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Шевченко Максим ПЗ-21у-1

МОДУЛЬНА РОБОТА 2 (перескладання)

1. Граматика.
І. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у правильній формі:

1. She will help you with the shopping before she goes to the gym.
2. I will buy) a new car when I sell their old one.
3. They are going to drive to Manchester tomorrow morning.
4. Look at that tree! It is going to fall down.
5. Sam has worked for this company for 5 years.
6. What have you been doing all week?
7. He is not at home now. He has gone to the cinema.
8. I have been a salesman since 2010.
9. She had already eaten her lunch.
10. He has just posted the letter.

II. Оберіть правильний варіант:

1. Tom could run very fast when he was twenty.

a) can’t b) could c) can
2. They needn’t have given me a lift home, but they did.
a) should b) needn’t c) must
3. I have to tidy my room today. My mother said so.
a) can b) might c) have to
4. Will you help me with the cooking, please?
a) Should b) Shall c) Will
5. They have got a huge house. They must be very rich.
a) needn’t b) can c) must
6. ‘How was the test?’
‘Easy. All the children were able to pass it.’
a) were able to b) was able to c) could
7. Will we go out for lunch today?
a) Shall b) Will c) Should
8. Should I ask you a question?
a) Need b) May c) Should
9. Tommy couldn’t tell the time when he was a baby.
a) can’t b) couldn’t c) needn’t
10. You needn’t clean the windows. I’ve already done them.
a) might b) needn’t c) must

2. Лексика. Вставте потрібний термін:

1. [N-COUNT-U12] VPN is a way to encrypt a connection when you use remote
2. [N-COUNT-U10] Waypoints are locations that you can mark or record in your
3. [N-COUNT-U9] A virtual word is an online world where you can meet and
interact with other people or computer players.
4. [V-T-U14] To upload a file is to transfer it from a computer or device to the
Internet or to another device, such as an MP3 player.
5. [N-COUNT-U8] A UPC is a 12-digit number used to identify consumer items.
6. [N-COUNT-U12] Subscription is the agreement to use something, often
requiring a fee.
7. [N-COUNT-U11] A SSL connection is a connection between two servers that
encrypts information so that no one else can monitor or access the information
8. [N-UNCOUNT-U8] Spam is unwanted email, like advertisements, sent to
large groups of people.
9. [N-COUNT-U11] A site key is a security system that lets the bank and the
account holder verify their identities to one another in online transactions.
10. [N-COUNT-U13] A serial robot is a robot that consists of a single series of
joints linked together.
11. [N-UNCOUNT-U12] Remote access is the ability to use online library
resources from outside the library.
12. [N-COUNT-U9] A profile is a webpage on a social networking site with
personal or identifying information.
13. [N-COUNT-U14] publication is a book or a magazine that a publishing
company releases to the public.
14. [N-COUNT-U10] position is an object's exact location.
15. [N-COUNT-U11] PIN is a number assigned to bank account holders that helps
banks identify the holder and maintain security.
16. [N-COUNT-U14] A PDF is a program that can open and display text or
17. [N-COUNT-U13] A pendant is a device that a person uses to control and
guide a robot's movements.
18. [N-UNCOUNT-U15] Pattern recognition is the process of classifying objects
by examining their visual appearance.
19. [N-UNCOUNT-U11] Online banking is a service that allows people to
manage finances on the Internet.
20. [ADJ-U14] If something is available offline it can be used when an electronic
device is not connected to the Internet.
21. [N-UNCOUNT-U11] Model based reasoning is the process of making
conclusions by examining cause and effect relationships.
22. [N-COUNT-U9] MMORPG is a type of online computer game in which many
people interact with each other in a virtual world.
23. [N-UNCOUNT-U12] Media are the forms of mass communication available at
the library, including images, films and periodicals.
24. [N-UNCOUNT-U15] Machine learning is a field of study concerned with
creating algorithms that computers can use to learn from their experiences.
25. [N-COUNT-U11] A lockout prevents people from accessing a bank account
when the password is entered incorrectly too many times.
26. [N-COUNT-U10] Longitude is an object's location east or west of the Prime
27. [N-COUNT-U12] A license restriction limits who can use a library's
electronic resources.
28. [N-COUNT-U13] Joints are the places where the parts of a robot connect.
They allow the robot's parts to rotate.
29. [N-COUNT-U10] GPS is a collection of 24 satellites that give accurate
position and navigation data to people all over the Earth.
30. [N-COUNT-U12] An ejournal is a scholarly publication that is published

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