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The federal government of Canada can’t ignore the order of parliament.

• Legislative power belongs to the "parliament"; To become law, each of the three parties

in parliament must pass a law. [ CITATION The21 \l 1033 ]

The work of Parliament members are crucial a part of a Member’s job and the law-making

procedure. Parliament Members can take a look at bills in greater intensity than is feasible in the

Chamber, in which there's a huge organization of humans concerned and a complete timetable. In

committee, Parliament Members also have a look at important troubles inclusive of finance and

fitness, and the spending plans of federal departments.. [ CITATION Hou21 \l 1033 ]

Www.Canada.Ca. (2020). Democracy in Canada. Retrieved from Www.Canada.Ca. :

Canadian Parliament. (2021). Guide to the Canadian House of Commons. Retrieved from
Canadian Parliament:

CBC News. (2021). we-charity-trudeau-conservative-motion. Retrieved from CBC News:

House of Commons Procedure and Practice. (2021). THE CANADIAN PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEM.
Retrieved from House of Commons Procedure and Practice: The Canadian Parliamentary
system - Our Procedure - House of Commons. (2017).

The Canada Guide. (2021, 06 10). Parliamentary System. Retrieved from The Canada Guide:

Zimonjic, P. (2021, 07 02). Politics. Retrieved from CBC News.:

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