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Faced with engine problems, Ellen Wright made an emergency landing on the beach of the Island of Knights and
Knaves. The island is inhabited by two distinct groups of people, knights and knaves. Knights always tell the truth
and knaves always lie. Ellen decided that her best move was to reach the capital and call for service.

Walking from the beach, she came to an intersection, where she saw two men, A and B, working nearby. After
hearing her story, A told Ellen, “The capital is in the mountains, or the road on the right goes to the capital.” B
then said, “The capital is in the mountains, and the road on the right goes to the capital.” Then A looked up and
said, “That man is a liar.” Shrugging his shoulders, B then said, “If the capital is in the mountains, then the road to
the right goes to the capital.” Ellen then made a table on the back of her guidebook, thanked the two men, and
walked down the road on the left. Did Ellen make the correct decision?

2. Walking up to the road to the left, Ellen encountered a group of people gathered at what she thought to be a
bus stop. She approached three women, C, D, and E, and asked them whether the road went to the capital and
whether the location was indeed a bus stop. She received three different responses:

C: “The road goes to the capital, and the bus stop is not here.”

D: “The road does not go to the capital, and the bus stop is here.”

E: “The road does not go to the capital, and the bus stop is not here.”

Confused and somewhat perplexed, Ellen asked them whether they are knights or knaves. To this they all
answered, “Two of us are knights, and one is a liar.” How many of the three women are knights? Does the road go
to the capital? Is the location where Ellen met them a bus stop?

3. At the bus stop, Ellen noticed signs for three buses, B1,B2 and B3 and approached another trio of women, F, G
and H. A conversation ensued:

Ellen: Where do the buses go?

F: At least one of B1 and B2 goes to the capital.

G: B1 goes to the capital.

H: B2 and B3 go to the capital.

F: B3 goes to the beach.

G: B2 and B3 go to the beach.

H: B1 goes to the beach.

Which bus did Ellen take?

4. After reaching the bus terminal at the capital, Ellen saw three personal computers. She asked a young woman,
I, whether the computers had internet connections. She replied, “Computer 1 is not connected to the internet.
Ask that man, J; he is a knight.” When Ellen approached the man, he told her, “Computer 2 has an internet
connection, but computer 3 does not.” A second man, K, who overheard the conversation, then said, “If computer
2 has an internet connection, then so does computer 1. Computer 3 is not connected to the internet.” Which
computer had an internet connection?

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