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Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Nama : Nabella Kartika Devi

Kelas : A1/D4K3

NPM : 217052866

Simpel present tens :

1. [ Active ] Bambang wash that friuts in the river. (Bambang mencuci buah-buahan di sungai)
[ Passive Voice ] That fruits are washed by Bambang in the river. (Buah-buahan dicuci bambang
di sungai)
2. [ Active Voice ] She read a book in the library. (Dia membaca buku di perpustakaan)
[ Passive Voice ] The book is read by her in the library. (Buku dibaca olehnya di perpustakaan)

Past tense:
3. [ Active Voice ] I punched Ridho after he mock me. (Aku memukul Ridho setelah dia
[ Passive Voice ] Ridho was punched by me after he mock me. (Ridho dipukul oleh aku setelah
dia mengejekku)
4. [ Active Voice ] My mother cooked rendang last Eid. (Ibuku memasak rendang Idul Fitri kemarin)
[ Passive Voice ] Rendang cooked by my mother last Eid. (Rendang dimasak ibuku Idul Fitri
5. [ Active Voice ] Newton discovered gravity on 1643. (Newton menemukan grafitasi pada tahun
[ Passive Voice ] The Gravity was discovered by Newton on 1643. (Grafitasi ditemukan oleh
Newton pada tahun 1643)

Past continuous tens:

6. [ Active Voice ] We were painting the wall this morning. (Kita mewarnai dinding pagi ini)
[ Passive Voice ] The wall was being painted by us this morning. (Diinding telah diwarnai oleh
kita pagi ini)
7. [ Active Voice ] I was watching a movie when she called me. (Aku sedang menonton film ketika
dia menelpon)
[ Passive Voice ] A movie was being watched by me when she called me. (Film sedang ditonton
olehku ketika dia menelponku)

Present continuous tens:

8. [ Active Voice ] I am building my shop this month. (Aku membangun tokoku bulan ini)
[ Passive Voice ] My shop is builded by me this month. (Tokoku sedang dibangun olehku pada
bulan ini)
9. [ Active Voice ] I am buying a book. (Aku membeli sebuah buku)
[ Passive Voice ] A book is being bought by me. (Sebuah buku dibeli olehku)
10.[ Active Voice ] I am writting this love latter. (Aku menulis surat cinta ini)
[ Passive Voice ] This love latter being written by me. (Surat cinta ini sedang ditulis olehku)

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