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Шевченко Максим ПЗ-21у-1

МОДУЛЬНА РОБОТА 1 (перескладання)

І. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у правильній формі, використовуючи

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple або Past Continuous:

1. Sam is still having tea in kitchen.

2. What is he doing here? - He is reading a book.
3. Where does she live?
4. I played at 6 p.m. yesterday.
5. At the moment Ann is singing a very beautiful song.
6. When we entered the room, the children were doing their homework.
7. What are they doing now?
8. Where did he spend last summer?
9. I swam from 2 to 3 p.m. yesterday.
10. He didn’t watch TV from 8 to 9 yesterday.
11. What was she doing at 3 o`clock yesterday?
12. My sister can skate very well. She goes skating every Sunday.
13. Where Sofia will go when you meet her yesterday?
14. Where did he learn French last year?
15. We aren’t working on Saturdays. We stay at home.
16. Look! He is waiting for somebody in the living-room.
17. Why are you sleeping now? It`s too early. You never sleep at this time.
18. Hello! Where do you go? – Im going to the cinema.
19. Where she went last last weekend? - She will go to the country.
20. How often did they visit in the library last week?

2. Вставте правильний термін:

1. [ADJ-U6] If a file is digital, it is stored electronically as a series of ones and

2. [N-COUNT-U7] A touchscreen is a display on some cell phones that you tap
to access its features and applications.
3. [N-COUNT-U5] A digital camera is a device that records images to be looked
at on a computer.
4. [V-T-U3] To upgrade is to improve something, like a computer program or a
type of service.
5. [N-COUNT-U5] Digital zoom is how a digital camera increases the display
size of an image subject, reducing image quality.
6. [N-UNCOUNT-U3] Antivirus software is a program that locates and eliminates
computer viruses.
7. [N-UNCOUNT-U3] A hotspot is a location (like an airport or a cafe) that
provides wireless Internet access to users.
8. [N-COUNT-U7] An app is an application with a specific function that you
download onto your phone.
9. [N-COUNT-U5] An inject printer is a device that uses ink to produce documents
and images on paper
10. [N-COUNT-U4] An array is a group of disk drives that are connected and used
as a single unit.
11. [N-UNCOUNT-U4] Magnetic tape is a long, narrow piece of magnetized
plastic that is used for storing information.
12. [N-COUNT-U1] A bit is the smallest unit of computer data.
13. [N-COUNT-U5] A megapixel is a measurement of image size.
14.[N-UNCOUNT-U6] Bitrate is a measurement of the amount of data that is
15. [N-COUNT-U3] A modem is a device that allows computers to send and
receive information over phone lines,
16. [N-UNCOUNT-U3] Broadband is a system that allows computers to transfer
large amounts of information.
17. [N-COUNT-U1] A motherboard is the circuit board in a computer. It holds the
CPU and all attachments.
18. [N-COUNT-U1] A computer’s bus speed measures how many times the CPU
can access a group of bits per second. This is measured in MHz.
19. [V-I-U2] To multi-thread is to use a computer to execute several threads of
execution simultaneously,
20. [N-UNCOUNT-U5] Calibration is the act of adjusting printers and scanners to
display colors correctly,
21. [N-COUNT-U1] A paging file is the area on the hard drive where the computer
stores data that doesn't fit in the RAM.
22. [N-COUNT-U6] Capacity is the amount of space an MP3 player has to store
23. [V-T-U8] To scan a product is to use a laser to read bar codes and convert them
to electronic signals
24. [N-UNCOUNT-U4] Data compression is the process of storing information
using less storage space by reducing the number of bits it takes up.
25. [N-COUNT-U8] A smartphone is a cellular phone that also functions like a
26. [V-T-U6] To decode a file is to return it to its original format.
27. [N-UNCOUNT-U8] Spam is unwanted email, like advertisements, sent to large
groups of people. Some email providers direct spam to special folders so that users
do not have to see or open it.
28. [N-UNCOUNT-U3] Dial-up is an Internet connection using a modem and
regular telephone lines.
29. [N-COUNT-U7] A text message is a short, written message that a person sends
to and from a cell phone.
30. [N-COUNT-U7] A Ringback Tone is a sound or song that a cell phone plays
when someone calls it.

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