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What is Academic Writing?

Generally academic writing considered as all kind of writing assigned to the

students for the purpose of study especially of college level
Academic writing is a formal and seriou way of writing
Characteristics of academic writing
• Using technical terms and phrases related to the discipline
• To avoid collegial expression, slang , personal experience and feelings
Features of academic writing
• Accuracy
• Precision
• Objectivity
Prerequisites for learning academic writing
• Start free writing:- Write continuously for some time without worrying
about grammar mistakes, Correctness and logical order Free curetting is
just like a warming up activity before a game.
• Keep a journal:- keep filing at least a page day with what pops up! your
• Reading and :- Reading is an essential factor for developing writing skills.
The topic on which you are going. to write is discussed with other students,
teachers Scholars, etc. Their opinions & findings will help you to improve
your writing.
• Think critically:- Critical thinking is a process of inspecting Hit Something
closely & reflecting and thinking good thinking are on it. Writing
compliment each other. A com refine your writing and good writing will
strengthen your thoughts.
• Develop research skills:- A series enquiring on a particular topic is referred
to as research.
• Learn the language of your discipline:- To write on your systematic
discipline (braking you need to get a initiation into the fundamentals of
your discipline. These fundamentals include the key wroads and phrases
frequently in that discipline.
Any use of other work sentence or ideas with out knowledge the source is
conceded as plagiarism In simple terms, plagiarism is an act of stealing others
ideas and works and posing them as one’s own it is an unethical act a serious of
fence, and is treated as a breach of academic integrity
Honor code
Honor code is a pledge taken. By students that they will uphold academic
integrity & ethical behaviour & will not engage in any kind of cheating, stealing &
misrepresentation. It is mandatory for all students to this agreement.
Difference between Academic and Non-Academic writing
Academic essay usually contain Non-Academic essay usually contain
Formal languages, words less Simple words and phrases commonly
used in informal conversation, found in informal conversation and even
technically terms or word typical slangs
to the discipline
Technical and formal vocabulary Non- technical and simple vocabulary
Elaborate explanation of the Elaborate explanation of the central idea
central idea or argument with or argument without supporting expert
supporting expert source source
Referencing Personal stories and no referring
Table Non table and figures
A clear conclusion Abrupt ending

Genres of academic writing

The genres of academic writing include essays research paper, book
review, textual analysis, literature review, project report, proposals, and
dissertation/ thesis Here is a list of some of the academic genres in higher
education institutions
1. Essays
Most academies uses essays to assess a student's progress. In examinations, essay writing fan
important component. A academic essay is to answer a question/ to define something / to
defend on argument e etc.... Same instructional words found to are: essay questions
1. Analyse
2. Assess
3. Compare
4. Define
5. Discuss
6. Evaluate
7. Distinguish between
8. Summaries
9. Explain
10. Illustrate
2. Research Paper /article
A research paper is usually longer than an Essay. It provides detailed information on a topic
through Different section’s like literature reviews, Methods gy, discussion and Conclusion
Documentation Style in subjects The Most Popular documenting Style on subject under
humanities tis MIN (Morden language Association)
3. Dissertation /Thesis

The words dissertation and thesis are often used inter changeably to refer to the monotony
final projects. In Certain academic Programmes The Names are used in Line different way in
different Places.
4. Case Study

The main skills involved in case study are problem solving critical thinking & writing. “(The word
“case” in case Refers to an individual situation/problem) The important Major section of Case
Study are:
1. Introduction
2. Objectives or films of the Study
3. Background/ history
4. Methodology
5. Review of literature
6. Results
7. Discussions
8. Recommendations
9. Conclusion
-Review of Literature
Literature review is an important component in a research paper; sometime literature review is
prescribed to you by your instructor as a separate writing assignment in simple terms it is the
summary of relevant previous writing on the topic under discussion. It is survey of books,
journal article and other formal writhing on a topic

A Proposal is what you Present to explain objections purpose Metiradalogy and
detailed Plan of a project. You are parsing to undertake if you are planning to
write a books Your Publisher May ask you for a proposal IF Faculty Member wish
to pursue a Project Funded By Some funding agencies like CGC, LSTI. TESSIR,
The following are the common elements in proposal write
1. Coven letter
2. Tittle page
3. Objective
4. Introduction
5. Metficodology
6. Detailed plan of action
7. Availability of resources
Rhetorical modes in writing
Rhetorical modes Key function
Norration Recounting events
Description To describe or porting
people, things, places
Illustration or Explaining will
explanation illustration or example
Division and To explain categories and
classification parts
Process analysis To explain how
something works and
show how something can
be done
Definition To explain what do you
mean by something
The Process of academic writing
There are three major processes preceding the submission of an academic assignment. They
are prewriting, writing, and revising imagine you are asked to write an argumentative essay,
what would be the steps that you will take to accomplish your task

i. Decide on what you want to study/ investigate

ii. Collect information or expect source
iii. Prepare a framework or stature to work on
iv. Start writing
v. Prepare the final draft the submit
Four purpose in academic writing are
1. To explain or describe something to the reader
2. To prepare the reader to think in a particular essay
3. To inform the reader of something
4. To share your experiences with the reader
Audience analysis
Audience analysis is an important Prerequisites for effective communication formal writing is
not different in this respect before venturing into an academic writing assignments.

Assignments Purposes
Descriptive essays, lab Demonstrating knowledge,
report, other explanatory understanding, synthesizing
Critical writing, Ability to construct
argumentative writing, argument, convincing
analysis of literacy someone
Review of literature, research Building research skills
report, write-up on
Proposal, case study , For professionals practice
problem solving, designing of
1.First paragraph of your essay
2.Gives background information and introduce the
3. Contains thesis statement or the main idea
4. Elaborate the main idea
5. Gives bunts on the plan of the essay
1.Focuses on the first supporting idea
2. Contains a topic sentence to present the
supporting idea
3. Substantiate or explain the supporting idea
4.indicates transition to the next idea
Body Paragraph -2
1.focuses on the Second supporting idea
2.contains a topic sentence to present the supporting
3.Substantiate or Explain the idea
4. Indicates transition to the next idea
Body Paragraph 3
1.focuses on the third Supporting Ideas
2.contains a topic Sentence to present the Supporting
3. Substantiate or Explain the Supporting idea
4. indicates transition to the Next Idea
Body Paragraph 4
1.focuses on the Fourth supporting idea
2.contains a topic sentance to present the supporting
3. Substantiate or explain the supporting idea
4. Indicates conclusion (optional)
1.lost Paragraph of an essay
2. Returns to / revised the thesis statement
3. Does not introduce any new ideas
4. Summaries the supporting ideas
5. Concluding statement/ final though
Steps in planning on essay
1. Pre-writing
2. Writing
3. Revising
4. Brain storming
1. Pre-writing
- the Question / topic, Purpose and acfience
- use Pre-writing techniques like brain-storming, clasfering Mind – Maping or outlining to lost
and organise your ideas
-If your instructor has given you a Question, convert the question into topic If the take is given
by the instructor convert .

- Frame the Thesis statement and list the min point or supporting idea
- Draft the introducing paragraph
- draft each body Paragraph with supporting point, substation and transition
- Draft the Concluding paragraph

Edit and revise your essay check for inconsistent use of turbo words and expressions, grammar,
spelling, punctuation and referencing

4.Brain storming
Generally, Drain Storing is a group Activity conducted at the beginning OR a project to generate
Brainstorming Technique . Before You Start writing essential for you to gather ideas and get
into the heat your Subject

Rhetorical Modes
The team Rhetoric & to the ways you com effectively. Rhetorical craters adopt to communicate
• Rhetorical modes are the strategies you adopt to reach out the reader. When speak/ write
you must make it sure that, Care you you convincing to make your reader accept you views.
Rhetorical modes are commercially wed in academicals writing assignments like arguments,
discussion, comparison of contrast, defining, classifying, cause & effect & persuasion.
The rhetorical mode used In academically writing are
1. Narration
2. Description
3. Illustration
4. Argumentation
5. Compare and contrast
6. Course and effect
7. Definition
8. Process analysis
9. Classification and division
Narrative is a subtropical mode suitable fed relating a sequence of events /
Example for factional narrative of short stories, novels, orator etc....
Example for factional narrative are autobiography, biography, new report ,
newspaper story, historical account etc....
Characteristics of Narration
1. Plot
2. Setting
3. Characters
4. Conflict
5. Resolution
6. Point of view
Description refers to the ability to describe things, persons & events. It is an
important Skill in communication. Description involves presenting information in
a manner appearing to our senses Sight task touch sound & smell. A 1 good
description can attract the attention of creasers.
a) Subjective Description: Descriptive writing contains. the elements
of subjectivity. That means in " Subjective description the writer’s
taste attitude,
b) Objective Description: Objective description contains the
elements of objectivity. In such descriptions the writer's interests,
feelings, lines, dislikes, experiences. are not included.
Illustration is a Abe logical mode at explaining something with the help or
examples. While waiting illustrative essays, it is important to use sullable sp
Features of Illustrative writing
1. an illustrative essay, we com also sufficient no. Of examples.
2. Examples in an illustratively essay Serve as evidence’s
3.Images, graphs, chants, diagrams, etc. Can be Asked as examples in an
illustrative essay.
Illustrative Writing Sample Topples
1.How does clothing enhance your appearence.
2. Changes in consumer behaviour
3.How binge eating affect health
4.Techniques for addiction
Argumentative writing is also called persuasive writing. Because one of the
foremost objectives of argumentative writing is to persuade the readers to think
in the same way the writer wants them to think.
*. In argumentative writing the writer give opinions ex views in a convincing
* In order to make argument convincing, am it needs to be clear y logical.
5.Comparison of Contrast
Compare & contrast essay examine two subjects by either comparing them,
contrastin them / both. The main objective of compare & contrast essay is to
analyse subjects that com be analysed using comparison / conterast in a
meaningful way. It does not aim at stating outward / obvious similarities /
differences but hidden Subtle, once domaly do
Format of Compane & Contrast Essay
1. Introduction:
2. Comparison
3. Contrast
4. Conclusion
Toples for Compare & Contrast Essay
1. Urban colleges & rural colleges.

3. LED T.V & LCD T.V

4. Astrology & AAstronom
5. Laptop &, Desktop
6. Characters in a novel

6.Cause & Effects

Cause & effect is a obstetrical mode Used in academic writing. This type of essay
includes reasons & results.
Features of Cause of Effect Essays
1.It makes it mandatory to enquire the reasons up explain the effects (results).
2.Cause Ep effect essay is also known as Casual analysts
3.It is in Essay on an issue, a phenomenon an event
Words used in Cause of effect essays
As a result, due to therefore, so in order to Because hence, this yet, consequently,
Definition is a way of explaining word / phrase. The word to be defined A may
refer to an object, an idea, a place, a phenomenon a person. A definition can be
written for a familiar word, new coinage abstract concept, or a debatable term
Words Sometimes assumed a newer dimension with the passage of time.
8.Classification & Division

The general purpose of classification division is to break broad subjects in to ६

Smaller parts. In academic writing, classification division essay analyses people
things, ideas/ places by categorising them into small groups/ classes
9.Process Analysis
Additionally furthermore, next, for the first step simultaneously after before
initially then in the beginning most importantly & Subsequently, ultimately during
this time, finally.
Academic Essay Non- Academic Essay
It contains formal Simple & high frequency
language. words are used.
It contains the words less It contains non-technical
used technical terms and informal words
It contains technical It has a short
terms introduction and body
Single words are used Main idea is explained
Vocabulary if formal and No bibliography, words
technical cited as foot notes
It contains referencing There is no referencing
Academic Words List (AWL)
The high frequency words in academic works in English language are referred to
as Academic Words List. The AWL includes a main list and sub list, learning the
words in the list will enable you to understand academic text as well. The
important prerequisite to learn academic words list is the ability to use the most
elementary words in English. The list includes words often using in different
academic disciplines. You have to familiarise yourself with these words to make
your writing more effective with suitable vocabulary. Averil coxhead from Victoria
university of Wellington, NewZealand was among the earliest compilers of AWL.
After examining papers from different disciplines, she came up with 570
Parallelism is the use of components in a sentence that are grammatically the
same. Or similar in their construction, sound and meaning. Because of the
repetition the idea is conveyed deeply and properly. And also it adds the flow of
the text.: the poem is lyrical, long, interesting and meaningful. It will improve the
readability of your work.
Discourse refers to a unit of language longer than a sentence. It may be very short
like a conversation or long as a novel. Discourse makers refers to words and
phrases that are used to keep the ideas expressed in different sentences intact.
They are also called cohesive devices or linkers. They connect one discourse to
another. They are used for the Following purposes
2. Sequencing ideas
3. Introducing a new idea
4. Balancing contrast
5. Emphasising
6. Changing of subject
7. Adding persuading
8. Giving examples
9. Summarize
It refers to the use of more words than that is required Ex: I returned back the
book to the library I returned the book to the library. Such expressions are also
called as verbal garbage Ex: The coat that Anitha wore for the party was blue in
• Use one word equivalence Ex- In close proximity to – Near • Avoid redundant
expressions (Meet together – Returned Back-Returned)
• Avoid introductory It (It is easy to find fault with others – Finding fault with
others is easy
• Eliminate unnecessary qualifiers (I put his honourable umbrella on the
honourable umbrella stand.) • Simplify sentence structure (It is unknown whether
the Medicine is effective). The effectiveness of the medicine is unknown.
• The process of reading your drafts repeatedly for mistakes after you finish
• this process of editing and rewriting certain words can be added or omitted, if
• In proofreading grammar, vocabulary, spelling, sentence structure and format
of the text are all thoroughly examined.
MLA Style:
• MLA is a style guide for academic writing.
•MLA is developed by Modern Language Association
•The MLA style guide is widely used by writers and
Researchers in academic writing. MLA gives guidelines on:
• Heading and Title
• Abstract
• Introduction
• Formatting Text
Punctuation: key Points:
• A bunch of marks or signs used to bring clarity of Expression in writing.
• Punctuation helps the writer clearly convey the message. • Brings accuracy in writing.
Strengthens the arguments. Helps emphasize the major idea discussed in the paper/ article.
•Wrong use of punctuation makes the ideas vague and Complicates meaning.
What is a case study?
Case Study is a written account that gives detailed information about a person, group or thing
and their development over a period of time. As an instructional strategy, case studies have a
number of virtues. They bridge the gap between theory and practice and between the academy
and the work place. They also give practice to students in identifying the parameteters of a
problem, recognizing and articulating positions, evaluating courses of action, and arguing
different point of view.
Survey is a method of collecting information by asking questions. Sometimes interviews are
done face to face with people at home, in school or at work. Other times, questions are sent in
the mail for people to answer and mails back. Increasingly surveys are conducted by telephone.
There are many instruments are to conduct surveys. Questionnaires are one of the main tools
to collect information.
Book Review
It is a special form of academic writing that gives a student the opportunity to critically examine
a topic in details. Book reviews play an important role in academic communication. If you are
going to review a book, you should;
Read the book carefully
•Write down your impression
• Research the author andhis other works
• Reviews should givea balanced,critical evaluation of the text • Evaluate the contribution of
• Set the work in a larger, broader context

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