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1. Compare occupational health concepts and interventions across industries, professions, and
Occupational health is essential in an employee's condition to work more effectively in a
workplace. In the filipino setting, they say the motivating factor and at the same time the
motivator of stress is their family. In the philippines today, there are now interventions when one
is stressed in the workplace, one exaple would be customer services, and health care benefits in
an company such as call centers, however these are limited to those with profitable companies.
In other countries, occupational health is given the utmost priority, and their heath care system is
free in countries like russia and italy. In other words, occupational health is limited in filipino
workers for the reason that we still have limited access to healthcare.

2. What paradigm shifts could you foresee in the way Filipinos work and in the dynamics of the
global workplace that may, in turn, change the way we currently understand occupational health?
Present a simple plan/proposal showing how to adequately prepare your organization and your
own career to adapt to these changes.
In the world today, there are now technological advances that could aid people in the workplace
today. In other words, technology can now make work life easier compared to the earlier years.
In the filipino setting, one example of a plan that could help the filipinos adapt to technological
changes would be organizing a program, and activities which could guide those who less literate
on using technology. With this planning, filipinos would be able to adapt to any workplace that
uses technology in the means of communication.
1. Compare and contrast counterproductive behaviors in the Philippines and in the West

One of the most transparent counterproductive behavior in the philippines would be tardiness
and absenteism. In the filipino culture, they believe that filipinos tend to be 30minutes late or
more in arriving the workplace. This behavior constintutes to inefficiency in a workplace. While
in the Western setting, they value time more than the filipinos, because the number of work
hours are monitored and this constitues to their pay.

2. Based on #1, what are the common and what are unique to each group? Where does the
difference stem from?

The most common counterproductive behavior in the philippines would be tardiness. It has been
said that it is 60% more prevalent here in the filipino setting, factors such as traffic,
transportation, family and the like are the reasons why filipino people are tardy. The most unique
about counterproductive behaviors in the filipino setting, is because we are collectivist in nature.
This is one of the reasons why most of the counterproductive behavior exists. It stems from
interpersonal relationship and group think in which it is influencial it allows to do
counterproductive behaviors.

3. In your current organization, what are the counterproductive behaviors present? What is the
impact on your organization?

In our organization, the most counterproductive behavior would be tardiness, and absenteism.
This two are the most vital counterproductive behavior whithin the workplace because, without
people operating in the company, workplace efficiency declines, and disrups the company's
performance, which affects the company and employees as a whole therefore it releases less
money and less benefits.

4. Aside from those mentioned in the docx/chapter, what are some other ways that aid
organizations in curbing counterproductive behavior?

Healthcare benefits, and emotional support systems such as psychological programs/ mental
health programs. In the philippine setting, access to healthcare as well as psychological support
is limited, this goes without saying that employees in the philippines need support systems that
tend to their needs to continue working. Without these benefits, it is most likely that more and
more filipinos will quit their if the workplace is emotionally straining, and gives no attention to
their well-being.

1. What would be the similarities and differences between job satisfaction, employee
engagement, organization commitment, and organizational citizenship behaviors?

The similarities between job satisfaction, employee engagement, organizational commitment,

and organizational citizenship behaviors would the commitment in which how will they perform
in the workplace, either good or bad. While their difference would be their function and
condition in the organization, in which job satisfication is a condition which one is satified of
one's work, employee engagement in which they engage in people to work effectively,
organizational commitment which defines motivators that commits to a job and organizational
citizenship behavior would be the behaviors perceived of those who work in the workplace,
either good or bad.

2. Among the values of pananagutan, malasakit, and bayanihan, which will be difficult to
integrate in organizations? What would be the possible challenges? What can companies do to
overcome these?

The values that would be difficult to integrate in the workplace would be bayanihan and
malasakit. This values requires people to be cooperative and considerate of other people.
However, not all people are cooperative and considerate in reality. There are people who refuse
to cooperate even if it is for the good of the company, and people who are inconsiderate of the
other people's conditions and would use the opportunity to benefit the self. This values are
difficult to integrate in the workplace because of their belief systems being different. However,
this can be managed by creating programs such as activities that requires cooperation,
groupthink, and sociability with other employees. With such programs, the values mentioned
CAN be achieved. (probably)

3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of pakikisama and the personalistic approach? How
can human resource (HR) practitioners integrate and maximize these in HR systems?

As we all know, filipinos are collectivists in nature. In other words, we put value in our
interpersonal relationships or "pakikisama". In this line of behavior, we tend to have a lot of
associates or "friends" in the workplace. However, there are negative influential effects to this
behavior, in which cases groups could create rumors, gossips and the likes. Therefore,
"pakikisama" can either be good or bad depending on how it is used in the workplace. With such
behaviors, it could affect workplace efficiency, and work place performance.

1. Understanding the Filipino work culture, particularly on work familialism and the transient
nature of an expatriate assignment, how should employers prepare both the Filipino employees
and the expatriate for the inclusion of the expatriate in local work teams?

To expatriate an employee, the employer must first prepare orientation and training,
communicate, provide a mentoring program, must have cross cultural interaction, and have
living and family support. With these support systems, both filipino employees and the expatriate
will be able to adapt and wont be culture shocked when they are sent to another country.

2. Would the standardization of programs to facilitate adjustment help, consider that expatriates
differ in cultural background, work experiences, and personal preferences? Explain your answer
based on the points raised in this chapter.

Yes, because the expatriate's purpose is to be sent to a country gain, work and transfer
knowledge or become a citenzen of another country. In the philippine setting or in any other
country, expatriates are provided with the neccessities, training, programs, and the likes to
prepare in expatriation. Without preparations, one could not be able to understand the culture of
another country and would be culture shocked of the practices that presented to him/ her.

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