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Course Name: Academic Writing and Research Methodology

Course Code: 20HYT-635

Topic Name: Meaning and Nature of Academic Writing and Reading
Learning Outcome: Students will apply critical approaches to academic writing using Bloom’s
taxonomy in academic writing and research.

Learning Content
1.1 Meaning and Nature of Academic Writing and Reading
1.2 Purposes of Academic Reading
1.3 Reading Process
Key Terms: Academic Writing and Reading
Academic Writing and Reading: This means here that we need to develop skills in reading
quickly and efficiently.

1.1 Meaning and Nature of Academic Writing and Reading

Academic Reading is a unique category of reading. It’s helpful to remember that academic
reading is an act, performance or behavior. a person will be quizzed or tested. Or in other
words, we will be asked to debate, analyse, what we read. We will need to read closely,
remember the text accurately, and must compare our reading materials to other texts for style
and content.
Reading in an academic context. Academic reading relate to a more active, probing strategy. It
is an important skill for completing a written assignment, research paper, project and articles
Reading is essential to the process of understanding your topic, finding research materials, and
developing your ideas. It is more than just recognizing words on page.
Academic reading requires:
 Concentration on a deeper level
 You will need to understand the meaning of what the writer/author is trying to say
 Think about the main theories and concepts
 asking questions and reflecting on relationships among parts of the text
 Interpreting meaning and making connections with other readings or reading materials.
 Refining your topic and purpose also.

Reading is fundamental to college success, regardless of your major or field of

study. According to the University of Michigan-Flint, the average college student enrolled in
standard courses should study between four and six hours per day. Reading comprehension
and retention of facts and data are two skills you need to master in order to get the most out of
your college experience.

1.2 Purpose of Academic Reading

There is a purpose behind what you’re reading, and understanding this purpose frames how
you interpret and use the information.
1.2.1 Information comes from reputable sources:
Different Web sites and blogs can be a source of insight and information are academic
resources. In academic sources we can include such as textbooks and scholarly journal
articles, projects, research papers, on the other hand, are usually written by experts.

1.2.3 Exposure to different viewpoints: Another purpose of assigned academic readings is to

provide students exposure to different viewpoints and ideas or insights.

1.2.4 Learn how to form arguments: Mainly in universities and most college Classes except
for creating writing, when Professor ask you to write a paper.

1.2.5 Reading Process

1.2.5 Reading Strategies: There are main reading strategies :-
 Preview: You can obtain insightful academic text/ reading before you even begin the reading
assignment. For example, if you are assigned a nonfiction book, read the title,the back of the
book, and table of contents
 Read: While you read any type of academic text, you must have a pen or penciling hand. Circle
or highlight key concepts, whatever you are reading in the particular topic or text.
 Summarize: When you will read academic text or subject matter, it’s worth taking the time to
write a short summary. With the help of summary you can capture main ideas/ thoughts in your
 Review: It always helps to analyse what you’ve read for a quick refresher. It’s a good idea or
method to skim through them to identify the main points.

Course Name: Academic Writing and Research

Course Code: 20HYT- 635
Topic Name: Academic Writing and its Importance
Learning Outcome: Students will apply critical approaches to academic writing
Learning Content
1.1 Introduction–meaning
1.2 Documents of academic writing
1.3 Process of academic writing
1.4 Structure of academic writing
1.5 Characteristics of academic writing

Key Terms: Meaning of Academic Writing: Academic writing is a process of presenting ideas
in a organized, systematic, reasonable, rational, and logical way.
1.1 Introduction- Meaning:
 In research academic writing is a very clear, concise and on research to develop or increase
 In academic writing we use deductive reasoning, third person voice and is more formal than
some other types of writing.
 Academic writing is also the process of writing analytically.
 Academic writing is a process of presenting ideas in a organized, systematic, reasonable,
rational,and logical way.
 1.2 Documents used in Academic Writing
 • Essays
 • Research report
 • Research proposal
 • Scientific paper
 • Academic journal
 • Dissertations and thesis
 • Abstract
1.2 Process of Academic Writing

1.4: Structure of Academic Writing

 Introduction- In this section we can start with several questions, a quote from a famous work or
person, some interesting facts, and also mention a definition of an important term related work
or topic.
 Body- This is the important part of the academic writing work and the paragraphs must be
arranged in a logical order, clearly written and also in chronological order.
 Conclusion- In the conclusion, we should re-emphasize the thesis and summarize all the main
points. The conclusion must be in a brief form.

1.5: Characteristics of Academic Writing

• Planning: There is a certain amount of planning before we start writing the paper, it should
be in a analytical and organized from.
• Outline: A proper outline is a very necessary for academic writing. Because this outline
helps us to formulate the thoughts, aware the relationships between topics.
• Tone: In academic writing formal tone is used. We do not use slang words
Abbreviations, jargon and many cliches.
• Language: A complete paper depend or based on the quality of language. In which using
words or sentences must be clear and meaningful.
• Approach: In this characteristic the main thing is deductive reasoning, that is big part of
academic writing.
This deductive reasoning and analytical approach are the main part or characteristics in
academic writing. Much planning and forethought are
Needed to have a well-organized paper.
• Point-of-view: The point of view in the third person, as the focus of academic writing is to
educate on the facts.
1.6: Importance of Academic Writing
• Academic writing play a very important role globally. Schools and educators will share
knowledge and experience and train students to write academically, as the writing skills will
always benefit them later.
• When we write anything means any paper or project or other one, we always try to get or
collect previous information about that particular topic or subject. Then we learn to analyze
from our reading and come out with what is important.
• Academic writing also help in the form of tool of communication that provides knowledge
in a specific field of study. Writing academically will help the students for analyze, to understand
and think critically and focus on technique and style in writing.
• Most of in higher institutions of learning, it can be difficult for students to explain the
description about particular topic or problem, so academic writing helps to improve or develop
their writing skills.
• Academic writing also play a important role for students to look at ideas and research from
a different perspective. Students have to learn to understand and analyze theories from a
number of different viewpoints.
• To think critically and objectively is a useful skill for people to learn early on in life, as the
ability to look at things objectively is something that will benefit them in real life.
• Academic writing has a strong focus on technique and how it should be used to best
convey ideas. If students learn about style and how to write essays early on in their academic
careers, they will find it much easier to write papers throughout university.
Other Importance of Academic Writing
• It Improves Critical Thinking Skills
• Helps You Analyze Different Works
• Improved Knowledge
• Learning to Write According to Rules
• and Regulations
• Preparation for the Future
• Evidence-Based Reasoning
• Complexity and Higher-Order Thinking

Course Name: Academic Writing and Research

Course Code: 20HYT-635
Topic Name: Approaches to Academic Writing, process of Academic Writing and Abstract
Learning Outcome: Students will apply critical approaches, process of academic writing, and
also learn the how to write an abstract.
Learning Content
1.1 Approaches of Academic Writing
1.2 Process of Academic Writing
1.3 Abstract Writing
Key Terms: Approaches and process of Academic Writing, Abstract Writing
 Approaches- the main features use in academic writing.
 Process of academic writing- the important steps use in academic writing like.
 Abstract- It is a concise summary of a larger project or research paper that precedes papers in a
research journals.

1.1 Approaches of Academic Writing: The approaches to Academic writing are:

1.1.1 Audience: Audience reflect WHO we/you are writing to/for.
-Who are people I am trying to communicate with?Who will be interesting in the research I am
-What re the most important things about the topic?
-Will every one in my audience agree with me what I have to say?
-Group work passage
1.1.2 Purpose and Strategy:
-Purpose- What do you have to accomplish?
-Argumentative-prove yourself right
-Strategy- means how are you planning to complete your goal?
1.1.3 Organization: in which you can add problem solving like-description of a situation,
identification of a problem, description of a solution and evaluation of a solution.
1.1.4 Style and Language choice: in which a researcher can avoid pronouns, attentive some
style like choose a single verb, choose more formal language, avoid run ones and questions, also
adjust the language to achieve an academic tone.

11.2.1 Planning:
• The planning process for academic writing involves:
• analyzing the task
• formulating an initial response to the question
• constructing your first plan
• reading and gathering research materials
• writing a second, more detailed plan

1.2.2 Drafting:
• After formulated a special plan, you can begin your first draft.
• A draft will helps decide on:
-your approach to answering the question
-the evidence and examples you will use
-the structure of your argument

1.2.3. Revise and Editing: after drafting it I necessary to revise and editing in the topic, in which
main points are-
• answered the question as fully and directly as possible
• structured you essay clearly and logically
• formulated balanced and well researched arguments
• developed clearly connected paragraphs and coherent arguments
• provided examples and quotes that support and are relevant to your answer
• remained within the set word limit
• used correct spelling, grammar and punctuation

1.2.4. Referencing: so now when the process of planning, drafting, revising and editing, lastly
we will include referencing in which-
• Once you have finished writing, you will be ready to prepare your final version and finalize
your list of references.
• When you compile your bibliography, be sure you have:
• used a consistent referencing style
• cited all quotations you have used
• cited everything you have paraphrased
• So to start writing the paper first we use the plan, draft, revision, edit it will be analytical
and organized.And in last step referencing will be add, with the help of this process we can
write a good research paper or dissertation or article.

1.3 Abstract Writing

Abstract: abstract is a concise summary of a larger project or research paper
That precedes papers in a research journals.
Which is used by scholars, students in Seminars and conferences.
Usually a one paragraph appearing at a beginning of a manuscript.
It is the first impression of the document and does not contain vague statements.
A short, self-contained, powerful summary of a research article, paper or a thesis.

1.3.1 Qualities of Abstract writing

• Exact
• Sufficient information
• Understandable
• Length: between 1540-250
• Layout: 1 paragraph
• Stand alone

1.3.2 Types of Abstract Writing

 Descriptive:
-What is the text is about
-The problem or issues explored
-The purpose and methodology of the research.
-Written before the subject
-Use for humanities and social sciences
 Informative:
-What is the text is about
-The problem or issues explored
-The purpose and methodology of the research
-The results
-The conclusion and recommendation.
-Written after a project has been completed
-Used in science, engineering or psychology report.

1.3.3 Purpose of Academic writing

• To persuade the reader to see the full text.
• To help the reader decide if the article or research paper is good or not.
• To answer a call of paper relate to any seminar or conference.
• To make this paper or article possible for your piece of research to appear in online
publication database.

1.3.4 The qualities that makes a good abstract

• Use only one developed abstract that is coherent and also concise.
• Covers all the essential academic elements.
• Do not include references.
• In the publications abstract of the beginning is found but in another side in academic
assignments it is place on a separate preliminary page.
• A good quality abstract must accurately reflect the purpose and content of the page.

Course Name: Academic Writing and Research

Course Code: 20HYT- 635
Topic Name: Summary Writing and Literature Review
Learning Outcome: Students will apply critical approaches to academic writing
Learning Content
1.1 Summary Writing
1.2 Literature Review

Key Terms: Summary Writing and literature Review

 Summary writing: a shortened passage, which includes the important information in a original
 Literature review: the selection of Available documents and also the effective evaluation of
research work.

1.1 Summary Writing
• A summary is a shortened passage, which includes the important information in a original
• Summary is a pure brief restatement in which we use our words for the content of the
• A summary can be take different form Such as mind map, flow charts, point form,

1.2 Steps of Summary Writing

• First read the whole passage carefully and attentively to grasp the accurate meaning of the
• After reading and rereading underline the topic sentences and other main ideas.
• The main ideas must be factual.
• Avoid always include examples or explanations.
• Make a rough draft in which rewrite the main points in only in one paragraph, but it should
be in your words.
• Rewrite the paragraph in which make sure that there is no language errors.And the all
included words are correct.
• Do not give your own opinion in the summary writing.
• Always give the original form to the summary writing.
• And it is essential to preserve the tone and register of the original while trying to use your
own words as far as possible.
• You simply report back what a writer has said, without making value judgments.

1.3 Avoid the following Elements in Summary Writing

• Repetition and unnecessary details
• Figure of speech
• Quotations
• Adjectives and adverbs
• Examples and illustrations
• Colloquialisms and slang
• Direct speech by using reported speech
• In the text: we can read

1.4 Literature Review

• A literature review is a list of book and journal articles on a specific topic grouped by theme
and evaluate with regard to your research.
• Literature review is the selection of available documents and also the effective evaluation
of research work.
• The literature review is also an account of what has been published in the relation to your

1.4.1 Purposes of literature Review

1.4.2 Steps of Literature Review

1. Choose your topic
2. Collect relevant material
3. Read / skim articles
4. Group articles by theme
5. Use citation data base
6. Find agreement and disagreement

1.4.3 Importance of the Literature Review

• Literature review give a accurate interpretation of old material.
• Literature review trace the intellectual or creative progression of the selecting field
including more relevant terms.
• In literature review we can evaluate the resources.
• Literature review also explain that why we have choose this particular topic or problem in
the research paper or article.
• It Creates a Rapport with Your Audience.
• It Helps You Avoid Incidental Plagiarism
• It Sharpens Your Research Focus
• It Sharpens Your Research Focu

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