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1. What is your study all about?

Our study is all about awareness of every college student of

education department on the effectiveness of modular learning
and their academic performance. Because of the outbreak of the
new corona-virus all schools and institutions needs to deal with
new set up when it comes in learning. Our topic will discuss the
effectiveness of one of most chosen learning methodologies
which is the modular learning, or how aware the students of the
effectiveness of it. What will be the impact on their academic

2. Why did you choose this topic?

As a future teacher what major problem we see caused by this
pandemic is the closure of schools and institution. And because
of that each of those who are involved including the parents’
teachers and the students need to deal with the new learning
methodologies. And according to some surveys some prefer the
result and to know what are the effects. And how aware the
students of the effectiveness of this set-up and why do the
prefer this learning methodologies we chose this topic to know
their opinions and how helpful it is.

3. What theories or concept did you use?


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