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2012 Regular/extension

only Genius-Land College

Occupational Standard: Database Administration Level
Unit Title
IV Apply Continuous Improvements Process

This unit of title three learning outcomes

1. Review programs,systems and processes

2. Develop options for continuous improvement
3. Implement innovative processes
What Is Continuous Improvement?
Continuous improvement, or Kaizen, is a method for identifying opportunities for
streamlining work and reducing waste. Many of these ideologies can be combined
for excellent results. For example, Kaizen and Kanban can go hand-in-hand to
facilitate continuous improvement.
While continuous improvement can be practiced without a formal version of a Lean
and Agile method, the right tool for the enterprise integrates continuous
improvement in an automated, scalable solution.

Kaizen: A Flexible Process

Continuous improvement can be viewed as a formal practice or an informal set of

guidelines. Many companies have shifted focus to more formal approaches to project and
process management such as Lean / Agile methodologies (Kanban, Kaizen, Scrum, and

The continuous improvement cycle is demonstrated here.

Benefits of Continuous Improvement

Streamline workflows

Working to constantly improve is the number one way in which many businesses reduce
operating overhead. Continuous improvement (sometimes known as “rapid improvement”)
is a Lean improvement technique that helps to streamline workflows.
The Lean way of working enables efficient workflows that save time and money, allowing
you to reduce wasted time and effort. For example, projects that involve shifting
deadlines, changing priorities and other complexities are usually filled with opportunities
to improve. It’s just that no one has acted on that opportunity.

Reduce project costs and prevent overages

It’s important for a project manager to know the cost of completing a body of work. For
this reason, most project management offices benefit from knowing the amount of time it
takes to get certain types of work done. Project managers can reduce project cost and
prevent overages using Forecasting Software. Forecasting (versus estimating) whether a
project’s constraints are likely to be broken is one way in which project management
offices can increase their overall effectiveness for the company.

When to Use Continuous Improvement

Sacrificing quality can rarely be justified by the ability to do something faster or cheaper.
To maintain quality standards while cutting time and cost, companies turn to Lean ways of
working, including continuous improvement.

By observing continuous improvement best practices, companies can figure out

ways to continue business as usual while analyzing improvement opportunities
along the way.

Continuous Improvement events can take anywhere between one to five days to complete,
depending on the depth and breadth of the topic to be covered, and team members usually
come away with “to-do” items that help the new processes take hold within the
organization and may require a small amount of time to execute.


From the Japanese words “kai-” which means “change” and “-zen” which means
“good.” The popular meaning from Toyota is “continuous improvement” or “small
incremental improvements” of all areas of a company, not just manufacturing.
Develop Continuous Improvement

Making a Plan
1. Consider the future. The demands of the present often take priority in
our work and non-work lives.
2. Write a True North statement.[5] True North statements indicate a change in
direction. Consider your business goals
3. Reflect on your past. After deciding on your True North statement,
itemize past behaviors that could hinder your overall goal.
4. Start with small improvements, rather than grand, large-scale changes.
5. Be consistent. Changing everything at once can cause confusion and

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