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The Pennsylvania State University

The Graduate School

College of Engineering

Finite Element Analysis of Steel Beam to Column Connections

Subjected to Blast Loads

A Thesis Proposal in

Civil Engineering


Tapan Sabuwala

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements

for the Degree of

Master of Science

August 2001
Tapan Sabuwala


The aim of this study is to analyze and assess the behavior of steel connections

subjected to blast loads using finite element analysis. Three different types of

connectio ns having varying connection details will be analyzed. These connection details

are part of the 8 connection details that had been tested by the AISC Northridge Moment

Connection Test Program (Engelhardt et al 1995). On the basis of these tests

recommendations were proposed for improving connection performance which have been

accepted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and have been

included in part in the "Recommended Seismic Design Criteria For New Steel Moment

Frame Buildings"(FEMA, 2000). This study aims at evaluating the efficiency of these

connections, which have been designed for seismic loads, against blast loads. For this

study the finite element code ABAQUS will be used to develop the various connection

models. The finite element models will be calibrated using test data. The verified models

will then be subjected to simulated blast loads and the efficiency and behavior of the

connections will be analyzed.

Tapan Sabuwala










Tapan Sabuwala


In recent times many structures have been subjected to blast loads due to acts of

terrorism and steel frames form a major part of these targeted structures. Hence the

behavior of structural steel connections subjected to blast loads is of interest. For

facilities subjected to blast loads, the connections details have been shown to play a

major part in the response of the structure of such high rate dynamic loading. Thus a

better understanding of behavior of structural steel connections under blast loads is very


The guidelines currently used for the design of structural steel connections

subjected to dynamic loads induced during blasts or earthquakes have proved to be

inadequate judging from the poor performance of steel frames during the bombings in

recent times and also during seismic events like the 1994 Northridge earthquake.

Important design modifications were introduced for connections subjected to seismic

loads after extensive assessments of the observed damage (Engelhardt et. al., 1995).

However these modified design details might prove to be insufficient when subjected to

high rate dynamic loads such as those generated during an explosion. Therefore it is

important to assess the behavior of such structures under blast loads.

Current design recommendations for blast resistant structures in TM-5 1300

(Dept. of the Army, 1990) include guidelines for the safe design of blast resistant steel

connections. However the adequacy of these design procedures is not well understood as

not much research has been done in this field leading to a dearth of information regarding

the behavior of steel connection subjected to blast loads.

The proposed study aims at providing a better understanding of the behavior of

steel connections under blast loads through finite element analysis. The adequacy of steel

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connections that were proposed for resistance against seismic loads will be assessed when

these connections are subjected to blast loads.

This study also aims at providing a better understanding of the finite element

modeling of steel connections. It is important to correctly characterize the interaction of

the various components of a steel connection such as bolts and welds. For this it is

important to understand and adequately model the contact interaction between the various

interacting parts of the connection and to correctly specify their constitutive properties.

The proposed study aims to achie ve this using the capability provided in the finite

element package ABAQUS to model various types of contact simulations and material

behavior, which may then serve as a reference for future finite element models involving

such interactions.

Three different connection details, which had been used in the AISC Northridge

Moment Connection Test Program (Engelhardt et. al., 1995), have been chosen for the

study. The first specimen is a standard welded beam bolted flange type of connection,

which represents a typical Pre-Northridge connection. The other two connections,

Specimens 7 and 8, have been modified and strengthened by adding cover plates to the

beam flanges, and continuity plates for the column to give better performance when

subjected to seismic loads, and have been selected for their superior performance during

the experimental study. The connection details for Specimens 7 and 8 are same but the

material properties for these specimens are different.

Finite element models of these 3 connection tests will be prepared using the FE code

ABAQUS. The finite element models will be calibrated using the available experimental

data from the tests. Once the models have been verified, they will be subjected to

simulated blast loads and the results obtained from these simulations will be used to

analyze the behavior of these connections under high rate dynamic loading.

Tapan Sabuwala


Blast resistant steel connections are currently designed using the design criteria

developed by the industry on the basis of theoretical and experimental investigations.

However, data from the recent acts of domestic terrorism and seismic events suggests that

the performance of steel frames against seismic loads as well as blast loads is not

satisfactory. The failure of the steel frames during such events is mainly caused due to the

failure of the beam to column connections. Thus there seems to be a flaw in the current

design criteria adopted for steel beam to column connections. Since many buildings that

could be subjected to blast loads are steel frame structures, the behavior of structural steel

beam to column connections subjected to blast loads is of interest.

The loads applied on a building during a blast are in some respects similar to

those applied during an earthquake since both the loads are dynamic in nature, though the

rate of loading during a blast is much higher than the loading rate during an earthquake.

Hence the connections which have been designed for seismic loads may give better

performance under blast loads. Therefore, it is proposed to study the behavior of steel

beam to column connections, which have been designed for seismic resistance, against

blast loads. Three different kinds of connections, which were examined using

experimental studies for the AISC Northridge Moment Connection Test Program

(Engelhardt et al, 1995), will be examined and a comparative study of the performance of

each connection detail against blast loads will be made. The proposed study also aims at

providing guidelines regarding the accuracy of finite element analysis at predicting the

behavior of the steel connections under blast loads.

Tapan Sabuwala


The proposed study focuses on understanding the behavior of steel connections

subjected to blast loads using finite element analysis. Three connections will be modeled

using the finite element code ABAQUS. The connection model will be subjected to both

seismic and blast loads and the behavior of the connection under these loadings will be


Thus the objectives of this research can be summarized as follows:

1. To prepare 3 dimensional finite element models of 3 connection tests which were

examined during the AISC Northridge Moment Connection Test Program for seismic

resistant buildings.

2. To study the behavior of the aforementioned connections under seismic as well as

blast loads.

3. To verify the accuracy of the results obtained from finite element modeling of

connections by comparing the values of plastic rotation and dissipated energy

obtained from the analytical model to those obtained from the Northridge

experimental study.

4. To compare the blast resistance capacity of steel connections having varying degrees

of rigidity.

5. To provide preliminary guidelines for finite element modeling of steel connections

subjected to blast loads.

Tapan Sabuwala


The proposed research focuses on the finite element modeling of the selected

connection details and analyzing their behavior when subjected to blast loads. In order to

achieve this task the following steps will be undertaken:

• Literature Review: To gather information regarding the current status of affairs in

the finite element modeling of steel connections and also regarding the behavior

of steel connections subjected to dynamic loads. For this it is proposed to collect

relevant literature in the following fields:

Ø Steel Connections Subjected To Blast Loads

Ø Experimental Studies of Steel Connection Subjected to Seismic Loads

Ø Analytical Studies of Steel Connections using Finite Element Modeling

• Analytical Program: This will involve preparation of the finite element models of

the chosen connection detail and calibrating them using available experimental

data and subjecting the verified FE models to blast loads. The behavior of the

connection under the applied blast loads will then be analyzed. The analytical

program can thus be divided into the following sections:

Ø Model Preparation: This includes creation of the finite element models of the

connection details using the finite element code ABAQUS.

Ø Model Calibration: The FE models of the connections will be calibrated using

the experimental data obtained from the AISC Northridge Moment

Connection Test Program (Engelhardt et. al., 1995).

Ø Blast Studies: Once the FE model has been verified it will be subjected to

blast loads and the behavior of the connection detail against such high rate

dynamic loading will be analyzed. The total plastic rotation achieved and the

energy dissipated will be observed and compared against the acceptable

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values as per the criteria given in TM5-1300 and on the basis of that the

efficiency of the connection will be determined.

Ø Modeling Recommendations: The proposed study aims at using detailed 3D

finite element models of the steel connections, which will be subjected to both

seismic as well as blast loads. Hence once the model has been verified, it is

expected to provide some insight into the various aspects of finite element

modeling of steel connections and on the basis of this recommendations will

be made.


There is a lack of information regarding the behavior of structural steel

connections subjected to blast loads. Most of the studies incorporating the effect of high

rate dynamic loading focused on concrete connections. Thus limited research has been

performed which analyzes the behavior of steel connections subjected to high rate

dynamic loading.

5.1 Steel Connections Subjected To Blast Loads

Oh and Krauthammer (1997) studied the effect of blast loads on steel connections.

The main goal of this study was to investigate the behavior of steel connections subjected

to blast loads and on the basis of the information obtained and to assess the adequacy of

the current design procedures. The finite element code DYNA3D was adopted for this

purpose. The maximum amount of explosive material and corresponding blast resistance

capacities of the steel connection were assessed, based on the specifications given in

TM-5 1300. The maximum rotational capacity of the connections was estimated through

numerical simulations on both 2D and 3D models and compared with those evaluated by

the theoretical approach given in TM5-1300. The findings of the study implied that

TM5-1300 might not be adequate for the design of specific steel connections subjected to
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high rate dynamic loading. It was also noted that dead load effects could be a factor that

decreases structural capacities under blast loads.

On further examination of the results obtained from the aforementioned study,

Krauthammer (1999) presented a report pointing to the deficiency of the existing design

codes to take into account the effect of factors that could govern the behavior and failure

of the connection such as:

• Local large deformations of member flanges

• Possible weld cracks,

5.2 Experimental Study of Steel Connection Subjected to Seismic Loads

Most of the work dealing with the behavior of steel connections subjected to

dynamic loads seems to be concentrated in the area of seismic engineering wherein a

number of tests have been conducted to understand the behavior of steel beam to column

connections under to cyclic loads. The failure of steel connections during the 1994

Northridge earthquake also led to a number of studies in this area.

In the late 80’s experimental studies were conducted on 18 full size beam to

column connections for analysis of their cyclic behavior (Popov et al., 1989). Fully

welded beams to column flanges were provided for better ductility. The tests showed that

specimens with fully welded beam to column flanges with no copes in the beam provided

good ductility.

Engelhardt M.D. and Husain A.S. (1993) performed tests on 8 welded beam

bolted flange steel moment connections and the results were compared with those of

previous test programs. All connections failed at or near the beam- flange groove welds.

The specimens with supplemental welds performed comparatively better than the

connections with no web welding, achieving higher plastic moments.

Tapan Sabuwala

A number of studies were initiated during mid 90’s after the Northridge

earthquake to analyze the reasons for failure of the steel connections. A connection

testing program was initiated by AISC (Engelhardt et. al., 1994). This program was

aimed at providing interim guidelines for improved connection details. Tests were

conducted on cantilever-type test specimens. Slowly applied cyclic loads were applied at

the tip subjecting the connections to cyclic bending and shear. The results showed that it

is possible to construct connections that will develop the full flexural strength of the

beam and permit the plastic rotations under cyclic loads. The connection details

developed on the basis of this study were included in the interim report prepared by the

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA 350, 2000) and were recommended for

seismic resistance building frames.

Popov et al. (1995) performed tests on 10 beam-to-wide- flange-column (BWWF)

connections. In this study the key parameters that were included were:

• Beam- flange-to-entire-beam-section plastic modulus ratio.

• Supplemental web bolts; supplemental web welds.

• Column panel- zone strength.

It was observed that supplemental web welds enhance the strength, ductility and energy

absorbing capacity of the BWWF connections and the proportioning of the column panel

zones also affected the overall inelastic deformation capacity of the beam-column


Detailed failure analyses of nearly 20 fractures removed from buildings damaged

during the Northridge earthquake was performed by Kaufmann et al. (1996). These

included the most common types of weld and column fractures reported in building

surveys. The analyses showed that the performance of the connection depends on the

toughness of the weld metal in conjunction with the removal of the backup bars and a

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fully welded web. This was followed by tests on two full-scale moment connections. One

specimen was a fully welded connection fabricated with E70TG-K2 flux cored electrode

and the other was a connection that was tested to failure and subsequently repaired by

replacing the cracks with E7018 weld metal. The results of the additional tests showed

that weld metal toughness is important for achieving ductile performance of new and

repaired moment connections.

Chen et al. (1996) proposed a simple method of trimming the flanges for

improving the ductility of the beam to column connections. Due to the trimming of the

flanges a pre selected enlarged yielding zone is obtained as compared to the traditional

plastic hinge which has limited area. The proposed connection method can achieve

plastic rotation angle of more than 0.04 rad, which is much larger that the average

achieved by traditional connections.

5.3 Analytical Study of Steel Connections using Finite Element Modeling

Extensive research work has been done in the area of finite element modeling of

steel beam to column connections, and numerous reports have been published which deal

with both 2D and 3D finite element connection models.

Krisnamurthy N. and Graddy E. D. (1976) did a comparative study to correlate

the values of critical displacements and stresses obtained using 2-D and 3-D connection

models. Thirteen benchmark connections were analyzed. The connections were analyzed

elastically, under bolt pretension alone, and under half and full service loads. The

correlation factors for results obtained from 2D and 3D model were determined to be 1.4

for displacement and rotation, 1.2 for average stress and 1.8 for maximum stress.

A finite element model that takes into account the plasticity and contact in the

steel bolted connections, using the finite element program MEF was presented by

Gendron et. al. (1989). The 2D model was calibrated against published test results and

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was shown to correctly predict the behavior of the bolted connection both before and

after slip occurrence and can correctly characterize bolt behavior.

Sherbourne A. N. and Bahaari M. R. (1994) presented an analytical method based

on finite element modeling to study the moment-rotation relationship for a steel bolted

connection. The finite element code ANSYS was used for the equivalent 3-D analysis.

The contributions of various connection components, like bolts, end plate and column

flanges on the flexibility of the connection was identified.

Parametric studies related to various geometric parameters of bolted end plate

connections subjected to plane bending were carried out by Gebbeken et. al. (1994).

These studies aimed at determining the influence of these parameters on the flexibility of

the connection. The main emphasis is given to the consideration of material nonlinearity,

contact between deformable members and to the accurate finite element modeling.

Bursi O.S and Jaspart J. P. (1994) presented an analytical method based on finite

element modeling to study the moment-rotation relationship for a steel bolted connection.

The finite element code ANSYS was used for equivalent 2D analysis. Based on the

deformation and stress contours of the 2D model the contribution of the beam web to the

behavior is discussed from which two types of end plate deformations can been


Sherbourne A. N. and Bahaari M. R. (1996) studied the stiffness and strength of a

T-stub to the unstiffened column flange bolted connection in a 3D framework using finite

element methodology. The finite element code ANSYS was used for the study. Two

elementary T-stub connections were proposed as benchmarks in the validation process of

finite element software packages for bolted connections and a rational approach that leads

to an accurate simulation of these connections by means of a 3-D model has been


Tapan Sabuwala

Kokan D. (1998) presented a report dealing with the finite element analysis of T-

stub connections. A T-stub connection model was developed and a detailed description of

the steps undertaken for the creation of the model was presented. The finite element code

ABAQUS was used for modeling of the connection.

Bursi O.S and Jaspart J.P. (1998) provided an overview of the current

developments for estimating the moment-rotation characteristics of bolted moment

resisting connections and tried to establish a legitimate methodology for the finite

element analysis of extended end plate connections. Three-dimensional finite element

models were provided for preloaded and non-preloaded bolted T-stubs, which were

proposed as benchmarks. A solid model and an assemblage of three-dimensional beam

finite elements were proposed to model the bolt behavior. A 3-D nonlinear finite element

model suitable for analysis of isolated extended end plate connections was proposed and


Troup et al. (1998) presented a numerical model, based on the finite element

method, to predict the moment and rotation characteristics of connections. The finite

element analysis of a simple T-stub connection and an extended end-plate connection was

carried out using ANSYS. The numerical model was calibrated against experimental

results from full-scale testing of bolted end-plate connections. On the basis of the results

obtained it was suggested that solid elements were suitable for simple connection

problems but shell elements are best suited for more complicated structures like beam to

column connections.

Swanson J. A. (1999) investigated the strength, stiffness and ductility behavior of

T-stub connections using the finite element code ABAQUS. Three connection models

were analyzed. The first model was a 3D solid model incorporating contact with friction

and full nonlinear properties. The second connection used 2D plane stress elements to

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model the stem of the T-stub while the third model used plain strain elements to model a

unit width of the T-stub flange. The results obtained from the finite element models

matched up quite well with the experimental data. Though the values did not exactly

match up due to the various assumptions inherent in the finite element model it helped

provide valuable insight to the behavior of T-stub connection.

Yang et al. (2000) developed a 3D finite element model using ABAQUS to study

the response of double angle connections subjected to axial and shear loads. For this

study steel angles with 3 different thickness were analyzed. The angles were considered

welded to the beam web and bolted to the column flange.

Thus a number of experimental as well as analytical studies have been carried out

which investigate the behavior of steel connection. Both 2D and 3D finite element

models have been employed to understand the behavior of these connections. However a

major portion of these studies considered static loading. Information regarding the

behavior of steel connections subjected to dynamic loads is based on experimental data

where the steel connections are subjected to cyclic loads that simulate seismic loads.

Thus limited information is available regarding the behavior of steel connections

subjected to high rate dynamic loading such as blasts.

Hence the proposed research aims at providing a better understanding of the

behavior of steel connections subjected to high rate dynamic loads and also to address

some issues regarding the finite element modeling of steel connections.

Tapan Sabuwala


The experimental data that has been used for the proposed study has been

obtained from the AISC Moment Connection Test Program (Engelhardt et. al., 1995)

which was initiated following the Northridge earthquake in 1994 at the University of

Texas at Austin. A total of 16 full- scale beam-column subassemblages were tested under

cyclic loads. Tests were conducted on single cantilever type test specimens, as shown in

Fig. 1.

Figure 1. Test Setup (Engelhardt et al, 1995).

Boundaries of the subassemblage (column ends and beam end) are nominally free

to rotate, and coincide approximately with points on inflection in a moment frame under

lateral load. Slowly applied cyclic loads were applied to the tip of the beam subjecting the

connection to cyclic bending moment and shear.

Tapan Sabuwala

All test specimens were constructed with W36X150 beams of A36 steel, and

either W14X455 or W14X426 columns of A572 Gr. 50 steel.

The specimens chosen for the present study are described as follows:

• Specimen 1: This was a standard welded flange- bolted web detail as shown in

Figure 2, designed in accordance with Section 2211.7.1.2 of the 1994 Uniform

Building Code (Uniform Building Code, 1994). Although a conventional

connection detail was used for this specimen several improvements were

incorporated into the groove welds.

Figure 2. Specimen 1 (Engelhardt et. al., 1995)

• Specimen 7 and 8: These were modified connections (Fig. 3). The beam

flanges were reinforced with cover plates. The beam flanges and the

reinforcement were welded to the face of the column. The intent of these

connections was to significantly reduce the stress on the beam flange groove

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welds and surrounding base material areas, and to move the location of the

plastic hinge away from the face of the column.

Figure 3. Specimen 7 and 8.

The test specimens were constructed in two different fabrication shops, hence there are

two specimens of each detail, which have been identified using the suffix A or B.

The connection details for the connections chosen for the present study are

summarized in Table 1 while Table 2 highlights the details of the weld used for the

selected connection details. All welds were applied using the self- shielded FCAW

process. Table 3 illustrates the sizes of the beams and columns used for the various

specimens. The material data that has been used for the proposed study is presented in

tables 4 and 5.

Tapan Sabuwala

Table 1. Connection Details.


Standard Welded 8 - 1" (2.5 cm) A325
1 Flange - Bolted None None bolts + supplemental None
Web web welds
(1.905 x 13.97 cm) (1.587 x 35.56 cm)
10 - 1" (2.5 cm) A490 1" (2.54 cm)
Reinforced with 0.75" thk. x 5.5" 0.625" thk x 14"
7,8 bolts + supplemental thick full
Cover Plates wide tapered cover wide rectangular
web welds depth
plate cover plate

Table 2. Selected Data For Flat Position "Field" Groove Welds.

Electrode Top Flange Back Bottom Flange Back

up bar up bar
Diameter Designation

1 .120" (0.305 cm) E70T-4 Removed Removed

7,8 7/64" (0.278 cm) E70T-7 Left in place Left in place

Table 3. Member Sizes and Materials.

Beam Heat Column Heat

Specimen Beam Size Column Size
Designation Designation

1 W36X150 SB1 W14X455 SC1

7 W36X150 SB2 W14X426 SC3

8 W36X150 SB4 W14X426 SC4

Tapan Sabuwala

Table 4. Tensile Coupon Test Data For Columns

Mill Certificate
Material Heat Designation Section
Fy (ksi) Fu (ksi)

SC1 W14X455 62.5 78.9

SC3 W14X426 54.4 79.1

SC4 W14X426 51.7 74.3

Table 5. Tensile Coupon Test Data For Beams

Mill Certificate
Material Heat Designation Section
Fy (ksi) Fu (ksi)

SB1 W36X150 50.0 64.8

SB2 W36X150 43.7 46.1

SB4 W36X150 46.9 66.9

The specimens were subjected to symmetric cyclic loading cycles, with the beam

tip displacement increased until failure of the connection occurred, or until the limits of

the testing apparatus was reached. The primary criteria used to judge the specimen

performance was the plastic rotation developed by the beam. Target plastic rotations on

the order of +0.02 to +0.03 radians were established for this program. In addition the total

dissipated energy and the nature of the specimen's failure mode were considered in

evaluating the performance of a particular specimen. Performance of the connection

details chosen for the current study are presented in Table 6.

Tapan Sabuwala

Table 6 Test Specimen Performance

Max. Beam
Total Dissipated Overall
Spec. Failure Mode Plastic
Energy (kip- in) Performance

Fracture at top flange groove weld, near

1A 0.005 rad 680 very poor
weld-column interface

Fracture at bottom flange groove weld, near

1B 0.005 rad 1600 poor
weld-column interface

Gradual deterioration in strength due to

flange and web buckling, and due to gradual
7A 0.035 rad 25500 excellent
failure of failure of fillet welds connecting
cover plates to beam flanges.

7B Same as 7A 0.05 rad 25500 excellent

8A Same as 7A 0.035 rad 26300 excellent

8B Same as 7A 0.035 rad 25800 excellent

Tapan Sabuwala


To achieve the objectives set forth for the present research proposal, the analytical

program will be divided into the following main tasks:

• Model Preparation

Ø General

Ø Preliminary Finite Element Model

• Model Calibration

• Blast Studies


7.1.1 General

It is proposed to prepare finite element models of three different connection details.

These models will be prepared using the finite element code ABAQUS/EXPLICIT. As

the connections are to be subjected to blast loads which could act in any direction, it is

important to obtain information about the specimen response in three dimension. Hence it

is proposed to use 3D 8-noded brick (C3D8R) with reduced integration formulation, as

ABAQUS/EXPLICIT does not support fully integrated 3D brick elements, and wedge

(C3D6) elements for the connection models so as to correctly characterize the connection

behavior. First order elements were chosen for modeling the connections because of the

large number of contact surfaces involved, as first order elements give better results in

contact simulations (ABAQUS User’s Manual, 1998). Material properties to be

incorporated in the model will be based on the tensile coupon test data, which had been

obtained from the Engelhardt (Engelhardt et. al., 1995). Independent tensile coupon tests

Tapan Sabuwala

for the material properties may be conducted at the University of Texas Austin and they

will be incorporated into the analyses if they become available.

The model will be subjected to both seismic as well as blast loads. Initially cyclic

loads similar to those applied during the AISC Northridge moment connection test

program (Engelhardt et al, 1995) will be applied for calibration. The plastic rotation and

ultimate load carrying capacity of the connections as obtained from the experimental data

will be compared against those obtained from the analytical model. Once the model has

been verified it will be subjected to blast loads.

7.1.2 Preliminary Finite Element Model:

A preliminary finite element model of one of the connections (Specimen 1) has

been developed (Fig 4). However its accuracy is yet to be verified. This model will serve

as a benchmark for the other connection details to be modeled. This connection

represents a typical Pre-Northridge connection detail without any modification.

The finite element model consists of 30608 elements, 46382 nodes and incorporates

139146 degrees of freedom and involves 56 contact interactions. Of these, 552 elements

are wedge shaped elements (C3D6) which are used to model the web copes and the

beveled edge of the beam flange while the remaining elements are 3 dimensional brick

elements using reduced integration (C3D8R).

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Figure 4. Finite Element Model of Connection Assembly. (Specimen 1)

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A more detailed view of the connection detail is shown in Fig. 5

Figure 5. 3D FE model of connection detail for Specimen 1.

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The material is defined as elasto-plastic with perfect plasticity and the material

properties of various components were assigned based on the test data, which was

obtained from the tensile coupon tests that were conducted during the test program. Once

the complete material properties are available it is proposed to define the material as

elasto-plastic with strain hardening.

The column was fixed at each end and also at the base, to mirror the test setup used

for the actual experiment.

Contact surfaces were defined at the following locations to attempt to correctly model

the interaction of these surfaces:

Ø Underside of plates and beam web.

Ø Bolt shank and bolt hole.

Ø Bolt shank and beam web.

Ø Underside of bolt head and plates.

Ø Plates and column.

Ø Welds and column.

Ø Welds and web of beam.

Ø Welds and plates.

A pure master slave relationship between the interacting surfaces has been

employed. The master and slave surfaces have been defined based on preliminary

estimates of the behavior of the surfaces in contact and also based on considerations of

finite element modeling. For the contact surfaces involving bolts the bolt surface is

defined as the slave surface while for the contact pair involving welds the welds have

been defined as master surface. The plates assume the role of master surface in the

contact between plates and beam web and also between plates and column. The contact

pairs, excluding the ones involving welds, were defined with the small sliding algorithm.

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The small sliding algorithm allows the surfaces in contact to undergo relatively small

sliding with each other, but arbitrary rotation of the two bodies can be permitted (Abaqus

User's Manual, 1998). A friction coefficient of 0.31 (ASM Handbook, V 18, 1990) was

used for all the contact interactions.

One of the challenges posed during the finite element modeling is that of modeling

the welds. Interaction of the welds with the contacting surfaces is nonlinear and the

material properties of the weld are also not very well defined. Initially it is proposed to

use a strip of 3D 6-noded wedge elements (C3D6) to model the welds and to define a tied

type of contact between the welds and their interacting surfaces. The tied type of contact

constrains each of the nodes on the slave surface to have the same value of displacement

and temperature as the point on the master surface that it contacts. This type of contact

allows for rapid transitions in mesh density within the model.

The modeling of the bolts is one more area that requires attention. A detailed view of

the finite element model of the bolt is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 Bolt Detail (Specimen 1)

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Correct characterization of the interaction of the bolts with the surrounding area

requires proper definition of the contact surfaces between the bolt shank and the plates

and also between bolt head and the plates. These contact surfaces have been defined

using a pure master slave algorithm with the bolt surfaces modeled as the slave surfaces

as they are not supposed to penetrate the surface of the plates or the web. The bolt

pretension has been incorporated by displacing the lower end of the bolt shank, so as to

cause a corresponding pre-tensioning force on the bolts. Thereafter the bolt pretension

was achieved by displacing the lower ends of each bolt shank by 0.00796 in (0.0202 cm).

This displacement corresponds to a pretensioning force of 51 kips per bolt using Equation


δ = (1)


P = Pretensioning load = 51 kips (as specified by AISC LRFD, AISC 1996),

L = Length of bolts = 3.625 in (9.2075 cm),

A = Area of one bolt = 0.785 in2 (5.0645 cm2 ),

E = Modulus of Elasticity = 29000 ksi .

In order to incorporate the bolt pretension the analysis has been done in two steps. In the

first step the bolts are displaced to achieve the required pretension and in the second stage

the bolts are held in their position and the external load is applied to the tip of the

cantilevered beam.

7.2 Model Calibration:

The model will be calibrated using the experimental data obtained from the AISC

Northridge moment connection test program (Engelhardt et. al., 1995). The connection

models will be subjected to cyclic loads having the same amplitude and frequency as
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those applied during the testing program and the results obtained will be benchmarked

against those obtained experimentally during the test program. The criteria for

verification will be the maximum end rotation achieved and the ultimate load for the

connection. The results will be compared by taking the ratio of the experimentally

obtained values of beam plastic rotation and total dissipated energy to those obtained

analytically using the finite element model with an acceptable range being between 0.9-

1.0. This value is a preliminary assumption, which has been made on the basis of the

accuracy achieved in past studies involving finite element analysis of steel connections.

Presently the model has been subjected to a static load at the tip of the cantilevered

beam and the results obtained for quantities like end rotation and moment and will be

checked against values obtained using theoretical calculations.

7.3 Blast Studies

Once the model has been calibrated using the experiment data from the tests it will be

subjected to blast loads. The blast load capacity of the connection will then be assessed

using the procedures outlined in TM5-1300 and using the computer codes ConWep,

SHOCK and FRANG, and the corresponding pressure-time (P-t) histories will be

defined. These computer codes are based on the empirical blast calculation procedures

outlined in the TM5-1300.

The behavior of these steel connections, subjected to blast loads will be analyzed by

checking the stress and strain at critical points of the connection to identify behavioral

mechanisms. The structural capacity of the connection will be verified by checking the

values of maximum rotational deformations at the connections and comparing these

values against acceptable blast design criteria as specified in TM5-1300.

Tapan Sabuwala

8. Anticipated Conclusions

The proposed study aims at providing a better understanding of the behavior of steel

connections subjected to blast loads and at testing the efficiency of the connection details,

which have been developed for seismic loads, against high rate dynamic loading.

The aforementioned tasks will be achieved through the use of finite element analysis.

Thus the proposed study is also anticipated to shed some light on the finite element

modeling of steel connections and the various parts involved with it such as modeling of

bolts, welds and the various contact interactions involved with them.

It is anticipated to obtain results through the FE models, which are within 10% of

those obtained experimentally. The variation in the results is expected mainly due to the

following reasons:

Ø Discrepancy in accurately defining the material properties of the weld.

Ø Failure to exactly model the contact interactions between the various surfaces.

Ø Discrepancies that might have occurred during the experimental work such as:

1. Lack of fit of bolts

2. Initial bolt alignment

3. Improper welding practice

Ø Reduced area of the bolts due to the threads has been ignored.

Once the model has been verified against the experimental data it will be subjected

to simulated blast loads and the values of maximum rotational defo rmations achieved will

be obtained. These results will be analyzed and recommendations will be made. It is also

anticipated to achieve valuable insight regarding the behavior of the steel connections

subjected to high rate dynamic loading by checking the values of stress and strain at

critical points of the connection. Thus at the end of this study it is anticipated to gain

Tapan Sabuwala

better understanding of the behavioral aspects of steel connections subjected to blast

loads. This study will also help to verify the effectiveness of steel connection details,

which have been proven effective against seismic loading, against blast loads and will

provide better understanding of the finite element modeling of steel connections.

Tapan Sabuwala


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