the two strands of DNA molecules found in the
E. coli, replication takes place continuously on both strands. chromosomes. Use different colors to represent strands with
What conclusion can you make about the structure of this 14
N and 15N.
novel nucleic acid? (a) Cells in G1, before switching to medium with 14N
*18. Phosphorus is required to synthesize the deoxyribonucleoside (b) Cells in G2, after switching to medium with 14N
triphosphates used in DNA replication. A geneticist grows
some E. coli in a medium containing nonradioactive (c) Cells in anaphase of mitosis, after switching to medium
phosphorous for many generations. A sample of the bacteria with 14N
is then transferred to a medium that contains a radioactive (d) Cells in metaphase I of meiosis, after switching to
isotope of phosphorus (32P). Samples of the bacteria are medium with 14N
removed immediately after the transfer and after one and two (e) Cells in anaphase II of meiosis, after switching to
rounds of replication. What will be the distribution of medium with 14N
radioactivity in the DNA of the bacteria in each sample? Will * 20. A circular molecule of DNA contains 1 million base pairs. If
radioactivity be detected in neither, one, or both strands DNA synthesis at a replication fork occurs at a rate of
of the DNA? 100,000 nucleotides per minute, how long will theta
19. A line of mouse cells is grown for many generations in a replication require to completely replicate the molecule,
medium with 15N. Cells in G1 are then switched to a new assuming that theta replication is bidirectional? How long
DNA Replication and Recombination 351

will replication of this circular chromosome take by * 23. What would be the effect on DNA replication of mutations
rolling-circle replication? Ignore replication of the displaced that destroyed each of the following activities in DNA
strand in rolling-circle replication. polymerase I?
21. A bacterium synthesizes DNA at each replication fork at a Origin
rate of 1000 nucleotides per second. If this bacterium
completely replicates its circular chromosome by theta
replication in 30 minutes, how many base pairs of DNA will
3 5
its chromosome contain?
5 3
* 22. The following diagram represents a DNA molecule that is
undergoing replication. Draw in the strands of newly
Unwinding Unwinding
synthesized DNA and identify the following:
(a) Polarity of newly synthesized strands
(b) Leading and lagging strands (a) 3 : 5 exonuclease activity
(c) Okazaki fragments (b) 5 : 3 exonuclease activity
(d) RNA primers (c) 5 : 3 polymerase activity


24. Conditional mutations express their mutant phenotype round of replication under the restrictive condition, the
only under certain conditions (the restrictive conditions) DNA from each strain is isolated and analyzed. What would
and express the normal phenotype under other conditions you predict to see in the DNA isolated from each strain in
(the permissive conditions). One type of conditional muta- the following list?
tion is a temperature-sensitive mutation, which expresses
the mutant phenotype only at certain temperatures. Temperature-sensitive mutation in gene encoding:
Strains of E. coli have been isolated that contain
(a) DNA ligase
temperature-sensitive mutations in the genes encoding
different components of the replication machinery. In each (b) DNA polymerase I
of these strains, the protein produced by the mutated gene (c) DNA polymerase III
is nonfunctional under the restrictive conditions. These
strains are grown under permissive conditions and then (d) Primase
abruptly switched to the restrictive condition. After one (e) Initiator protein


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