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Nur Annisa Almasari

Linking Words of Cause and Effect
The most common lingking words and expressions of cause and effect into four groups:
1. Coordinating Conjunctions: For (cause), so (effect)
A coordinating conjunction comes between two main (independent) clauses. You must
put a comma before the conjunction.
- The clothes dry quickly, for it is very hot today.
- Today is very hot, so the clothes dry quickly.
The conjunction ‘for’ is formal and only appropriate in formal written English. ‘so’ is the
most common conjunction to express an effect in spoken English. However, it is not
appropriate in written or formal English.
2. Subordinating Conjunctions: Because, since, as (cause)
These conjunctions join a main (independent) clause and a subordinate (dependent)
clause to each other.
- I sleep because/since/as I’m tired.
If you start with a subordinate clause, you must separate the two clauses with a comma.
- Because/since/as I’m tired, I sleep.
The conjunction ‘as’ and ‘since’ are more formal than ‘because’. However, all three can
be used for both speaking and writing.
3. Conjunctive Adverbs: Therefore, consequently (effect)
Conjunctive adverbs join two main clauses to each other. You can separate the two
clauses either with a semi-colon or with full-stop. Full-stop is better when the subordinate
clause is long. Make sure you put a comma after the adverb.
- She is very evil; therefore, everyone doesn’t like her.
- She is very evil and very cruel to everyone. Consequently, everyone doesn’t like her.
‘therefore’ and ‘consequently’ are formal an appropriate in formal situations and written
Note: Conjunctive adverbs ‘hence’ and ‘thus’
These two conjunctive adverbs are sometimes used as even more formal synonyms for
‘therefore’. However, their user is restricted to very formal and specific context. This
recommend that you don’t use them as a synonym for ‘therefore’ yourself.
4. Prepositions: Because of, due to (cause)
These expressions are not conjunctions. They are compound prepositions; therefore, they
need to be followed by a noun or the gerund form of a verb, not by clause.
- Everyone was amazed at her because of/due to she is very beautiful.
‘because of’ and ‘due to’ are synoyms. ‘because of’ is in both formal and informal
English. ‘due to’ is more formal and appropriate in formal situations and written English. If
you start with prepositional phrase, you must separate the two clauses with a comma.
- Because of/due to she is very beautiful, everyone was amazed at her.
1) If you prefer to use a clause, you can add the expressions ‘the fact that’:
- Everyone was amazed at her because of the fact that she is very beautiful.
2) Other compound prepositions that may be used in formal ‘cause & effect’ sentences
are; ‘owing to’ and ‘thanks to’. ‘thanks to’ always has a positive connotation:
- Dara couldn’t attend owing to her illness.
- Thanks to the untiring support of my sister, I’ve back gotten back on my feet.

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