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Karen Dayana Velandia Cordero

Add the nouns and verbs in the box to the paragraph below.

cat, mirror, ladder, person, shoulder, umbrella, had

better, is supposed to, ought not, shouldn’t, should be,
should have

If you listen to the advice of a superstitious (1) …person…, you (2) …had

better… be ready to pay a lot of attention to what you’re doing each day. Be

careful with that (3) …umbrella…. You’ll be told that you (4) …should be…

open it indoors. When you’re walking along the street, watch out for a (5)

…ladder…. You (6) …should have… careful not to walk under one. Did you spill

any salt recently? You know that you (7) …shouldn’t… immediately thrown

some of it over your (8) …shoulder…, don’t you? And remember that you (9)

…ought not… to be careless with a (10) …mirror…, because if you break

one, you’ll have seven years of bad luck. However, if you see a black (11)

…cat…, that’s good, because it (12) …is supposed to… be lucky.

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