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Nirav H. Shelat, DO, Georges Y. El-Khoury, MD

ABSTRACT parts of the musculoskeletal system in children, are

More children are participating in organized common sites for stress fractures. Abnormal stresses
and recreational athletics at a younger age. It at these sites may result in disruption of endochondral
has been well documented that increased athletic ossification, ultimately resulting in physeal widening5.
specialization and year-round activities have re- Repetitive microtrauma also leads to bony cortical
sulted in higher incidences of overuse injuries, defects and stress fractures, which can be in the form
including stress fractures and stress reactions. of fatigue fractures (excessive forces on normal bone)
Initially, stress fractures can be radiographically or insufficiency fractures (normal forces on abnormal
occult. Continued stress on the injured bone bone)2. This article reviews the classic radiographic
or cartilage can lead to progressive radiographic and MR findings of common stress fractures in children.
changes. Because of the prevalence of these in-
Spine: Spondylolysis
juries, both orthopedic surgeons and radiologists
Spondylolysis is a stress fracture which occurs through
should be aware of the radiographic and magnetic
the pars interarticularis, and occasionally through the
resonance imaging (MRI) features of common
pedicle. It is the result of repeated bouts of extension
stress fractures in children. This article reviews
and rotation about the spine6. It has been observed
frequently encountered stress fractures involving
with higher frequency not only in young athletes, but
various bones in the pediatric population.

A recent increase in the number of children participat-
ing in competitive sports has resulted in an increase in
stress injuries1. These stress injuries can be difficult to
diagnose. In young children, the clinical examination is
often difficult given the inability of children to provide
detailed histories or fully participate in the physical exam.
Detection of the hallmark features of common stress inju-
ries on both radiographs and MRI can aid in the diagnosis.
Stress fractures are the result of repetitive forces on
the musculoskeletal system that has not had sufficient
time to recover2. In children, factors such as weaker
osteochondral junctions, thinner cortices, hormonal
changes, and decreased mineralization predispose to
stress fractures3,4. This is further compounded by par-
ticipation in sports with demanding schedules which may
not allow adequate time for the child to recover. The
physis and the apophysis, which are among the weaker

Nirav H. Shelat, DO
Georges Y. El-Khoury, MD
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
200 Hawkins Drive
01043 JPP
Iowa City, IA 52242 Figure 1. 13-year-old basketball player complaining of low back
pain. (A) Axial T1 image demonstrates transversely oriented low
signal (arrow) through the L5 pedicle and pars. (B) Axial T2 image demonstrates corresponding edema (arrow), confirmed on sagittal T1 (C) and STIR (D) sequences (arrows). Findings are consistent
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose. with unilateral stress fracture through the left pars interarticularis.

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Pediatric Stress Fractures: A Pictorial Essay

Figure 2. 16-year-old baseball pitcher with recent onset of low back pain. (A) Axial T1, (B) T2 and (C) sagittal STIR images demonstrates
bone marrow edema (arrows) in the left L3 pedicle, consistent with non-displaced stress fracture.

in certain populations that require repetitive flexion and

extension of their spine, such as the Eskimos7, 8. Lower
back pain in the young patient should prompt a search
for spondylolysis7. Conventional computed tomography
(CT), MRI, and single photon emission computed tomog-
raphy (SPECT) are all acceptable diagnostic modalities.
CT is superior to MRI in the detection of spondylolysis,
but involves the use of ionizing radiation. SPECT can
help confirm the diagnosis in cases which are indetermi-
nate on MRI9, 10. Typical MRI findings include low signal
on T1 and increased signal on T2 or STIR sequences at
the pars interarticularis and/or pedicle (Figures 1 & 2).
Acromial Apophysiolysis/Os Acromiale
One to four ossification centers are seen at the acro-
mion by 15-18 years of age. From anterior to posterior,
these ossification centers are the pre-acromion, the meso-
acromion, the meta-acromion, and the basi-acromion.
Failure of fusion of the acromion in the background of
chronic repetitive traction forces from the deltoid has
been termed acromial apophysiolysis11. Without healing,
this may progress to an os acromiale, which can in turn
lead to impingement symptoms in the shoulder. Patients
typically present with chronic shoulder pain of insidious
onset. In younger patients, differentiating between an
os acromiale and normal apophyseal development can be
challenging, as the age range of acromial fusion can vary
from 18 – 2512. However, irregular cortical margins and
Figure 3. Collegiate American football player with shoulder pain and abnormal marrow signal with adjacent bony edema favors
known lesser tuberosity avulsion. (A) Axillar y shoulder radiograph the diagnosis of acromial apophysiolysis13 (Figure 3).
performed to follow up lesser tuberosity avulsion demonstrates an
unfused apophysis (arrow) at the acromion. (B) Follow up MRI
demonstrates edema at the apophysis (arrow), consistent with ac-
Little Leaguer’s Shoulder
romial apophysiolysis. “Little leaguer’s shoulder” is a term used to describe
injury to the proximal humeral physis typically caused
by repetitive overhead throwing. It is often observed in

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N. H. Shelat, G. Y. El-Khoury

Figure 5. 14-year-old baseball pitcher with medial elbow pain for 1

month duration. (A) AP radiograph demonstrates asymmetric widen-
ing of the right medial epicondyle physis (arrow). (B) The left elbow,
submitted for comparison, is unremarkable. (C,D) MRI performed
the following day demonstrates edema within the medial condyle
epiphysis (arrow) and the adjacent metaphysis of the humerus. The
ulnar collateral ligament (not fully shown) was intact.

A male baseball pitchers between the ages of 11 and 16 in

whom the excessive rotational forces of overhead throw-
ing lead to physeal injury14. Patients tend to present with
focal pain over the anterolateral shoulder that is worse
with overhead throwing. Radiographs demonstrate phy-
seal widening and irregularity15 (Figure 4). MR findings
include similar findings of widening of the physis, along
with marrow edema on fluid sensitive sequences16.
Elbow: Little Leaguer’s Elbow
“Little Leaguer’s elbow” is a term used to describe
injury to the medial epicondylar apophysis17. Patients are
usually young adolescent pitchers or catchers presenting
with medial elbow pain either with direct palpation or
Figure 4. 13-year-old baseball pitcher. AP radiograph of the (A) valgus stress to the elbow. Children can present with
right shoulder shows diffuse widening of the right proximal humeral mild flexion contracture at the elbow secondary to pain17.
physis (arrow). (B) For comparison, the left shoulder demonstrates
normal width of the physis. While generally the physical examination is sufficient

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Pediatric Stress Fractures: A Pictorial Essay


Figure 6. 11-year-old gymnast just days away from a championship meet, with ongoing wrist pain. (A) AP radiograph of the wrist is essentially
unremarkable. Specifically, there is no evidence of physeal widening, irregularity, or fraying. (B, C) T1 and T2FS coronal MRI images demonstrate
marrow edema through the distal metaphyses of the radius and ulna (white arrows), and to a lesser extent, the radial and ulnar styloids (red arrows).

for making the diagnosis, radiographs demonstrate disease can lead to premature fusion and positive ulnar
widening or fragmentation of the apophysis (Figure variance, TFCC injury, and scapholunate or lunotriqu-
5). The contralateral asymptomatic elbow can be used etral ligament disruption19.
for reference in determining physeal widening. MRI
demonstrates marrow edema and aids in determining
the integrity of the common flexor tendon and ulnar Sacral Stress Fractures
collateral ligament18. Sacral stress fractures are known to have a higher in-
cidence in female athletes, particularly in runners21. The
Wrist: Gymnast’s Wrist
female athlete triad describes the relationship between
Gymnasts frequently start intense training at a young
caloric imbalance, hormonal dysregulation, and impaired
age, when repetitive stress on the upper extremities can
bone health22. The injury, therefore, has components of
lead to physeal injury. Mechanical forces of dorsiflexion
both a fatigue and insufficiency fracture. Radiographs
and compression triggers physeal injury at the distal
are often normal, while MRI demonstrates linear low
radius19. Similar forces can lead to the same injury in
signal intensity on T1 images with corresponding edema
weight lifters. Analogous to Little Leaguer’s shoulder,
(Figure 7). In endurance athletes, similar findings of a
radiographs can demonstrate widening and fraying or ir-
stress fracture can be seen in the inferior pubic rami23
regularity of the physis, while MRI demonstrates edema
(Figure 8).
through the metaphysis (Figure 6). Severe or chronic

Figure 7. 18-year-old female cross countr y runner with gradually worsening low back pain. (A) Coronal T1, (B) coronal STIR, and (C) oblique
coronal T2 fat saturated images demonstrate a stress fracture of the left sacral ala extending to the sacral foramen.

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Figure 8. 15-year-old female cross countr y runner with pubic pain, referred for MRI to “rule out sports hernia.” (A) Axial T1 and (B) T2FS
images demonstrate a healing fracture (arrows) through the left inferior pubic ramus. This was radiographically occult.

Pelvic Apophyseal Injury Femur: Stress Fracture

Traction apophysitis in the pelvis is a commonly Femoral stress fractures are relatively rare in com-
recognized overuse injury in children. When chronic, parison to stress fractures of the tibia, fibula, and foot25.
children can present with dull pelvic or hip pain. This Stress fractures of the femur result from repetitive load-
injury is more frequently found in athletes involved in ing, and are most common in endurance runners, jump-
twisting activity resulting in traction on the apophyses, ers, and dancers. Repetitive loading results in subperi-
such as dancers, runners, football and lacrosse players. osteal bone resorption and microfractures which are not
The most common sites of injury include the anterior given sufficient time to heal. Femoral stress fractures
superior iliac spine (origin of the sartorius and tensor can present with pain at the groin, hip, or knee, and are
fasciae lata), the anterior inferior iliac spine (origin of the typically aggravated by activity. While the most common
rectus femoris), and the ischial tuberosity (origin of the site of fracture is the femoral neck, fractures can occur
hamstrings)24. Radiographs can demonstrate a spectrum anywhere along the femoral diaphysis (24). While lack-
of findings from cortical irregularity to frank avulsion of ing in sensitivity early in the disease, radiographs will
bone. MRI most typically demonstrates marrow edema classically show linear sclerosis, periosteal elevation, and
and variable signal intensity in the corresponding ten- cortical thickening, consistent with a protracted healing
dons, depending on the extent of their injury (Figure 9). response. MRI reveals the problem earlier, showing
linear low signal intensity on T1 sequences and corre-

Figure 9. 13-year-old baseball player (shortstop) with gradually worsening groin pain. (A) Axial T1 and (B) axial T2FS images demonstrate
bone marrow edema at the left ischial tuberosity (arrows). The hamstring tendons appeared normal. (C) Retrospective review of the radio-
graph shows subtle cortical irregularity along the lateral aspect of the left ischium (arrow).

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Pediatric Stress Fractures: A Pictorial Essay

Figure 10. 9-year-old boy with histor y of renal transplant on chronic

immunosuppressive therapy presenting with thigh pain. (A, B) Fron-
tal and lateral radiographs demonstrate a linear band of sclerosis
(arrow in A) through the distal femoral metaphysis and periosteal
reaction (arrow in B), consistent with healing stress fracture. Inci-
dental note is made of fracture progression through a non-ossifying
fibroma along the medial cortex.

Figure 12. 3-year-old girl with a limp. Lateral radiograph dem-

onstrates an area of uninterrupted periosteal reaction along the
Figure 11. 16-year-old female runner with prior histor y of pelvic posteromedial aspect of the left tibia at the middle third of the tibia,
stress fracture, now complaining of tibial pain. Sagittal STIR image consistent with stress fracture.
demonstrates edema at the insertion of the patellar ligament (arrow),
consistent with active Osgood Schlatter disease. There is mild pre-
tibial edema in the soft tissues anterior to the tuberosity. There is
minimally increased signal within the ligament itself.

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Table I. Fredericson MRI Classification

System for Tibial Stress Injur y
Grade MR Findings
0 Normal
1 Periosteal edema only
2 Periosteal edema and bone marrow edema (on T2 only)
3 Periosteal edema and bone marrow edema (on T1 and
4a Multiple foci of intracortical signal abnormality and bone
marrow edema on both T1 and T2
4b Linear areas of signal abnormality on both T1 and T2

Figure 13. Two different patients. The patient in (A) is a 12-year

old-girl who had been immobilized following a Lisfranc injur y. The
second patient in (B) is a 12-year-old girl who had been immobilized
following medial cuneiform osteotomy. (A) Lateral radiograph dem-
onstrates a vertically oriented sclerotic line in the calcaneal tuberosity
(arrow). (B) AP radiograph demonstrates periosteal reaction (arrow)
surrounding the second metatarsal, consistent with stress fracture.

sponding edema on fluid sensitive images (Figure 10).

Subperiosteal fluid, when present, is a useful finding to
confirm the diagnosis3.
Figure 14. 14-year-old boy involved in multiple sports presents
Tibia/Fibula with worsening ankle pain. (A) Sagittal T1 and (B) T2FS images of
the ankle demonstrate linear signal abnormality in the distal tibia
Osgood-Schlatter Disease consistent with stress fracture (white arrow). Multiple additional
Osgood-Schlatter is one of the most common causes areas of signal abnormality (red arrows) are also consistent with
stress reaction.
of anterior knee pain in young athletes, caused by repeti-
tive microtrauma and subsequent traction apophysitis of
the tibial tuberosity. It is commonly seen in 12-15 year Diaphyseal Stress Fracture
old boys or 8-12 year old girls who participate in jump- A common site for stress fractures in adolescents is
ing activities24. Patients present with anterior knee pain the tibia, followed by the fibula25. They are commonly
and swelling. Physical examination is usually diagnostic, found in children participating in football, soccer, ten-
with radiographs demonstrating soft tissue edema over- nis, and running. Radiographs demonstrate cortical
lying the anterior tibial tuberosity, and some degree of irregularity and periosteal reaction, typically along the
fragmentation and irregularity of the tibial tubercle. MRI posteromedial proximal third of the tibial shaft (Figure
demonstrates edema in the tibial tuberosity and distal 12). MRI can be useful in equivocal cases. The Fred-
patellar tendon. Hoffa’s fat pad may also show increased ericson classification system classifies MR findings for
signal on fluid sensitive sequences (Figure 11). tibial stress injury, with grades 1-3 deemed as “stress
response” and grade 4 as “stress fracture”26 (Table I).

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Figure 15. 8-year-old girl with foot pain and a limp. (A) Lateral radiograph demonstrates subtle sclerosis in the cuboid (arrow). (B) Follow
up MRI demonstrates a linear low T1 signal intensity focus (arrow) through the lateral aspect of the cuboid with (C) corresponding edema on
T2 (arrow), consistent with stress fracture.

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