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Information Questions with verb to be

Wh Question Words Verb be Noun/Pronoun Complement (optional)

conjugated +?
What (Things)

What I your father’s last ?

s name
When (days, years,

months, weeks, dates, and

so on) When is Christmas ?

What time (hours &

minutes) What time is your English class on Thursdays?

How long (amount of time)

How long is your Anatomy’s class ?

Where (places)

Where a Julio and Juanita at?

Who (people)

Who i your platonic love ?

Which (Options)

Which shoes a your favorite ones ?

How old (age)

How old i your brother ?


Write the right question for the answers provided.

1. Who is your favorite standup comedian ?
My favorite standup comedian is Tomas Delgado “La Vecina”
2.How long is a marathon usually?
A marathon is usually 4 hours.

3.What is your phone number?

My phone number is 0994939256.

4.Where are Pedro and Mary at?

Pedro and Mary are at the bank.

5. What is your favorite shirt?

The blue shirt is my favorite one

6.How old is tony?

Tony is 45 years old.

7. What time is the math test?

The Math test is at 5pm.

8. When is your birthday?

My birthday is next week.

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